Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 599: 5The identity of Heshidao?

"Origami, you don't need to think too much about this matter," after a long while, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her and smiled, "about the phantom thing, if he comes to you, please tell me about it. "Well," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "Although I don't know what his plan is, but it won't hurt you at the moment."

"I see, brother," Origami nodded.

"What are you talking about? What is Phantomast?" Shixiang approached curiously, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and Origami and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a weird guy," this must also remind Shixiang, thinking, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Shixiang in front of her and said, "Shixiang, if you see a phantom that can't see clearly, No matter what he says to you, be careful, and tell me when you come back, you know?"

"Phantom? I see..."


"Qin, what do you want to tell me?" The taxi who came to the kitchen turned his head and looked at Wuhe Qin behind him, asking strangely.

"Uh...this..." Looking at the Wuhe Shidao in front of him, Qinli's face became stiff, and he didn't know how to speak, and he couldn't help but hesitated. After a while, he hesitated and said, "Um...I just want to ask my brother..."

"Ask me? Ask what?" Wuhe Shidao was taken aback.

"This...that..." Qinli groaned for a long time, then cautiously said, "That brother...Speaking of, he is already in high school now. You don't have a girl. Friends?"

"Girlfriend?" Wuhe Shidao looked at his sister strangely, "What are you asking for?"

"This...just because of curiosity to ask, ah ha ha ha ha," Wuhe Qin made an embarrassing smile on the back of his head. "In short, don't ask so much, just tell me!"

"Well," Wuhe Shidao shook his head, "Don't you know your brother and my situation? How come there is a girlfriend?"

"Then..." Wuheqin rolled his eyes and asked again, "Then brother, do you plan to have a girlfriend?"

"Well... at present there is no such plan." Wuhe Shidao thought for a while, "After all, there is no interest right now..."

"Not interested..." Wuheqin sighed, his face a little serious, " not interested temporarily, or not interested in the future?"

"Hey? What do you mean by this?" Wuhe Shidao was taken aback. Then I saw the weird look in Qinli, as if thinking of something, he asked suspiciously, "Qinli...I feel that you are a little weird today...did you hear something? For example? Say...what have you heard since I was little?"

"Hey? This..."

"He should have told you something, right?" Wuhe Shidao narrowed his eyes.

"This...that...I don't know what to say, it's just that I want to ask..." Wuhe Qinli tried to cover up.

"Hey," Seeing her like this, Shi Tao still doesn't understand the reason for everything? He sighed, "It looks like Xiao Xiao said something to just came to ask me, right?"

"..." Qin Li didn't know what to say. I can only stay silent, and admit it in disguise, after a long while. She just asked, "Is that what the little brother said is true? You really..."

"..." Wuhe Shidao paused, and suddenly showed a weird smile, "If I say it is true..."

"Hey?" Qinli was taken aback, "Really?"

"Well, you wouldn't believe it if I said no? And..." Shidao shook his head. "I don't want to say something against my heart, it's exactly what you think..."

"Why... it is actually true." Wuheqin's eyes widened, but he might have guessed it a long time ago. Or maybe she was psychologically prepared, so she was not as surprised as she had imagined, but she still stunned her. Seeing what the Qin Li looked like, Shidao smiled helplessly.

"Well... actually don't have to be so surprised," Shidao shook his head. "In fact, I wanted to hide it. After all, it might be dangerous if you let you know...but... .. Now I have to tell you the truth, Qinli."

"Huh? The truth? What do you mean?" Wuheqin suddenly had a bad feeling, and then she stared wide-eyed, the boss with an open mouth, in her sight, Wuhe Shidao in front of her, her brother was blurred. After the fluctuations, it is clear that the appearance of Wuhe Shidao has become...

"" Wuhe Qin pointed at the Wuhe Shidao with a trembling finger, no, maybe it was Wuhe Shizhi. Reached.

"What's the matter? Are you surprised?" Shizhi raised his mouth when he saw Qinli's shocked look. "Although I am a little sorry, I can't help it. Qinli, this is my true face. ......"

"You...who are you..."

"Me?" Shizhi sighed deeply, "Well, just tell you, I am actually..."


"Well, why aren't they okay?" Yatogami Shixiang, who was sitting on the sofa eagerly waiting for dinner, couldn't help pouting, "The speed is so slow... I'm starving to death."

"It's really slow..." Mu Xiaoxiao also couldn't wait. He knew that Qinli should be discussing the issue with Shidao in it, but he didn't know what was going on now.

"Why don't I go check it out," Toiichi Origami stood up, "It just so happens, I also plan to learn how to cook, I can ask Shido for advice..." Just when Origami got up and was about to enter the kitchen , Shidao and Qinli have already walked out.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm in a hurry? I was delayed because I said something. Let's eat now." Shidao held a large plate in his hand and placed it on the table, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao Shixiang and waiting with a smile on his face. people.

"Oh! It's finally here," Shixiang's spirit came when he saw the Shidao and the piano come out. And Mu Xiaoxiao stared at them.

I found that Qinli and Shizhi both had a peaceful face, without any strange expressions. Didn't they talk about it just now? Mu Xiaoxiaoli was secretly surprised, but at this moment, Qinli stepped up and sat down beside Mu Xiaoxiao, before he could even ask. With a strange expression on his face, he whispered.

"Little brother, sorry, I can't help it..."

"No way? What do you mean?"

"..." Qinli turned his head and glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao delicately. "Actually just now...Tao talked with me, do you put it, you don’t need to think too much, little brother," Wuhe Qinli is trying to organize the language. "Brother...Brother, although he has that kind of interest to you, he doesn't really do anything to you. So now, brother, you can concentrate on helping us to solve the elves. You don't need to care about the other things at all. ."

"That's it..." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded. "But will Shidao be too..."

"It's okay, elder brother, he won't care... and... if you wait until later..."


"No, no, nothing...Don't talk about this. Anyway, little brother, you don't have to worry about it," Wuheqin waved his hand, "Now let's eat."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao always felt something was wrong, but since Qinli said so, there was nothing to do.


In the kitchen...

"Huh? Elf?!" Qinli's eyes widened, which had to surprise her. He was originally just an ordinary brother of his own, but suddenly he told her. My brother is actually an old sister, and also an elf? ! Prick your old girl! Wuheqin is a little crazy. After a long while, after she slowly absorbed the information, the corners of her mouth twitched and asked.

"Could it be that... Shidao... Oh no, Shiori... Sister," I am still quite unaccustomed to my brother becoming a sister, "What you said, you also know I became What happened to the elves? You also became an elves for some reason..."

"No, no, I'm not the same as you. In the piano, you are just an elf transformed from a human being, and I... a pure elf..."

"Then this matter, little brother he doesn't know?"

"I didn't even tell you, how could he know?"

"But won't you be misunderstood like this? Why don't you tell him the facts?" Qinli sighed, "After all, my little brother really treats you as a man..." It's not just Mu Xiaoxiao. Except for the phantom who knew Shiori's identity and the Tokisaki Kakuzo who had met once, no one would know the true identity of Wuhe Shido. Of course, a koto was added now.

"Actually, I thought about telling him, but," Shizhi said, his face darkened slightly, "Little when he was together since childhood, he didn't seem to like me very much... ..."

"That's just because you are a man in front of her, and you show that kind of..." Qinli said, "That kind of undisguised feeling... is a man. Will everyone be scared, okay?"

"...I also know but," Shiori Wuhe sighed and shook his head, "My identity is a wizard, if you tell him... a wizard Isn’t his identity exposed?" Said Shizhi frowned, "It’s okay now, I can still have a bit of fantasy. What if he knows the identity of my elf and hates me? After all, the elf and Humans are still a little different."

", you see Shixiang is also an elf, and he doesn't have a little brother..."

Wuhe Shizhi looked at the piano and smiled slightly, "I’m not sure about this. I am still a little worried, so I don’t want to tell him about my identity at the moment... The ability is what I gave him. I want to see how he will date the elves and then seal the power of the elves."

"If he really doesn't reject Shixiang these elves at all, and even says he can..." Shizhi's face blushed and he was very shy, "If he can become a couple... Then I will tell him who I am! But if he hates elves, then I would rather never tell him that I am an elves."

"...Hey, since Sister Shizhi, you have said so..." Qinli shook his head, "Then just do whatever you want..." (to be continued)

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