Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 1: Otaku System

"Wow...I finally bought it, a limited edition zero-track PVC figure," Mu Xiaoxiao walked on the street with a paper bag, with a look of excitement, "It's just a bit expensive, it seems this I can only eat instant noodles for a few days, hey..."

Mu Xiaoxiao, 17 years old, is an ordinary otaku. His family background is not bad, and his parents are always on business trips, so they are always at home alone. This makes him often complain, the most classic pick-up girl in the second element. Conditions, having a car and a house, and both parents are busy, this is a necessary condition for a male sex, so why I have passed 17 years, let alone sex, the girl has not even held the girl's hands.

   is unscientific!

   Is it because my parents are not strong? Looking at the parents in the anime, they are all **** teammates, and they play well. Even if they don't have a beautiful girl, they will give their sons a fiancée. Sure enough, there is no way to compare the three-dimensional element with the two-dimensional element..... .

"Well, forget it, anyway, I don't have much interest in the three-dimensional." With a sigh, Mu Xiaoxiao hurried to the house. In order to grab the limited edition figure, he could go out and wait here early. Seeing that the sky was also going to darken, at this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, stepped on the air under his feet, and fell headless before he could react.

   "Hey?" Mu Xiaoxiao hadn't figured out what the situation was, suddenly a strong pulling force came from all around, and he could only shout out a word helplessly, and then passed out into a coma.

   "Which **** dug this pit!"

Mu Xiaoxiao, who had passed out of a coma, didn’t know that it was not a pit at his feet, but a black hole. The moment the black hole sucked his body in, a spot of light entered Mu Xiaoxiao’s left eye, this kind of weird The situation, the passers-by around did not behave abnormally, and they still walked on their own, seemingly unable to see this scene...


   "Didi, the system is activated...a life form is found...starts to scan for the characteristics of life form..."

   "The scan is completed, the host conditions are met, and the host binding begins..."

   "The binding is successful, and the otaku system is officially opened..."

Hmm...what sound, Mu Xiaoxiao's consciousness began to return, and she was dazed to hear the sound of'dididi' coming from her ear, and slowly opened her eyes, "hiss. ...The hurts," Mu Xiaoxiao immediately felt her left eye tingling after she opened her eyes, and she couldn't help covering her eyes." What's going on... Did I get a beating without knowing it?"

Muttering, Mu Xiaoxiao scanned the surroundings casually, the original inattentive expression also stopped, and then slowly grew her mouth, her wide-eyed eyes flashed with incredible light, "This... .This is where?"

I saw that I was lying in a forest now, surrounded by tall trees that could not see the top at a glance. Under the big trees, there were countless flowers and plants that could not be seen. Mu Xiaoxiao opened his mouth wide and froze for a while. , Said with difficulty, "What's the matter? I remember... as if I fell into a pit before... and then I didn't know anything... I rely on ! Woke up and ran into the Amazon jungle?"

  The weird situation made him automatically ignore the stinging left in his eyes.

   "Host, this is not the Amazon jungle..."

   "...Where did the sound come from?" Before he could absorb the information just now, the sudden sound startled him, and he swept around vigilantly, "Is there anyone else here?"

   "I am not a human..." The voice sounded again, "I am the intelligent AI of the system..."

   "AI? System?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked, "Am I right?"

   "Of course not, I am the AI, host of the otaku system."

"...Could it be that I fell into the pit and stepped on shit? Otherwise, how could I be so lucky," Mu Xiaoxiao said excitedly, "Otaku system, it seems that my dream can come true. That's it!" After standing there for a long time, Mu Xiaoxiao wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, "By the way, system, do you know where this is? Why did I suddenly come here?"

   "This is the Continent of Miracles, but the system doesn't know exactly where it is."

   "Miracle Continent?" Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, then her face stiffened, "Could it be that...I passed through?"


   "..." Mu Xiaoxiao twitched the corner of her mouth and sighed, "Hey, you will pass through a pit. In these years, you need to be careful when entering the pit. System, can I go back?"

   "The system is not clear, the host needs to explore on its own... Maybe you can go back after reaching the level of ‘God’..."

"Really," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed again, "Forget it, I'll talk about it later, this kind of thing is a bit early for myself, um..." At this time, the tingling sensation in the left eye gradually After dispersing, Mu Xiaoxiao let go and asked, "System, what's the matter with my eyes?"

   "Don't worry, this is just a sequelae of the meaning of the system just lodged in the host's body, there is nothing special..."

   "Sequences," Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the ground, "System, what functions do you have, let me see."

As Mu Xiaoxiao's voice fell, a translucent blue virtual interface appeared in front of her. Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head and found that the interface moved with her vision, and it appeared to be directly on her retina. , So others can't see it.

   "There are six major functions in the otaku system, namely [Personal Information], [Backpack], [Mall], [Copy], [Dragon Quest] and [Faction]."

   On the virtual interface, these six functions formed a six-pointed star. Mu Xiaoxiao first clicked on [Personal Information]. After the interface changed, a row of information caught Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

  Host: Mu Xiaoxiao

   Title: None

  Ability: None

   "A simple attribute..."

Below    are [Achievements in Arena] and [Open Dungeon].

   "The Arena is the Dragon Quest. This existence is similar to a dungeon. It is divided into challenge mode and mission mode. You can get a lot of rewards if you win the battle or complete the mission."

   Dragon Quest, the name made Mu Xiaoxiao very want to vomit. He clicked on the Arena Records and opened the dungeon, and found that all displayed in it were zero. After closing it, Mu Xiaoxiao opened the backpack again.

"The backpack has three abilities, [Finish], [Repair] and [Fragment Synthesis]," the system explained. "If the host's weapon is destroyed, it can still be repaired and played well even if it becomes shattered. It just costs a lot of diamonds. "

Mu Xiao counted. There are fifty grids in the backpack. On the top of the grid are [Finish] and [Repair], and below are three bars, [Diamond], [Crystal] and [Score], "System, this should be Is it currency?"

   "Yes, diamonds can be used to buy props and equipment, crystals can be used to buy pets and characters, and score points are used to buy blood abilities and titles."

"Can only be obtained from the dungeon and Dragon Quest, eh? There is also a fragment synthesis?" It was discovered that there was a fragment synthesis ability next to it. After Mu Xiaoxiao opened it, the interface displayed: [X Fragment: 0], [Energy Fragment: 0], [Alloy Fragment: 0], [Chaos Fragment: 0], [Soul Fragment: 0], below it, a row of data is displayed.

  【X Fragment】——【Can replace any fragment】

  【Character Card】——【Soul Fragment + Chaos Fragment】×50

  【Pet Card】——【Soul Fragment + Energy Fragment】×50

  【Ability Card】——【Chaos Fragment + Energy Fragment】×50

  [Equipment Card]——[Chaos Fragment + Alloy Fragment]×50

  【Item Card】——【Alloy Shard + Energy Shard】×50

   "What is this?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked quickly.

   "This is fragment synthesis. The above five special props can be synthesized with fragments. Using these five special props, you can randomly obtain equipment, abilities, etc..."

"Random?" Originally thought that a character card or the like could be assigned to a certain character, but now his interest has dropped by half when he hears of randomness. Because of the influence of domestic web games all the year round, he does not hold any random lottery games at all. hopefully.

"Host, please rest assured, although it is random, but the scope of acquisition is limited to animation Basically, you can get good things. As long as the luck is not too bad, even if it is an artifact or a powerful bloodline ability, it is easy. Yes, so these cards are counted as special items."

   "That's it," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and looked at the next one, "Mall...Let's see if there are any good things."

[Mall] is divided into five templates, namely [Props], [Equipment], [Ability], [Title], [Pet] and [Character]. After opening several templates, Mu Xiaoxiao found those powerful abilities Or the amount of money the character spends is not a lot.

  【Boundary Monster】(Descent): 1000 record points

   [The Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor] (Exterminator): 800 diamonds

  【Icarus】(Character): 300 crystals

"In the currency, the most valuable is the crystal, and the number of crystals obtained by completing the task or Dragon Quest is the least, and the record point is about the same as the value of the diamond," the system said, "Next is the copy. The copy is the world of animation and games. You can only enter after opening a copy, and opening a copy requires an item copy key. A key can only be used once. If the host clears the copy, the copy will be permanently opened and the host can enter and exit at will."

   "Dragon Quest is similar to a level-breaking game. There are ten levels in total, and each level will have a defending boss. If you defeat the boss, you can enter the next level. The more levels you clear, the higher the reward."

   "As for the faction, the Overlord can be regarded as a separate base development system, but the Overlord does not currently have a base, so this function is also useless."

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