Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 666: lo*ic*n

"Hurry up and answer my question honestly!" Gui Mu Guizi glared at Mu Xiaoxiao and exclaimed.

"Problem" Mu Xiaoxiao stalled his hands, "Of course it's because I am your teacher, Guizijiang, you are my student, there is no big problem as a teacher to help your students, right?"

"Teacher? Is this really the case?" Gui Mu Guizi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao suspiciously, "Even a teacher, there is no need to do this, right? Or is there any other reason?"

"What if I say there are other reasons?"

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly showed a weird smile and looked up and down at the little Lolita in front of him, causing Gui Mu Guizi's body to tremble unconsciously. Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's scorching eyes, his heart tightened inexplicably, and his conscience lowered. I turned my head and whispered, "What's the reason?"

"Well, for example." Mu Xiaoxiao deliberately slowed down, and when Gui Mu Guizi didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, she felt a bit interesting, "It's because of Guizi sauce or something."

"My reason for me?" Gui Mu Guizi opened his mouth, "Wait, don't you mean it?"

"What do you think?" Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes.

"You are a perverted lo*ic*n!" Gui Mu Guizi stayed for a while before reacting, and she screamed out of irritation. She didn't know if it was because of shyness or anger that blushing appeared on her face, or There are both, and I stammered a bit. "Unexpectedly, you are a big pervert!"

"Is it too perverted?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the shy little Lolita in front of him. "Those words just now are just for fun. Don't be serious. I'm not the kind of person who is interested in Lori, and" Mu Xiaoxiao paused suddenly, looking up and down at Gui Mu Guizi in front of him.

"And, strictly speaking, you are not a loli."

"Hey?" Gui Mu Guizi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't react.

"Although you are a girl, it seems at first glance. It feels like a tomboy. If you are not wearing a skirt, it is really hard to recognize. So how could I be interested in you, hahahaha, ouch," Mu Xiaoxiao, a large and small, was punched in the head by Gui Mu Guizi.

"You, you look like a man!" I don't know why, Gui Mu Guizi who heard this was filled with anger. It seemed that the same was true when they met for the first time, this **** bastard. It's also hateful to regard yourself as a boy! Do you really look like a boy?

Thinking about it, Gui Mu Guizi couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Ahem. Don't think so much," Mu Xiaoxiao saw the frustrated Gui Mu Guizi, waved his hand and laughed with a dry cough, "Actually, this is not bad. Girls with general tomboy characters are also very popular, and they are popular among girls. They are all the protagonists. "Although I never watch Girl Manga, Mu Xiaoxiao thought to himself, "This is also one of the cute spots."

"Huh, cute, do you think I would be happy to say that," Gui Mu Guizi rolled his head and looked away, his face blushing.

"Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly didn't know what to say.

"That" was silent for a while, Gui Mu Guizi suddenly squeezed, and asked in a low voice, "Do I really look like a boy?"

"" Seeing Guizi Guizi's unusually nervous look, Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, and said with a slight pain, "Well, it's actually not that like that, hahahaha, just because Guizijiang you are ah, short hair "The reason for this, yes," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly, "If you have long hair, Guizijiang will still be very cute."

"Hair?" Gui Mu Guizi stretched out her hand to twist her short hair, nodded thoughtfully, "This way"

"By the way, I forgot to give you something," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled when Gui Mu Guizi seemed to have forgotten to put on his back and recovered most of his vitality, "You left this thing, right?" He Reaching out, a game console appeared in his hand.

"This is." Gui Mu Guizi took the pfp that she didn't know when she left it. "Where did you get this thing from you? Just now." Gui Mu Guizi's eyes were still sharp and she saw Mu Xiao Xiao looked like he took this thing out as soon as he turned his wrist, and Gui Mu Guizi exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"Uh, don't care about those details," Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "but I didn't expect Guizijiang to buy this thing. Could it be that you like this game?"

"I like it?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's smiling eyes, Gui Mu Guizi blushed and stammered, "Don't be stupid! How could I like you? Don't get me wrong! I just want to be bored. It’s just a play."

"Hey, that's it," Mu Xiaoxiao didn't bother to expose her, casually found a chair to sit down, "I'm exhausted, let me rest here."

The two of them sat on the chairs, Gui Mu Guizi opened the pfp to play, but she didn’t put her mind on it. She glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao from time to time, looking absent-minded, and Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to be absent-minded. I was thinking about something and didn't speak.

"That" finally, Gui Mu Guizi couldn't restrain the weird atmosphere, and said, "Who are you on earth?"


"You seem to be very mysterious, even the existence of a devil is very clear" Guimu Guizi looked at the pfp in his hand and whispered, "Could it be that you are an existence like an angel?"

"I am not an angel, I am a human being," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "As for the specific identity, I can't tell you for the time being, you will know later," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "More What I tell you now is of no use."

"I knew I was perfunctory," Gui Mu Guizi's eyes dimmed when he heard this, as if sulking.

"I'm serious. About my identity, you probably won't believe it," Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and touched Guizi's head.

"Um" Gui Mu Guizi groaned comfortably when Mu Xiaoxiao touched her head, but she suddenly reacted, her face was flushed, her whole body stiffened, and she seemed to be quite nervous. At this time, her body A crooked, it seems that he is about to fall down.

"Wait, Guizi, you're all right"


Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to hold Gui Mu Guizi, but she was accidentally taken down by her. After a soft sound, the two fell on the chairs at the same time, but Mu Xiaoxiao was pressing Gui Mu Guizi's soft body at the moment. Above, two hands were pressed on Little Lolita's two arms, and the cheeks of the two of them were almost close to each other. They looked at each other, and both of them were a little dumbfounded and did not react in a daze.


"Cough cough, I'm sorry," Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao responded quickly and immediately let go of her arm and sat up, with a slightly embarrassed face, "It's just accidental, don't care."

"" Gui Mu Guizi was silent, sat up silently, her bangs covered her eyes, her expression was hidden in the shadows, she couldn't see clearly, for a long while, she muttered, "Lolita."


Mu Xiaoxiao calmly couldn't. lo*ic*n or something, he really wasn't.

" Just when Mu Xiaoxiao was too embarrassed to know what to say, Gui Mu Guizi suddenly said, "What happened in this school and the things that the demons did. Is it important? "

"Hey?" Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, looking at the expressionless Gui Mu Guizi next to him, "Gui Zi, you said this is suddenly."

"Aren't you troubled about that person named Yuzaki Kaori? I can help you"

"What? Guizi, are you serious?" Mu Xiaoxiao stared at the little Lolita beside her with wide eyes, and looked at her unexpectedly, "Say to help me", it seems that she hasn't started attacking her yet? Why all of a sudden? "The Guizi sauce, don't you care about your father? How come?"

"Care?" Gui Mu Guizi lowered his head, "Isn't this taken for granted? That's my dad. He has always been on business trips because of work, and there is very little time to meet, but every time he comes back, he will bring me gifts. Of course I care about this kind of thing! I even wondered if I should just go find those demons!" Gui Mu Guizi cried.

"Guizi" (to be continued to be continued...)


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