Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 5: Dragon Quest

   Arena: Fighting Dragon

   level: 10 floors

  Current level: the first level


——Basic Reward [(Random Fragment×10*Level of Clearance)+(Diamond×50*Level of Cleared)+(Crystal×20*Level of Cleared)+(Achievement Points×50*Level of Cleared)+ Obtain extra (diamond + crystal + record points) *500 for clearing all levels]

——Extra rewards [(random fragment × number of clearance layers*10) + (X fragment × number of clearance layers*5) + (random lottery card × number of clearance layers*1) + additional rewards for all clearances (random fragments + X fragments) *50】

——Special reward [Clear two levels (prop card*1) Clear four levels (equipment card*1) Clear six levels (Ability card*1) Clear eight levels (Pet card*1) Clear ten levels (Character card*1) Get extra (special item card)*1】

   With a flash of light, Mu Xiaoxiao and Yan Qishi disappeared in place, leaving only an empty tent and a bonfire that was still crackling and burning.

"Here..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the space she was in. A huge six-pointed star shone with light under her feet. Six blue crystal pillars stood at six points, forming a circle. The sky was A complicated magical array pattern was dark outside the six-pointed star. Mu Xiaoxiao tried it, but couldn't get out of the range of the round six-pointed star, but an invisible force bounced herself back.

   "Is this the Dragon Quest Warrior?" Yan Qishi looked around, her eyes were a little surprised. She was still full of curiosity about this unusual place.

"Yes, this is the Arena," Mu Xiaoxiao opened the system interface, looked at the information on it, and nodded. This dragon Quest looks like a good reward, but the BOSS in it is definitely not a waiter. , Plus... for Qishi, it can't last for a long time.

   No matter how strong Yan Qishi is, there is still a BUG like Jigu, but her body is weak and her inability to fight for a long time is one of her weaknesses...

   Well, forget it, if Qishi can't persist, just quit. Anyway, there will be no punishment. Although the higher the level, the better the reward, but he will not let a girl sacrifice these for his own benefit.

  "Didi Di...The Dragon Quest Challenge is ready to begin...

  Current level: the first level

   Current BOSS: Oshe Maru

   now enters a 30-second countdown, and the challenge begins after the countdown ends......30......29......28......"

Orochimaru? Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, with mixed joys and sorrows. What's happy is that no matter how powerful Dashewan is, it will definitely not be Qishi's opponent, but what Mu Xiaoxiao worries about is that with Qishi's physical condition, he can't insist on fighting for a long time. And the first floor is so powerful, isn't it going to be against the sky for the next nine floors?

The key is......

   Could it be that Qishi learns from Dashewan and sticks his tongue out? Thinking about that scene, Mu Xiaoxiao shook her body, crying in tears...

   "Oshewan, Qishi, let me tell you about the abilities of Oshewan..." Mu Xiaoxiao said quickly when she saw that there were more than ten seconds left.

   "5......4......3......2......1......The challenge begins!"


   As soon as the sound of the system fell, before Mu Xiaoxiao could react, he saw a vague shadow rushing towards him...

"Damn!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who discovered that he had returned to heaven in just an instant, was floating in the air in the form of a soul body, staring at the man with long hair and snake pupils, his mouth twitching, "I just used such a cruel hand at the beginning? Can't you play happily?! Even though I am almost incapable of fighting even if I am not dead, just one face-to-face... Soy sauce is not like that!"

"Xiaoxiao!" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's body turned into a light spot and disappeared in this space, Yan Qishi's pupils shrank. Just now she didn't expect the enemy to be so fast, and she wanted to save Mu Xiaoxiao. It was too late, and Yan Qishi's eyes became cold as he watched the Dashewan slowly sinking into the ground.

   "Qishi, I'm fine, it's okay to be killed, it's just an appearance," Mu Xiaoxiao's voice sounded in Qishi's ear, making her calm down, "You have to be careful."

"It's okay," Yan Qishi heard that Mu Xiaoxiao was okay, and he sighed with relief, and focused his attention on his side. From the blow just now, he could see that the enemy was extraordinary. Kill.

It seems that the defending boss here seems to have no wisdom. Seeing Dashewan’s sluggish pupils, Mu Xiaoxiao thought to himself, but although there is no wisdom, his fighting ability has not declined, and this decisive way of starting is compared to It's even more difficult for the original book that has wisdom and will talk to you a few more words.

   Now Mu Xiaoxiao is beginning to worry, the strength of Dashewan is still second, mainly his survivability, that is like Xiaoqiang's life that can't be killed no matter **** it, if it drags on, it will be very detrimental to Qishi.

   But... no matter how anxious, I can't help me now...

   "Hull Shadow Snake Hand!"

   "Huh?" At the moment Oshomaru jumped out from behind Qishi, Qishi turned around fiercely, ignoring the snake rushing towards him and spitting out Xinzi, "Void Sword Flow Return Technique-Girl Flower!"

Oshemaru’s wrist was grabbed by Qishi, and the hidden shadow snake hand bit towards Oshemaru intact, but Oshemaru’s body twisted in an incredible arc, avoiding the blow, and Qishi was still one. With a calm posture, the light in his eyes flashed, "The seventh style of the virtual knife flow-Peony!"

   kicked Dashemaru's stomach fiercely, kicking him away fiercely.

"It's a terrible body." Looking at the Oshe Maru flying upside down, Qishi didn't look happy, but there was a trace of surprise in her eyes. After just touching her, she had already understood the physical state of the Oshe Maru. "It's hard to imagine that a human body can become such a soft structure. The blow just now did not cause any harm. A body of this level can already be called a monster, right?"

  No, I think you are more like a monster than Dashewan... Mu Xiaoxiao secretly complained.

   "The hidden shadow has more snake hands!"

"It's really a troublesome trick." Looking at the countless snakes rushing towards him, Yan Qishi shook his head. "For girls, snakes don't like creatures, even me... ...The first form of the virtual knife flow-lily of the valley!" Qishi's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't even see the movement clearly, and found that Qishi's figure was already in front of Dashemaru. .

   "So fast!" Should I say that the people of the virtual knife stream are all monsters...

   "The tongue snake smokes!" Looking at Yan Qishi in front of him, Oshemaru suddenly opened his mouth, and a snake spitting out a letter bite at Qishi's neck at a speed that was too fast for Xunlei.

"Be careful!" To Mu Xiaoxiao's expectation, it was basically impossible to escape from such a short distance. In an instant, the snake rushed to the front of Yan Qishi, but Qishi was still extremely calm, and the face was already open. The snake with sharp teeth on its mouth, without a look of panic, suddenly raised his hand to block it in front of him.

The snake that came out of Dashemaru's mouth rushed into the sleeves of Yan Qishi, and Qishi shook Oshemaru's wrist again with a backhand, "I don't know if you can survive this trick. ..... The sixth form of the virtual knife stream-dandelion!"

   "Puff—" Qishi's palm pierced into the heart of Dashewan suddenly, blood spurted out.

"In this case, you must be...huh?" Qishi was stunned, because she only saw the big snake pill, which was pierced into the heart by her, gradually turned into a pile of mud, collapsed on the ground, and the blood disappeared. No, Qishi was stunned before he woke up and sighed, "God, is it a stand-in? What a cunning guy...the ninth form of the virtual knife flow-young poppy!"

   As soon as Oshemaru appeared from the ground, Qijin turned into an afterimage and rushed towards him, with white light on her palms, mixed with strong wind pressure, and hit Oshemaru.

   "Triple Rashomon!"


"Oh? This is ninjutsu? It's really strange..." With the strength of Yan Qishi, it can only break two layers of Rashomon... Don't think that Yan Qishi is a little girl with her power. Not big, in fact, Yan Qi is actually much stronger than Yan Qihua in strength, but there is usually no chance to show it.

   Just as Yan Qishi was amazed, Dashemaru made a few more seals, "Ninfa! Ten thousand snakes!"

"This..." Qishi blinked while looking at the snake sea formed by countless snakes in front of him, "It's really disgusting, even I can't bear it... ..."

Not only her, even Mu Xiaoxiao who has been on the sidelines can't help it. It's really disgusting. Unfortunately, he also hates the slippery snake. Now seeing this situation, if he is not a soul body , Maybe the legs are going to be soft.

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