Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 482: Necromancer?

In Star City, the number of pedestrians on the streets is gradually decreasing. At the same time, the number of soldiers wearing armors gradually increases. There are hurried walkers on the streets. Seeing this scene, Mu Xiaoxiao and He are standing on the roof. Dinessa glanced at each other, and it seemed that something really happened.

"It's the imperial capital of the Star Empire, how can anyone dare to make trouble here?" Mu Xiaoxiao, holding the attitude of watching the theater, naturally wouldn't worry so much, so he said playfully, with an expression. It was also slightly relaxed, "I have to admire one sentence, I'm so courageous..."

"Indeed," Dinessa also nodded, "I feel that this place has a lot of powerful aura..."

"Yes, there seems to be nothing moving, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes, "I let others mess around in my own territory. I don't know what I think, but it has nothing to do with us. Let's go and take a look," said Then, Dinesha and the two dived into the darkness.


"Hurry up! General Liang has passed!" A group of soldiers rushed over, and a soldier in armor on the other side ran over and shouted, "Where is the magician? Didn't the magician team come?? Damn! Nothing! Magician, how can the warriors clear out the troublesome undead?! Hurry up! Call the Third Magic Legion to help!"

"Also, seal off this area! Don't let innocent people get involved! General Liang said, now start to activate the A-level alert!!"

After a panic, the small group of soldiers ran back in a hurry. Mu Xiaoxiao and Dinesha didn’t say anything when they saw this scene. After the team escort. Mu Xiaoxiao and Dinesha finally came to a position close to the center, but...

"Retreat!" Mu Xiaoxiao and Dinessa's eyes flashed at the same time, their figures flashed across the street, and they soon sank into the darkness and hid on a big tree. Below the two of them where they originally stood, a white hand gleaming with silver light appeared on the spot.

"This...this is..." Dinessa frowned, and saw that as far as she could see, a shimmering silver light, wearing a broken dark armor, holding a A black scythe and a two-meter-high skeleton appeared on the spot, two groups of green ghost fires in the hollow eyes fluttered, and a cold breath exuded from his body. Turned his head and looked around, and found that there was nothing, he turned and left this place.

"Little, this is..."

"Skull?" Mu Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes, "And the skull just now. The strength can't be underestimated... It seems that something big has happened."

"It looks dangerous, shall we continue to move forward?" Dinessa turned her head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, and asked with a slight worry, "Maybe it is even more dangerous ahead, little you..."

"I'm okay," Mu Xiaoxiao raised her mouth, "Sister Di, don't think of me as someone who has no power to bind a chicken. And after seeing that skeleton, I became more interested," Mu Xiaoxiao The pupils of the eyes were filled with slowly excited light, "I can't calm down if I don't take a look..."

"...Since Xiaoxiao, you are going. Then go, but be careful when the time comes." Dinessa felt that the dangerous aura of the stage was flooded in front of her, but since Mu Xiaoxiao had said so, she I can only agree that the two people carefully bypass the weird skeletons that appear from time to time. Close to the center.

Fortunately, I didn't bring them together. It's no good that this horrible skeleton scared Wendy Elaine and their little Lori.

"Boom, boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of fighting and explosions can be faintly heard. Mu Xiaoxiao and Dinesha looked at each other, then turned up the roof. Hiding in the shadows, looking around.

"Hiss..." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but gasp, and saw not far in front, a large sea of ​​dense skeletons, all of which were silver armored skeletons he had encountered before. It is estimated that at least There are also no less than two hundred. The more important thing is that the strength of these skeletons, but the strength of the sixth order, although in front of the seventh-order powerhouse, the sixth-order can only be regarded as scum.

However, these skeletons have infinite recovery ability. Even if they are broken, they can be resurrected infinitely. They are comparable to Mu Xiaoxiao’s true ancestor lineage. The army of more than two hundred skeletons has gradually resisted those human soldiers holding long spears. No, if it wasn't for the red figure in the center, it might have been defeated long ago.


Blood-colored vindictive energy surrounds her body, and every swing is accompanied by bursts of wind and explosive vibrations. The surrounding skeletons are vulnerable to her attack, and they are scattered on the ground, only in the distance. A person shrouded in black robe clicked on the magic wand in his hand, and those skeletons could all be resurrected.

This is too rogue. Mu Xiaoxiao who saw this scene couldn't help feeling resentful. Of course, he took the initiative to ignore the fact that he also had such a rogue ability...

"Looking at this situation, the eldest sister can't support it anymore." The woman over there is Liang Xinwu. At this time, her body exudes a lot of momentum, but her eyes are full of annoyed expressions. It is obvious that she has been This rogue style of play is disgusting.

"That person is Xiaoxiao's friend?" Dinessa's eyes fell on Liang Xinwu and nodded, "She is very strong, and there is still a huge power in her body that has not been exerted. Otherwise, not It's just such a little strength...but you don't have to worry, Xiaoxiao, these skeletons will not hurt her for the time being."

"That's what it said, but it's not good to go on like this..."

"After all, this is the base camp of other people. Didn't you say that Xiaoxiao?" Dinessa smiled, "I think I will be rescued later."

"That's right," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "The Star Empire is also one of the twelve empires. How could it be possible to allow others to come to my own house and cause this to happen."

"More importantly," Dinessa turned her head and looked around. Although it was still pitch black, she seemed to see something. "There are many people around us, peeping at this place... ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback. He hadn't noticed the situation. He turned domineering, and as expected, there were a lot of masters hidden around him. Paying attention to this place, it seems that Dinessa is still more sensitive than herself, "We too. It’s not clear whether these people watched the show like us or..."

"Don't act rashly yet," Dinessa approached some Mu Xiaoxiao, leaning close to him, "Look at it, but I don't know what it is capable of controlling dead bodies... The creeps are terrifying..."

"It should be a Necromancer...or a Summoner...Anyway, it is of this type...Huh? Sister Di?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback~www.readwn. com~ I immediately found that Dinessa next to her was already attached to her body, and Mu Xiaoxiao could clearly feel the temperature of the opponent's body, "This is..."

"Shhh..." Dinessa suddenly made a gesture, "Someone has already spotted us, so don't show any flaws..."

"Hey? How is it possible?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, "We should be hiding quite concealed..."

"Probably because of some special abilities or props," Dinessa guarded Mu Xiaoxiao's side. "Not only us, but other people around were basically discovered by him. It was about 400 meters in the direction of 35 degrees to the southwest. Don’t look past the distance! Otherwise, he will be alert, and he will pretend that he hasn’t noticed. He can’t hear us.”

"Yeah..." Mu Xiaoxiao replied. As Dinesha said, there was no movement. She looked at the battlefield ahead. The houses over there were basically destroyed and beaten. It was fierce, but Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, because a strong golden light suddenly burst out of the skeleton warrior.

"That is..." (to be continued)

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