Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 788: Distributed tasks

"Next are Heitu, Qimi, Sakiya and others. Your task is to protect the Sky City. Don’t forget that the purpose of those people also includes our Sky City. You will definitely send elite troops into the Dead Sea to explore our sky. The specific location of the city of the sky will depend on you high-end combat power to counter their elite troops and protect the city of the sky."


   "I see," Qishi and the others had no objection, and nodded, although they regretted not being able to go to Iris Country with Mu Xiaoxiao.


"Don't worry," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled when she saw their slightly lost expressions. "If the main force of the Demon King Alliance retreats into the Sea of ​​Death, abandons the kingdom of Iris and heads for the city in the sky, we will pass the city return scroll Come back, if their elite troops withdraw to assist the main force in attacking the kingdom of Iris, then I will use the portal to summon you. In short, everything is under my control."


   "What about us?" King Kong, who came with Nagato, Yamato, Mutsu and others, was suddenly depressed, "What are we going to do?"


"Of course you are in charge of the exploration of the Sea of ​​Death," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled. "Now we are lack of exploration talents in Sky City. Only Xia Luo, and Xia Luo's exploration ability is useless in the sea, at this time. You are needed. Your mission is to send all the troops to expand the range of patrols in the Sea of ​​Death."


   "Hey? Is it just a patrol?" King Kong grimaced.


   "Idiot! Listen to the master," Nagato knocked on her head.


"King Kong, don't underestimate this patrol. The patrol alone is very dangerous," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled helplessly. There are a lot of things. In order to avoid fatigue, use the cyclic method. You can draw up the specific Nagato. There are a few points I want to specify below. It is very important that you listen carefully."


"In the patrolling destroyer team, each squad must have a battleship and an aircraft carrier. This is for your safety. If you encounter the enemy’s elite troops, those are powerful people with the strength of Tier 7, 8, or even ninth. Destroyer alone is absolutely dangerous, so it must be protected by battleships and aircraft carriers."


"The other point is that if you find the enemy, you will immediately report your location and track it from a long distance. If you are found, you will quickly evacuate. Remember, it is forbidden to enter a combat state without permission! In other words, those people are very strong, and you are not careful. It may sink the ship...I don’t want to see you hurt."


"Yes...Master, we know!" I was very depressed about the job that was just patrolling and couldn't fight. If I was found out, I had to escape. But when I heard Mu Xiaoshu's words worrying about them, King Kong Nagato The Yamato group all smiled.


"Of course, the more important point is that if you find the enemy’s whereabouts, if you can’t fight, you must always track their location. If the enemy’s position is lost, you must reconfirm it at the fastest speed. Generally speaking, this task It's not easy."


"That is to say, if the enemy is not fighting and the enemy is stronger than us, should we keep tracking and locking the enemy's position? Don't worry, these ship maidens belonging to the owner are all the best ship maidens, and they absolutely complete the task well. I won't let the master down!" Nagato's voice rang loudly.


   "Oh? So Nagato thinks she is the best ship girl?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Nagato with a smirk, "Moreover, Nagato thinks she belongs to me?"


"Um...this...of course...Nagato belongs to the master..." Nagato stammered, blushing, "As for the best The ship's mother..."


Seeing her blushing, Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little bit funny. Although Nagato’s words were okay, Mu Xiaoxiao didn’t know why she liked to molest a serious girl like her, but King Kong couldn’t help calling out. He said, "What's the matter, don't we belong to the master? As for the best ship, of course it is my King Kong, there is no doubt about it!"






"Ahem, don't talk about this first," Mu Xiaoxiao gave a dry cough, King Kong is still like that...I don't know what to say, "I believe you can do it, after all, the sea is your home court! The enemy’s strength is stronger than yours, and its speed can’t catch up with you! As long as you don’t want to fight, the danger is very low."


   "Xiao Xiao," Suddenly, the Black Rabbit thought of something and asked, "What about the Sea Clan?"


"Sea Clan..." Mu Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes, and thought of this ally, the only ally, "I still said that, in the face of interests and various reasons, the level of allies is unchanged. As a powerful race that is not weaker than the Dragon Clan, the Sea Clan is indeed a strong ally, but do you think he will help us?"


   "..." Everyone was silent.


"This matter is about demons. I think the Sea Clan wants to help us. I have to weigh it. Even if Liuli and the others help me intercede in front of the Sea Clan king, they are not very useful. After all, they are just princesses. I think The king of the sea clan will never be mixed into it, so there is no need to think about it."


   "And our Sky City is not a persimmon. It hasn't fallen to the point where it needs help from others, has it?"


"That's right," Yan Qishi nodded and stood up, "Our Sky City is not an existence that allows them to knead. This time I want to see what qualifications those guys have to fight our Sky City. ...It's just pulling up more weeds, I don't think it's too much trouble."


"So that's it, everyone, go back and prepare. Tyrande, you will use the goblin airship to transport all the troops to the kingdom of Iris at night. Although they will pass through the star empire, they should not hinder us. At the same time, explain to the queen of the kingdom of Iris, Feng Tianwu. Our situation here makes them ready for battle. I will later take An Ran and the others to the night elf base. Base 2 may also be in danger."


   "As for Honoka, you guys... and Aisha Wendy... you stay here... Don't worry, it's safest to stay in the Sky City."


   "Wait, brother, I want to go too," Wendy and Asia couldn't help but stand up and said, "We also want to go to the battlefield over there with brother..."


   "You..." Mu Xiaoxiao frowned.


"What does it matter? Didn't you take them there last time?" Qishi smiled, "War is no longer strange to them, and they can't always protect them? And Wendy's strength is not weak. There are many auxiliary magics in itself, and Aisha's artifact can also help a lot."


" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't insist, nodded and said, "Aisha and Wendy will go to the country of Iris with us. And Qiong, you are the same. It is too dangerous to be there. If you want to participate in the battle, you must at least wait until the end of the accelerated world copy, you know? "


   Mu Xiaoxiaosheng was afraid that they would have some accident, and he would probably regret it.


"Okay," Suinaiguo and the others were a little dejected, but fortunately, Xi, Eri and others can also understand Mu Xiaoxiao, and they didn't complain about anything. After the disbandment, everyone went to prepare for the next battle, only Suinoguo. He Haiwei's expression was a little depressed. When he saw Mu Xiaoxiao's figure, he hurried to catch up. The bird didn't stop even though he wanted to stop, so he had no choice but to follow behind. The three people blocked Mu Xiaoxiao's front.


   "What's the matter with you?" Seeing Honoka and Hai Wei look a little angry, she looked at them strangely, "This looks like I owe you money and haven't paid it back..."


"Xiao Xiao, why not let us follow!" Hui Naiguo looked at Mu Xiaoxiao dissatisfied, "As far as our strength is concerned, even though our strength hasn't improved much after so many days, our ability to cooperate has become more and more proficient. Ah! Didn't you say that our μs is great in our ability to cooperate with each other? If that's the case, then we have to go to the country of Iris together!"


"Yes, Xiaoxiao," Hai unexpectedly agreed to Honoka's words so much. I didn't expect that, "I haven't left the Sky City since I came here. At most, I played with the night elves and the guard mansion. Play......"



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