Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 508: An empire just around the corner

The Tamron Empire, in the glorious palace in Tamron City, a group of soldiers armed with long spears, mighty and fierce, exuding waves of killing intent, surrounded a man in armor walking along the wide road. The man was about 20 or 30 years old. Left and right, the body was restrained and couldn't see anything special, but judging from the expressionless look on his face and the appearance of the surrounding guards saluting, they were not simple characters.

The man walked to a large hall, and then raised his hand, the soldiers behind him stopped one after another. The man who saw this scene nodded, walked forward and knocked on the door, and yelled softly, "Your Majesty... .His Majesty?"

"Come in," a low, steady voice sounded, and the man opened the door and walked directly in.

This is a not-so-small palace. Although there is no way to match the main hall, the decoration is still very luxurious. The room is full of bookshelves. At the front is an exquisite desk, one about the size of a man and wearing a golden dragon robe. The person sitting there, reading the book in his hand, immediately raised his head when he heard the door opening.

"Second brother, you are here," Long Zhan raised his head and looked at the man who walked in. "Didn't I say, don't you need to be so serious when there are no outsiders? We are brothers," he looked at the serious dragon. Zhen, shook his head, with a helpless look on his face.

"How can this be? After all, you are the emperor of the empire now, big brother, and you can't mess with the rules," Long Zhen glanced at his brother before him, then bowed his head in a salute.

"Okay, okay, it's the same every time, whatever you want," Long Zhan said as he continued to read the book in his hand, but said in his mouth. "I came back so soon, it seems that the turmoil on the border has been resolved by you... I really deserve to be my brother, a man with the title of [Killing God]."

"..." Long Zhen was still unmoved when he heard these words, his face was still paralyzed, and it made people feel that he might never show his expression. Stand there silently.

"Then I don't go to rest after I come back. What should be the matter of coming to me here? Otherwise, you wouldn't just come to see me..." Long Zhan laughed.

"..." After a long while, Long Zhen looked at his brother in front of him and said, "That it true?"

"whats the matter?"

"You can hide from other people, but you can't hide from me. Of course it's the queen's escape," Long Zhen said with a wink, gritted teeth, "and about that illegitimate girl..."

"Unexpectedly, you knew it so soon," Long Zhan nodded. Even if he talked about this humiliating thing for him, he was not so angry, he still said calmly, "Yes, that woman has escaped from here... and during this period of time I expelled A lot of people did not catch her."

"This...why is this?" Long Zhen didn't understand.

"Why?" Hearing this, Long Zhan raised his head and looked at his younger brother whose expression finally changed. "Second brother. Are you still interested in that woman?"


Seeing this, Long Zhan is still unclear? He sighed, "At the beginning, our two brothers pursued her at the same time. Looking back now, it was a big smile. That woman had already hooked up with someone. Second brother, what if I win you? In the end, it's mine. The situation is worse than you..."

"And you don't know, for so long. She never let me touch it," said Long Zhan with a sneer. "I think you must be thankful for something. Fortunately, she still likes you, right?"

"..." Long Zhen was speechless. After being silent, he asked again for a while, "Who is it? Have you checked it out?"

"No, when I just found out about this, she had already taken the illegitimate girl and ran away," said Long Zhan with a cold face, "That's all, and what's even more annoying is that **** woman. , Actually stole that thing from the treasury..."

"That thing?" Long Zhen was taken aback, "Could it be that..."

"Ah, you guessed it right, I didn't expect her to be so bold, so," Long Zhan's face became gloomy, "In any case, I will not let him go!"

"What about the illegitimate girl? Didn't you find it? If you catch her..."

"No way, the one named An Ran has entered the God of War Academy," Long Zhan's expression was ugly, "So for the time being, we can't do anything unfavorable to her..."

"Is there no clue?" Long Zhen frowned.

"There are clues...but there are," Long Zhan said suddenly, "A man named Mu Xiaoxiao, do you know?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao...I haven't heard of it, what's the matter?" Long Zhen shook his head.

"According to my information, this person named Mu Xiaoxiao has been in contact with An Ran, and the relationship is pretty good, so he should be clear about some information about that woman," Seeing what Long Zhen wanted to say, Long Zhan shook his head, "But that person is in the Dead Sea...I only recently heard that he has come to the mainland, but the specific whereabouts are not clear..."

"Dead Sea?"

"Well, I guess his home should be in the Dead Sea. According to rumors, this person is not very familiar with the mainland. It is likely that he grew up in the Dead Sea since he was a child... It's a good idea to catch him, but he There is no whereabouts yet..."

"Let's go!" Long Zhen stood up directly and said, "I don't need to know his whereabouts. My Heavenly Dragon Army is the strongest. Even the Dead Sea can't stop me, so I went directly to the Dead Sea to find him. Close family members! I don’t believe he won’t show up at that time!"

"Since you have decided so..." Long Zhan nodded, "I will leave this to you."

"I will bring her back," Long Zhen just said faintly, then turned and left the room, watching his back disappear into the room, Long Zhan sighed, his eyes looked a little uncertain. After a while, I took out a letter and wrote on it.

"Come on!"

"Your Majesty..." A golden armored guard walked in.

"Take it, and send this letter to the person in charge of the Imperial Capital Assassin's Guild, fast."

"Yes, I understand!"


At the same time, Long Zhen also led his army towards the Dead Sea. The goal was naturally Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Mu Xiaoxiao... the specific origin is unknown... I guess it may be a barbaric person from the Dead Sea, but it seems that he is less than twenty years old, and he is already at least a seventh-tier intermediate powerhouse. "Long Zhen looked at this piece of information in his hand. Although it hasn't been long since Mu Xiaoxiao entered the mainland, the various forces are not fools. How could he not make good investigations when he meets such a young and powerful man who has reached the seventh rank." ?

Therefore, for some big forces, Mu Xiaoxiao entered their sights long ago, and it is not that difficult to find information about him. Of course, there is too much uncertainty about the information itself, and even those big forces , I want to investigate but I can’t find anything useful.

"Following a few strange women..." Long Zhen glanced at the information in his stroked his chin, "Compared to Mu Xiaoxiao, are these women more terrifying? Interesting...I really want to see how powerful a strong man who can repel the orcs is..."

"My lord, the battleship is ready," a guard next to him walked over and said after a salute.

"Well, we have such a big movement, the Star Empire has no response?" To enter the Dead Sea, it is necessary to pass through the Star Empire. Although Long Zhen is not afraid, he will also worry about getting into trouble. It is not good for the Tenglong Empire and the Star Empire to cause conflicts. NS.

"No..." The guard shook his head, his face full of doubts, "It seems that something major has happened to the Star Empire...they have no interest in us..."

"Is it a big deal...Forget it, the most important thing now is the current crusade against Mu's small things. Put the other things aside for the time being, let's go!" (to be continued)



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