Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 771: plan

The life energy of the tree of eternity is regarded as the top energy in the miracle continent. It is completely comparable to the power of the devil, and even stronger, but it is still inferior to the power of death and the natural energy and natural power of Mu Xiaoxiao. A lot, but even so this is just a modified pseudo-devil enchantment, it still has no effect, and it was easily destroyed.

"Baboo yeah-"

Looking at the eternal tree of great power, the two little fairies became a little unhappy. While pulling his clothes on Mu Xiaoxiao’s shoulders, they made unexplained sounds, although they were unclear to others, Mu Xiao Xiao could understand, and patted his forehead, "I really can't help you show off your power next time, okay?"

"Earth-"Although the tree of eternity is very strong, it is completely incomparable to the little elves who possess the power of nature, so they are a little jealous when they see the majesty of the tree of eternity in the realm of life. Little acting like a baby, Mu Xiaoxiao could only helplessly promise them to let them be prestigious again next time.

"But that's the strength of the sanctuary?" Yan Qi really watched Mu Xiaoxiao playing with the two little fairies with a smile on his side, and said, "It feels like there is nothing else besides that domain, isn't it? Is the strength of what sanctuary a qualitative change?"

"Indeed, but I think it is because the tree of eternity is only an ancient tree, so it is not obvious," Xi Qiong, who is familiar with this ≈∞ knowledge, explained, "Although I have never seen a real sanctuary powerhouse , But judging from the knowledge in the book, the domain of the sanctuary powerhouse can suppress the enemy. Bless your own power. It is very powerful. However, all other aspects of power will be greatly improved, for power The control will be more refined."

"Well, although the strength of Sanctuary is qualitatively changed compared to the ninth rank, it is only in this world," Mu Xiaoxiao and the little fairy played around for a while, and said, "Actually, it's just that the level of strength has increased. It’s just a step, and it’s not too exaggerated. Moreover, the strength of the sanctuary does not necessarily require a domain or something. For example, the current strength of the black rabbit is the peak of the ninth rank, but if the godhead of the Emperor Shitian is used, the strength is estimated to break through. Sanctuary, even those areas will not be of much use to her then."

"As long as your power level is stronger than that of the opponent, the effect in any field will be very weak. This time, it is just that the demon enchantment is not used by the devil, and the devil's power is not pure, so it will be given by the tree of eternity. It is easy to suppress and resolve."

"So." Yan Qishi nodded, "But in the final analysis. When will our strength break through the sanctuary? It seems that everyone is staying at the peak of Tier Nine."

In addition to Yan Qishi and Black Rabbit, Dinessa's strength has also reached the peak of Tier Nine. Mu Xiaoxiao touched her head, and he also thought of it. Stuck in this place, after thinking for a long time, he murmured, "Perhaps before using the stepping stone, his strength will be stuck at the peak of Tier Nine."

"Hey?" Xiqiong Elaine looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"With the strength of the black rabbit, it should be more than the ninth rank, but the system gives the strength of the ninth peak. I used to think that the black rabbit is this kind of strength, but now, after watching the eternal tree of the sanctuary, I can Certainly even if you add that domain, the strength of the black rabbit is not weaker than the tree of eternity!"

"Then what do you mean"

"Well, maybe the strength of the black rabbit has already broken through the ninth rank, but the system's judgment still stays here."

"That is to say, the system's judgment is the ninth-level peak, but the strength of the black rabbit and the seven reals have reached the sanctuary?"

"I'm not sure, but the Eight Achievements is like this. In fact, I have never seen Black Rabbit use the Di Shitian Godhead. Have you ever seen it? If I guess right, even if the Black Rabbit uses Di Shitian The godhead of the sky can even reach the rank of **** with explosive strength, but the interface of the system may still show the peak of the ninth rank."

"Why is this? Is the system convulsed?" Yan Qishi blinked.

"It's not a convulsion," Mu Xiaoxiao Khan said, "Probably it has something to do with the advanced stone. For those of you who did not use the advanced stone, the highest strength will only show the ninth peak."

"Host, you guessed it right," the system appeared just right and made a soy sauce. "The advanced stone is very important to them. It can be said that they are incomplete without the advanced stone, but those who have the advanced stone. They are truly complete people. They don’t have a stepping stone. Apart from the fact that the system will not display higher-level evaluations, the more important thing is that they have no way to improve their strength, other than their own strength."

"The system has you appeared?" Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned when he heard this. He had heard about this last time, "Well, it seems that the advanced stone is really a very important thing. No wonder it's so hard to obtain, the Dragon Quest Dragon There is no way to get it, it can only be a copy and reach the s-level evaluation"

"Host, as well as special item cards can also be obtained."

"The kind of thing that looks at luck," he said suddenly, and remembered, he seemed to have two special item cards that were useless and said um, let’s talk about it later, the important thing now is that Mu Xiaoxiao spreads out Hand, looking at a seed lying quietly in the palm of the hand, the seed of life, the tree of eternity, which I took by the way after being summoned.

"Huh, that still feels terrifying just now," Miki Sayaka patted her chest after seeing the escape, "but what about that monster tree?"

"It's gone, so a big guy can't move with it, and the dark night base also needs it, and that is not a monster," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes. "It's just an ancient with its own consciousness. It's just a tree."

"Isn't that the monster who became a spirit?" Miki Sayaka muttered, "I was shocked when I first appeared."

""Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head helplessly, "Scared you? The Eternal Tree is much better than those monsters, right? And there is nothing scary about it, although there is a suspicion of talking big, but as long as there is me If you are there, it won’t matter if the sky falls down."

"So shameless."


"Master, what are you going to do now?" Mu Xinyi helped An Ran, who was sweating profusely next to her, "An Ran"

"Well, Mu Xinyi, although An Ran has something to do with me because you are my dependent, I saved her, but," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "I still hope you are ready. After all, she may It's really the reincarnation of that demon king."

"how come"

"Is the demon king reincarnated?" An Ran gritted his teeth, with a complex expression on his face.

"She should have reacted to the power of the devil," Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "Then it should be now."

"Master, do you want to take her back to the Sky City?" Sakuya asked from the side City," Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and glanced at An Ran over there, although Mu Xin Yi is her own family member, but An Ran is not, and she is still that demon king. If she restores her memory, taking her back to the Sky City will definitely cause some trouble, even though Mu Xiaoxiao still keeps her mind on demons and things. The attitude is indifferent, as long as he doesn't provoke him, he won't do things like fighting the devil.

But An Ran, who restored her memory, might not think so. If she stayed in the Sky City, wouldn't it be equivalent to planting a time bomb in her heart? Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to do such a thing. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Well, let's do it, I just plan to open a night elf base in Miracle Continent, and let her stay there and let Mu Xinyi take care of it. Bar."

"Aren't you going back to the Sky City?"

"I won't go back for the time being. Although I can go back directly using the City Portal Scroll, I have other plans. I can't go back temporarily." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "But Aisha still has a vault, you can go back and wait for the second base to come out. , Once the teleportation array is built, our next actions will be very dangerous. For safety's sake, and you haven’t seen the city in the sky yet, right?” (To be continued.)


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