Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 573: ? Gift of D Night

Is it a unicorn? Mu Xiaoxiao touched her chin, "Xia Luo, your unicorn is indeed very strong, but it is only for spying on intelligence or tracking the enemy, and it is still a little insufficient for large-scale detection. Just rely on Dinesha. I feel that the manpower is also a little scarce, and it is necessary to summon a few who can detect..."

"God, Xiaoxiao, are you planning to summon a new woman?" Xia Luo approached with a smile and stared at Mu Xiao weirdly. It was here that I met...Liang Xinwu? Sonia? Ice? Looks like it's more than that..."

"Hey?" What about Mu, I'm just..."

"It's just for Qiong them? Is this just an excuse?"

"What an excuse...Ahahaha," Mu Hahaha. ≥≥,

"Well, we are just talking," Suddenly Xia Luo changed her conversation again, and smiled, covering her mouth. "After all, we are just grumbling, if something..."

You have said so much, okay? And now that it's all about this level, why am I embarrassed to continue calling? Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless, and Elaine next to him suddenly spoke, "Xiaoxiao, I can help you with this matter."


"You don't know, right?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's stunned expression, Elaine smiled slightly, "As a fairy. What I am good at is the power of nature. That is, communicating with the forest and nature." she said. With a wave of his hand, a trace of light flew out. Under everyone's dull eyes, a small tree sapling rose from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it slowly grew into a vine with bright flowers on it. Flowers. |

"Wait...this is..." Xia Luo was also quite surprised.

"This is my ability. How can I say it's also a fairy. Don't you think that I am powerless? As a saint of the fairy clan, although not comparable to the fairy king, the strength is not tolerated. Underestimate," Elaine looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a triumphant expression on her face, "How about? Xiaoxiao?"

"Awesome," Mu, I really almost forgot..."

"Huh. You know I'm great," Elaine squinted comfortably. "As long as these seeds are planted in the God of War Academy, and then after the flowers grow, you can monitor the movement in any corner," Elaine said with a smile, "This way, you won't be afraid of the attacks of those demons."

"Then I beg you, Elaine," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, and turned to look at Qiong and Aisha and the others, "We have been on the road for so long, so let's go clean up and rest, right? Everyone is tired, too? I am now a teacher at the God of War Academy, should I have some privileges? You are bored here, you can also visit this academy."


On the other side, Bai Xian, who was suspected to be a demon by Mu Xiaoxiao and others, came to the military department registration office of the War God Academy. It seems that she is planning to enter the military department, and this kind of test that is not a main subject is much simpler. At least after a while, Bai Xian successfully entered the military class, and at the same time...

"Well, hello..." Bai Xian looked at a beautiful black-haired girl standing in front of her, bending over and bowed nervously, "My name is Bai Xian, I am a freshman who has just entered. ....."

"Are you a freshman?" The woman looked at this handsome young man with her head down, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly. "My name is Yu Youyou, which is your senior sister, but the War God Academy doesn't have such a saying, so don't worry about that much. , Now I will take you to the teacher of our subject."

"Yes, I understand."


"By the way, why would you follow us?" Liang Xinwu turned her head and looked at Mu Xinyi who was behind her, and asked depressedly.

"I have my own business, and I just want to see Lord Carlo," Mu Xinyi said lightly. After Mu Xiaoxiao was gone, she returned to such a cold expression, and Liang Xinwu saw After her indifferent expression, there is always a familiar feeling coming up, a little like a person... It's just that she didn't remember who it was for a while.

"It's up to you..." Liang Xinwu didn't care.

"Ah..." Han Bing still looked helpless, and sighed, "It's really boring, following you...nothing interesting..."

"Interesting thing?" Liang Xinwu glanced at her who exuded laziness. "I'm curious, did you have this kind of personality before you lost your memory?"

"Who knows about that kind of thing," Han Bing curled his lips and looked at the girls. "You won't say anything. The remaining few people... are all types who can't hold back a word for a long time," Speaking, he took a look at Jana, "Especially you...It was normal when I was with Xiaoxiao before, and even choked on him. Why is it a dull gourd now?"

"...Do you want to **** trident?" Jana glared at her.

"Hmph, don't you think I'm afraid that you won't succeed?" Han Bing looked at her without showing any weakness.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing," Sonia had to stand up to be a peacemaker, "Han Bing, why are you so familiar with Mu Xiaoxiao? They are called nicknames."

"Hey, this woman has a familiar look, she will stick to it when she sees it, and of course she will be familiar with it," Jana sneered.

"What are you talking about?! I just think he is funny," Han Bing glared at her, "and can I understand that you are jealous?"

"You...what are you talking about? Eating... jealous?" Jana blushed slightly, and then shouted, "Are you kidding me?! Why am I jealous? That kind of guy? ......"

"..." Sonia sighed helplessly as she was about to make trouble again, "Forget it, let's go to the dean as soon as possible, they will probably stop after passing. Speaking of what your plans are, after telling Master Carlo about the devil, should you go back or enter the God of War Academy?"

"We should all be the same, have the qualifications to enter the God of War Academy, right?"

As some special geniuses, every big power has a few people who can enter the God of War Academy without an examination. These people have been invited by the God of War Academy. Of course, they are completely free to go or not. For example, Speaking of Jana of the Sea Clan, Liang Xinwu of the Star Empire, Sonia of the Elf Clan, etc., in simple terms, they are default and recommended.


"Hey! Brat, are you there?!" Early in the morning, there was a loud voice outside the door. Within two seconds, the door was opened, and an old man rushed in and immediately saw that he was holding it. Mu Xiaoxiao, whose head was lying on the sofa, with a lollipop in his mouth, and a notebook in front of him, looked extremely comfortable.

Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched, "What are you doing, brat? Don't hurry up to prepare? Today is the day when the trial assessment begins!"

"Yeah, crazy old man," Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, and continued to lie on the sofa calmly, "Don't you know you are going to knock on the door when you come in? It's too rude..."


"Master, how many times have I told you, pay attention to the image, what if you are seen like this if there are guests?" Sakiya walked over, looking helpless.

"You won't tell me to be elegant," Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, thinking of time, a sudden pain.

"Elegance is not necessarily required, but the basic image is also required..."

"Um..." Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and stretched her waist. "I have been rested and full these days. Is today the day of the assessment? Anyway, I should be more than the chief examiner for the assessment. Bar?"

"Of course, the trial illusion is quite dangerous. It is not worse than Feilong Valley and Poisonous Mist Swamp. Of course it is for those new students," Feng Luo gave a weird look at Mu, your strength is very strong. , But how strong is I don't know exactly, do you want to play a game now? "

"...Slap you up," Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, "As for my strength, you will know when I enter the illusion. Let's go in now," he said, turning his head. , "Sakiya, don't follow me. There is no danger here. Just pay attention to the safety of Qiong and the others. I will leave first."

"Wait, Master," Sakuya suddenly stopped Mu Xiaoxiao, walked up, stretched out her hand, and passed it to Mu Xiaoxiao, "Since we don't need us to follow, then Master accept this... ."

"Huh? Pocket watch?" With the silver pocket watch lying on Sakuya's palm, Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, "Is this... a gift for me?"

"Master can be regarded as a gift," Sakiya said with a smile, "and it is also something that can protect you, Master, so don't lose it, you have to wear it on your body all the time," Sakiya exhorted.

"Protection?" Mu Xiaoxiao nodded. With her own strength, she doesn't need protection, right? But since it was Sakiya’s heart, I still accept it, "I understand, I will never lose it," he picked up the pocket watch, and then waved his hand, "I'll go first, Sakiya, bye. "After speaking, he rushed out directly. (To be continued...) u

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