Alien paradise

Chapter 301 Old acquaintance

Through the crack in the door, Sandra saw the faint light of fire inside. After holding her breath and listening for a while, she could hear the breathing and heartbeats of the two people... This number was within a reasonable range for a secret connection.

But even so, she still held the sword in one hand and entered the barn on alert.

"You came."

The two heard the noise and turned to look at her.

They were two men, one in his forties and the other younger, probably in his early twenties. They were all dressed in black, and the cloaks on their backs obscured their body outlines, making it impossible to discern their skills at a glance. But it can be judged from the sharp eyes of the two men that they are definitely not farmers living nearby.

"Who are you? Why do you want to meet me? What do you know?" Sandra asked impatiently.

"You should have guessed it, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have kept the appointment." The young man replied.

"Hey..." The middle-aged man raised his hand to interrupt his companion, "It's now time, let's not play charades. My name is Dude, and this is Alex. We are the liaison officers of the Royal Army staying in Sancia. , I asked you to come here to tell you that not all of the Royal Army has surrendered, we are still organizing resistance, and Duke Longjiu’s ambition cannot be achieved!”


The army led by General Farrus is still there!

Sandra suppressed the joy in her heart, "Do you... have any proof?"

"Does this count?" Doude took out a seal from his pocket and raised it in front of her.

That is a lion's heart gold seal, and it is something that only a general's confidant deserves to possess! Those who get the seal will never surrender to the enemy. Even when they die, they will let the golden seal be buried with them... If she is determined to believe in General Farrus, then she should treat those who hold the golden seal. Demonstrate equal trust.

Sandra felt that her body was full of power for a moment, and the fog shrouding the road ahead was dispelled at this moment. Without any further hesitation, she sheathed her sword, stood at attention and gave a military salute: "Graduate of the 56th class of Wangdu Military Academy, Commander of the 11th Company of the Second Infantry Regiment, Sandra Allen reports to you!"

"You are really Sandra, I'm telling you, why do you look so familiar!" Dude laughed, "You don't have to be so polite, I may not be your officer, especially at this time, the Royal Army needs people like you very much. That kind of people."

"You remember me?"

"It's hard to forget a star student of the 56th class. But I thought you would join the Royal Guard sooner or later... I didn't expect you would be transferred overseas in the end."

When mentioning this, Sandra's eyes darkened slightly. Although she had long accepted this fact, and the transfer order complied with military regulations, she still felt puzzled every time she thought about it.

But it’s all over.

She shook her head and brought the topic back to the topic, "How did you realize my identity? Does the army still have a lot of spies in the capital?"

"A large number of informants does not count. There is no problem in hiding a few teams of spies. After all, we have been operating in the royal capital for so many years. It is impossible for the Long Jiu family to uproot our foundation." Dude said bluntly, "You go to the inland river The questions you asked at the pier, the lower city, and the inn at the entrance to the inner city are all actions that a Royal Army soldier would take, especially since you also asked about the whereabouts of the general's daughter. To be honest, you are not us. The only rescuer found. As the news spreads, I believe that more and more soldiers who have left the team will return to the capital and join our resistance cause."

"Do you... know where Miss Elize is?" Sandra asked eagerly.

"Of course, she is now with the army."

When she heard the news that her friend was not dead, she felt the stone in her heart fell to the ground.


Elize Ben is still alive!

"Where is the large army?" she asked.

"I can't tell you this yet, because you haven't gained our complete trust." The young warrior Alex said first, "Even if you are a former star student, it doesn't mean that you are still willing to serve the Kingdom's army after so many years!"

Shantara hesitated slightly.

"I'm sorry, what he said doesn't sound nice, but it's also true. The regrouped kingdom's army cannot withstand another loss, and only completely trustworthy people can enter our base." Dude sighed, "And I personally am very happy to do so. I will fight alongside you, otherwise I wouldn’t invite you here.”

Sandra didn't know what to say for a moment.

How can she prove that she can be trusted? Is there any other way to prove that she is trustworthy?

Isn't it enough to refuse Paradise's offer to stay and run to the capital surrounded by enemies?

After a moment, she gritted her teeth and asked, "With all due respect, you can only believe me. Because there is no foolproof answer to this kind of question. Also, please don't question my determination, that is an insult to me!"

"No, there is a way to prove it." Dude's words surprised her, "There is someone among the rebels who can prove this."


Sandra noticed that the other party did not use the word army, which meant... this person was not a soldier or an officer?

When did the Royal Army need to rely on outsiders to judge whether it was loyal or not?

But at this time, she had no good solution, not to mention that the other party also knew the news about Eliz Ben, "Where is this person? I can go see him."

"This is natural, or every old friend of the Kingdom Army that we decide to meet will go through this process." Dude nodded, "But..."

"but what?"

"It might not be very pleasant."

As the other party finished speaking, Sandra suddenly heard the whistling sound of a blunt instrument coming from behind her head!

There's someone hiding in the barn! ?

Realizing that she had no time to draw her sword, she simply thrust the scabbard backwards. The moment she took action, she received a heavy blow to the back of her head. Under the severe pain, the vision instantly became dark, and the consciousness began to dissipate...

Why... was I unaware of the existence of the third person?

Could it be that the enemy is... a legendary level warrior?

This thought was also the last thought that came to her mind.

"Hey, wake up..."

It seemed like there was a sound coming from far away.

"I said you...Sandra, wake up..."

No... She is very tired and wants to rest a little longer...

"Don't sleep! Sandra Allen!"

Sandra opened her eyes suddenly, and suddenly felt a burning sting coming from the back of her head! What I saw in front of me was a damp stone brick floor, with moss in the cracks between the bricks. Only then did she realize that she was lying on the ground, looking like a curled shrimp.

"Ha, you finally woke up. Now I have a companion."

The voice said again.

Got... a companion?

Sandra frowned, turned her neck as hard as she could, and looked towards the source of the sound. When she saw the other person's face clearly through the dim light of the torch on the wall, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Who is this person if not Ryan! ?

"Ryan Kerry?"

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a few days, so just forget about me." Ryan leaned against the corner and shrugged helplessly at her, "Don't blame me for not helping you. I'm tied up now and can't move even if I want to. .”

That's right... There were iron buckles around his ankles, and his hands were behind his back. He was probably cuffed as well. Not only that, these restraints were also connected to the wall with iron chains, as if they were afraid that he would escape.

Sandra wanted to get up, but she moved a few times but failed... She found that her arms were also cuffed behind her back, and she almost lost all feeling below the shoulders.

Okay...she already roughly understood her situation. This is a cell, and she and Ryan are the prisoners in the cell, waiting helplessly for their fate.

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