Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 708: Hiyer?

readx; "That guy is hiding here?" After Mu Xiaoxiao and his group entered the town, Elteluci looked around for a while, and then looked at Elquette with some suspicion, "Whatever you see here is just It’s just an ordinary town, right? Although I’m not familiar with that guy, I still know a little bit about him. Generally speaking, the snake of Akaxia is reincarnated on the nobles of the magic family, so you can see it here. It’s not like there is a magic family."

"Magic family? Noble?" Alquette blinked, "Is that so?"

"You don't know?" Elteluci was a little speechless, "You really are an idiot, you don't even know this kind of thing. It seems that besides staying in the Thousand-Year City, you are sleeping like a pig. I don't understand anything," At this time, Elteluci didn't forget to taunt Alquette, and Elquette couldn't help but glared at her.

"I don't know, I'm really sorry, but what if I know these useless news? For me, it is enough to destroy him after he reincarnates," said El Quette, spreading his hands. Counterattacked, "Does such a simple matter need so much trouble? It seems that after a long time in human society, you have become such a mother-in-law."


"Ahem," Mu Xiaoxiao coughed quickly to interrupt the weird atmosphere between them and laughed, "Seeing that the smoke of the war is about to ignite again, "This makes sense for both of you, so stop arguing. Although the Serpent of Kasha is generally reincarnated on the nobles of the magic family, it seems to be because Roa XVI was destroyed before the 17th reincarnation object was determined. This kind of accident happened. Right"

"Oh? That guy was reincarnated in the body of an ordinary person?" Altluci asked.

"Probably that's the case," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "but you still don't underestimate him. Although the body of the seventeenth generation is considered to be an ordinary person, the reincarnation can rival that of the first generation of Roa, so don't be careless. "

"So that's the case. He is a blessing in disguise if you say that? But no matter how powerful he is, he won't be my opponent." Hei Ji was so confident, saying something suddenly came to mind and turned her head, "Speaking of which. Xiao Xiao , You know quite a lot, these news are all personal secrets, right? You actually know so much"

"Is it? It's just accidental that I knew by chance," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his head and avoided Altluci's probing gaze. Look at El Quette, "Al Quette, is Roa really here?"

"Absolutely right, do you think I lied to you? You know I have hunted him for hundreds of years, and I know his breath more clearly," Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, El Quette thought him I also doubted my own judgment, and said immediately with a little displeasedness.

"Believe it, just ask." Mu Xiaoxiao quickly sneered, "By the way, Elquite, the specific position of King Roa XVII."

"I don't know." Before Mu Xiao finished talking, Alquette shook his head and pouted, "I don't know the exact location. I can't help it. The breath of that guy is when we came to this small town. He disappeared without a trace when he arrived, and there is no good way to find him."

"That said, if he keeps hiding like this. Then we can only stare here?" Sakiya couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry about this, Saya," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly. "He is the reincarnated Acacia snake. It is impossible for Roa to stay lurking forever, as one of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the dead."

"He is only as strong as the twenty-seventh ancestors," Suddenly Eltluci interrupted Mu Xiaoxiao's words, and said a little displeasedly, "but within the twenty-seventh ancestors, no one would admit it. That kind of inferior guy is a member of the twenty-seventh ancestor."

"Don't interrupt," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "Anyway, as a dead man, he will definitely do something," Mu Xiaoxiao paused, "Let's go find a restaurant around, and then by the way Just ask if there are any strange incidents in this small town."

"That's it, that's it," Elquet clapped his hands and woke up, "According to the past, after he reincarnated, he will indeed create a lot of dead people to help him collect human blood as energy in this small town. There must have been a lot of disappearances or homicides in Shanghai, as long as he is here."

"Yes, that's it," Mu Xiaoxiao snapped his fingers. "So let's go inquire about the information first. By the way, it's not early. Everyone hasn't eaten dinner yet. Anyway, it's not in a hurry," he said. Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Illya, whose tired face was all over her face, "In addition, after walking for such a long time, it's okay to rest for two days."

"Are you going to eat?" El Quette, who came out of Thousand-Year City, tasted the food in human society, and liked it a little. He brightened his eyes when he heard this, "This is a good idea. hungry."

""Alteluci gave Elquet whitely. She has spent more time in human society than Elquet. I don’t know how much longer. She hasn’t eaten anything. It’s not rare for her. There was no opinion, but Mu Xiaoxiao who saw this scene was in a daze, wondering why she suddenly thought of Liya.

Is it the birth of another foodie? But speaking of Liya, some people missed her for the Fourth Holy Grail War. Well, it's not a big problem. Anyway, you can see the fifth Holy Grail War.


This town is an ordinary town that can’t be more ordinary. Even Mu Xiaoxiao doesn’t even remember its name. Looking at the surrounding architectural scenes a little boringly, Alte Luci is still a little suspicious of Aka. Will Summer Snake really be in this place? After all, as a reincarnator, the snake of Akash has always been looking for a host with excellent physical fitness and talent to occupy and reincarnate.

And those with excellent talents and physical qualities are generally in the magic family. Ordinary people have the chance to have the magician talent. Needless to say, as one of the twenty-seventh ancestors, Hei Ji, who is the actual leader on the side of the dead, understands better. On the contrary, Mu Xiaoxiao was confident, after all, he had known that Roa XVII would be reborn as an ordinary restaurant owner's daughter.

It’s Hiyer, so he didn’t question Elquette at all, but Elteluci didn’t know that Mu Xiaoxiao knew everything from the beginning. Instinctively trusting Alquette so much, I feel something is wrong, these two people

"Ilia? Tired already, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao saw the sleepy little Lolita beside her, and the mood of molesting Lolita was gone, "After dinner, go and rest. NS"

"Well, I see," Illiya nodded, her face still a little bad, at this moment she suddenly missed her mother very much.

"It feels a little Saya Ye suddenly speaks, looking around, "Although it is just an ordinary town, why is there a sense of desertedness here? "There are not many pedestrians on the street, and occasionally a few pedestrians passing by are also in a hurry, with a little anxious expression on their faces, and some shops on the street have closed their doors, how weird it looks.

"Well, it seems there is indeed something unusual here," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and she stretched out her hand, "There is a restaurant over there, let's go and take a look."

Everyone had no objection, and followed Mu Xiaoxiao, and after pushing open the glass door, a restaurant that looked good was printed in front of his eyes. The strange thing was that the restaurant was very deserted and there was not a single customer, so I sat there and sat on the table. The former waitress obviously did not expect that there would be customers coming to the door, and after a long while, she hurried up.

"Welcome, are you here for dinner?"

""Mu Xiaoxiao saw that the person had not had time to say anything, she was silly on the spot, she saw the waitress in front of him with short blue hair, a refreshing smile on her pretty and delicate face, and she was wearing a waiter's uniform. It looks like a big beauty, and this girl is actually the target of Mu Xiaoxiao's trip, Hiyer! (To be continued.)


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