Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 11: plan


   "Wow!" Accompanied by a scream, Mu Xiaoxiao fell to the ground fiercely, raising a large cloud of smoke, and in front of him, there was an extremely calm Qishi.

"Sigh...cough cough, Qishi, you want to kill me," Mu Xiaoxiao got up with a wry smile, only feeling the pain all over her body, even if she didn't look at it, she knew it was her own His body must be blue and purple. He has almost gotten used to it for so many days. "Hey, it feels like I can still live these days. It's a miracle."

   "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's appearance, the puppy on one side asked nervously.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with him," Yan Qishi stepped up, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao for a while, and said, "This is just a skin injury, although it looks scary. , But without any burden on the body, it will be almost fine tomorrow."

"But by tomorrow I will have new scars, right," Mu Xiaoxiao vomited. It has been a few days since the enemy attacked last time. In order to give full play to his strength, Qishi began to treat himself. The training was launched, but although it was training, it was only training for actual combat experience.

   Seven facts said that his strength is enough, and there is no need to train to improve his strength, but the foundation must still be laid. After the basic training is completed every day, Mu Xiaoxiao is a painful time to fight, who to fight against? Naturally, it was with Qishi. Since the opponent was Qishi who was against the sky, Mu Xiaoxiao was completely abused without any suspense.

   So, being abused by Qishi several times a day is his training routine, and now he can't even believe that he can stick to it.

   "No," Mu Xiaoxiao, who was wailing in his heart, did not expect Qishi to say these words, "Now your actual combat experience is almost the same, so you don't need to practice with me anymore..."

"Hey? Really?" After the ecstasy, Mu Xiaoxiao was left with doubts, "But, how come I feel that I haven't improved much. I was abused by you from the beginning. It's the same now. It looks like nothing has changed. Really. Has it improved?"

"Of course it's true, Xiaoxiao, you didn't feel much improvement, just because the opponent was me," Qishi helped Mu Xiaoxiao pat the dust on his body, "so you didn't notice it. If you meet the previous assassin again, You can already solve him easily."

   "It's great, finally...finally," Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but burst into tears, and the days of abuse finally passed, "Goo..."

"Um," Mu Xiaoxiao noticed that both Puppy Beast and Qishi looked over, and covered her stomach in embarrassment, "I'm hungry..." Since training, Mu Xiaoxiao has noticed His appetite suddenly increased. In the past, one package of instant noodles at home was almost solved, but now it has doubled. He wonders if he is moving closer to food.

   But according to the seven facts, this is a normal phenomenon. After a lot of training every day, it consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement energy by eating, and the food must also be high-energy meat.

"Go back," Qishi didn't have any strange expressions, bending over to lift his bamboo basket, "Go back and give you some medicine, and then eat...Now you are still growing up... .."

   Wipe, don’t be like a parent! Mu Xiaoxiao was extremely depressed, and still followed Yan Qishi.


Opposite Mu Xiaoxiao’s cabin, there is another newly built wooden cabin, which is where An Ran lives. When Mu Xiaoxiao and the others returned home, An Ran was also practicing swords in the open space and saw Mu Xiaoxiao and the two of them. Nodded, after a few days of getting along with them, they became familiar with it, and they are now grasshoppers on a rope, so naturally they can't be too stiff.

After seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's return, An Ran also put down his sword and walked towards the kitchen. Although they lived in different places, they still ate together. To Mu Xiaoxiao's surprise, An Ran's craftsmanship was also good. He was very surprised, but although An Ran was a princess, he actually lived a civilian life, and it was no surprise that he could take care of it.

   It’s just that Mu Xiaoxiao still thinks that Qishi’s cooking is more delicious. Of course, there may be reasons why he prefers two-dimensional girls... No way, who will let him have no love for three-dimensional girls?

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the straw mat, felt Qishi's little hand stroking her back, and the original pain disappeared a lot. Suddenly she remembered something, "Qishi, now I am also qualified, right? Can I go to the Arena with you?"

In the past few days, Mu Xiaoxiao had to train and couldn’t enter Dragon Quest, so he gave Qishi the permission to enter. Qishi also said that with the current strength of Mu Xiaoxiao, going there is only a hindrance, after all, the brave. In the ten levels of Dragon Quest, every level is super strong, and you can't enter until you have no strength. Therefore, Qi Shi has entered alone for the past few days to help Mu Xiaoxiao fight some diamond crystals.

Mu Xiaoxiao also discovered that the Qishi can only get through the first layer every time. This is also very helpless. After all, the seven-body power limitation is a fatal weakness, plus the billion that may recur at any time and stop at any time. With all illnesses, Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if she could join in and help her. Now that her training is complete, it should be okay?

"No!" Qishi's resolute words directly broke Mu Xiaoxiao's illusion, "Now Xiaoxiao, your strength is still not good, you know that in Arena, every level of BOSS is not a simple role, these days, even if I am Playing on the first level, I also found that the strength of those BOSS is very tricky. In addition, the BOSS is not fixed, but randomly changed every day. We have no way to prepare, so Xiaoxiao waits for your strength to improve before you can enter."

"...Ah, what a pity," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed disappointedly. Although he wanted to go in, since Qishi made up his mind, he had no choice but to compromise, but... ...I can summon another character. In the past few days, even if Qishi only cleared the first level, the rewards are quite a lot. The crystal is enough to exchange for a good girl, so her pressure will be less. ?

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that Qi Shi did all this for herself, training herself to improve her strength, entering the arena to help herself get rewards, although she abused herself every day, she was always looking for herbs on the island. All in order to be able to heal himself quickly, so seeing Qishi working so hard, he also wanted to help her.

   "Okay, the medicine is applied," helped Mu Xiaoxiao get dressed, Qishi stood up, "Now go to eat, aren't you hungry, Xiaoxiao?"



"Wow! What a big lobster!" Looking at the one-meter-long giant lobster on the Mu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, and at the same time smelling the scent of the lobster, he couldn't help licking his lips. There was a moment of ** in the belly, "It smells so good... whether it looks or smells, it looks so delicious..."

   "I found this by accident at the beach, so I caught it back." Qishi took out a wooden bowl and handed it to Mu Xiaoxiao, "It should taste good."

"It's really rare to see such a big lobster, but since it's here, it's not uncommon." After all, it's another world, thinking, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to dig out a large piece of tender meat from the lobster tail and took a bite. , "Well~ sure enough, absolutely delicious!"

   The lobster tail is recognized as a delicacy in the world. Of course, it is the original world. This is a different world. There should be other more delicious foods. However, Mu Xiaoxiao still slobbered and was hooked.

   "Well, now we also have to plan."

   "Plan?" An Ran next to him raised her head, "What does the plan mean?"

"At present we are trapped on this small island. It’s no way to keep going like this. No one knows what kind of enemy will appear someday or stay on this island forever. So for the future, we must do it. A detailed plan."

   Mu Xiaoxiao, who was chewing and chewing, was stunned. Although he was speaking to An Ran, he felt that Qishi was actually saying to himself that there is a plan for future life...? Indeed, it was time to make such a plan, Mu Xiaojing thought secretly.

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