Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 682: Shiro Wimiya?

"Sakura, it's almost time to go to bed," said Sakura still clinging to Mu Xiaoxiao in the middle of the night, holding his arm as if she didn't want to leave, and said helplessly, "I have to get up early to go to school tomorrow. , Can’t sleep too late, and my brother also said that he will stay here for a while, but he won’t run away."


"Sister Kwai is right," Mu Xiaoxiao also smiled, "Sakura, you should go back to your room and rest first. For the time being, I will stay in Winterwood City for a while, so don't worry."

"Sakura, go back to the room with me and sleep," Rin Tosaka leaned over, glared at Mu Xiaoxiao with a bad look, and hummed, "Don't get close to this guy!"

"..." What happened to her? Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Tosaka Rin dumbfounded, how could it seem that he was very opinionated and hostile to him? Doesn't it seem that she has offended her? Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, and what he said she got along well with Xiao Lori, it was completely fine to use the title of Friends of Lori, but...

"Okay, I see," Kozakura nodded, and suddenly looked at Tosaka Rin with a strange look, "Sister...Do you want to sleep with me today?"

"Sleep together?" Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Tosaka Rin strangely.

"You... don't think about it, isn't it a common thing for our sisters to sleep together?" Tosaka Rin saw Mu Xiaoxiao's gaze shooting at him, only feeling uncomfortable all over, pouting Said the mouth.

"..." I didn't think about it, but you were thinking about it, right?

"Sister..." Sakura suddenly lowered her head, wringing her fingers, and whispered. "Um...Sister, I want to sleep with my brother..."

"Huh?" Rin Tosaka widened his eyes when he heard this, looking at his sister in surprise, "Sleep with this guy? ...Don't you say..." It seems that Rin Tosaka's thinking is really strange. Thought of something bad.

"You pervert! What did you do to Ying? She is just a child!"

"Damn! Do you think I will do something bad?" Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched and calmly couldn't. "You can't make up too much, right? Sakura is my sister, there's nothing wrong with sleeping together, right? Sakura and I slept together before, but of course she didn't do anything."

At that time, Sakura still had some psychological shadows about the incident at Ma Tong's house, so she stuck to Mu Xiaoxiao all day. Naturally, I would stick to him to sleep together at night, but after all, he was a child, and even if Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, he couldn't do much. Don't forget that he is also a child's body.

So even if I heard Xiao Ying's words about sleeping with Mu Xiaoxiao, there was nothing surprised and crooked. On the contrary, Rin Tosaka's expression made Mu Xiaoxiao want to complain.

"No way, no way," Tosaka Rin saw the pitiful eyes Sakura was looking at him, gritted her teeth, and violently grabbed her hand, but gave Mu Xiaoxiao a menacing look in his eyes. "Who knows Will you do anything to Sakura? I don't believe you, for Sakura's safety. You must be with me at night."

In the end, she pulled Sakura directly into the room, and Sakura didn't have time to say anything. She was pulled in. Mu Xiaoxiao who saw this scene shook her head, but Chancheng Kui next to him covered her mouth and chuckled, "It seems that Rin also likes you very much..."

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't respond, "Like me? Sister Kui, are you kidding? How do you look at it..."

"Well, since Shi Chen left. Rin has also become disliked to communicate with others, and in school... there are not many friends." Said Chancheng Kui with some worry on his face, "Even with When Kozakura is together, she has become more and more mature. You must know that now she is just a seven-year-old girl..."

Chancheng Kui sighed, "I hope Rin can be like a normal child..."

Ordinary children? Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, Rin Tosaka was the head of the Tosaka family, and he was destined to be an ordinary person.

"But Rin's attitude towards you is completely different," Chancheng Kui smiled slightly, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao and said.

"Um...Is that so, ah ha ha ha ha..." That was just an ordinary tsundere, Mu Xiaoxiao sweated.

"It's getting late, let me prepare a room for you."

Seeing Chancheng Kui go to clean up the room, Mu Xiaoxiao exhaled. Originally, he planned to find Bai Ji Elquit directly, but now, I have to go to Einzbern’s house first. Xiaoxiao thought to himself, but if Alice Phil did not die after the Fourth Holy Grail War, then didn't Eimiya Kiritugu be with her?


Early the next morning, after Mu Xiaoxiao woke up, she found that two little loli had gone to school, and only one Chancheng Kui stayed at home. After washing up, Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback after seeing the breakfast on the table. "Sakiya did you do it?"



"Is Xiao Xiao already up?" Chancheng Kui walked over with two boxes. "Breakfast is ready. By the way, I want to trouble you with something," she said, putting the box in her hand on the table. On, "Rin and they forgot to take the lunch box, can you send it to school for me."

"Bento? Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Sakuya, you just stay here, oh yes, sister Kwai, do you know Eomiya Kirisi?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked tentatively.

"Eomiya Kirisi..." Chancheng Kui frowned, "Is it the r of the Fourth Holy Grail War? I've heard...what's wrong?"

"Well, I want to know his movements after the Holy Grail War ended... I don't know if Sister Kwai knows."

"This..." Chancheng Kui showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry Xiaoxiao, I don't know much about this..."

"It's okay, I'll just check the news myself later," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, picked up the box and waved, turned and ran out, "That's it, I'm going to send Ying and the others a lunch... "Maybe the same as before, Eimiya Kiritugu and Eimiya Shiro led an ordinary life in Fuyuki City, and of course it is possible to return to Einzbern's house.

After all, Alice Phil did not die.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to find Eomiya Keiji, for the purpose of Liya's scabbard Avalon. After all, it was something needed to summon Saber in the future, and he failed in the Fourth Holy Grail War and exited midway, thinking of that Mu. I was a little depressed, the ability gained in the world of revolutionary machines.

Similar to the vampire's undead abilities and body occupation, this body occupancy ability actually has side effects. Of course, it is also because of his poor mental power. This also makes Mu Xiaoxiao a little careful about the use of this ability.

Soon, Mu Xiaoxiao arrived at Ying Youlin's elementary school, but here, he saw a person who surprised him.

"Brother!" After seeing Mu Xiaoxiao, Ying rushed over.

"Hey! Why did you stupid come here?" Rin frowned immediately when she saw that Mu Xiaoxiao had come to her school. Although she seemed a little uncomfortable, there was a glimmer of joy in her eyes, which was fleeting, "Could it be that" Is it for Sakura?"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao felt that if she said'yes' something terrible would definitely break out in front of this little loli, she could only smile awkwardly, "I'm just here. I'm sending you a lunch box, forget this..."

"Rin, I want to ask, that person over there..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at a little boy sitting alone in the seat, "Who is it?"

"Why are you asking?" Lin followed Mu Xiaoxiao's fingers and looked over, curling his lips, "I don't know."


"What's weird," Rin rolled her eyes when she saw Mu Xiaoxiao's surprised look, "I didn't know."

"Brother," Ying smiled next to her, "My sister never interacts with other people in the class, and basically doesn't know their names."


"But that person, I remember it was called..." Sakura thought for a while, "It seems to be called Shiro Wimiya..."

Sure enough, it was him, Shiro Weimiya. (To be continued)

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