Alien paradise

Chapter 323 Evolution


With a muffled sound, the iron door of the VIP room was knocked open, and a big hole was dented in the fist-thick iron plate under the huge impact.

Wilson Long Jiu then put down the wine glass in his hand and slowly walked out of the room.

A strong smell of gunpowder smoke suddenly hit my nostrils.

For him, not only was he not disgusted with this, but he actually enjoyed it. He took a deep breath, letting the smell of gunpowder fully spread in his lungs.

What opened the door for him was a six-legged delivery machine, its body almost filling the entire hallway.

"Where did you find this thing?" Long Jiu patted the steel joints of the machine.

"The bottom layer of the limiting shell should be left over from the previous construction." The machine made a rough vibrating sound. It was not speaking with a voice, but an anthropomorphic sound produced by the constant vibration of several reeds. "The Wanli Machine's The core has been obtained and the defense system of Gleick Academy Company has been mastered by me. It’s time to leave.”

"I'm curious, are you Cosmos now, or are you a new individual?"

"No. Only after digesting this core can it be possible to realize the true all-powerful soul; but it is not just me, because I have mastered part of the secrets of Ninata. Compared with the separated ray of consciousness, , it can be said that it has evolved to several levels, so I can now understand your question and talk to you."

"It's a bit complicated." Wilson Long Jiu raised his eyebrows, "The world of gods is indeed not as easy to understand as the human world."

"You don't need to understand, because this is the domain of gods, just like summer insects cannot talk about ice. Of course, I will try to explain it in language that is suitable for human habits. Even if you can never understand its principle, at least you can use it skillfully. strength."

"You're right. There are specialties in the arts. I just need to do what I'm good at." He smiled, jumped up and climbed onto the carrier machine, "Let's go to the ground."

After one person enters the ornately decorated elevator, the door immediately closes and moves upward on its own even without entering the password.

Back on the ground, the company atrium was also in a mess. Broken corpses could be seen everywhere. Fresh blood met in the depression of the floor, forming pools of dark red depressions.

Obviously, the academy's security force is far more than "indifferent to the world" as the chairman said. There are several guards of hundreds of people inside the company building alone. Unfortunately, the Academy did not fully believe in human power, and its investment in machine firepower far exceeded the level of the Guards. Therefore, when these gun controllers discovered that the weapons would actually turn their guns and fire at them, the Guards' morale collapsed instantly.


As soon as Long Jiu arrived at the company's gate, the eldest son Qi Bai immediately came to greet him, "Are you not injured?"

"Do you think I'm in trouble?" Wilson smiled, "Don't worry, I never like to put myself in danger. I've got the core of Ninata, what's the situation outside?"

"The city is under martial law. Gleick Academy has dispatched a team of about 3,000 to 4,000 people, all of which are currently deployed outside the company. We only have three carriages and fifty followers. It is impossible to break through on our own." Qi Bo said this. After a slight pause, "But my second brother's troops are heading towards Xingwei City as planned, and they should be able to enter the city limits in half an hour."

"It seems that they still don't know the situation at the company headquarters." Wilson immediately understood the general situation. The moment emergency forces were dispatched, the city must have sounded the alarm. But before the army could get further instructions, the rotating chairman died underground.

If it were other facilities, that would be fine. However, the company headquarters is where the Wanli machine is stored. Any mistakes are unacceptable. This resulted in three to four thousand people who did not dare to move rashly. They could only surround the academy building layer by layer and then wait for their superiors. The command.

"If they launch an attack now regardless of the cost, we will probably be in danger." Qi Bai lamented, "Grake Academy is just a company after all, and it has made the same mistakes that all companies make... The commanders of these troops should You don’t even have the qualifications to be on the board of directors, right?”

The company is not an army, and its main goal is to make profits at all times. This also leads to the fact that the top management are basically businessmen. Although they will also form their own security team, in the eyes of businessmen, security is a negative asset that purely loses money. How much attention can be expected from them to the construction of the armed forces?

The habitual lack of attention and the low status of the commander make such a security team have almost no subjective initiative, and are essentially different from the army in their desire to defeat the enemy.

Wilson nodded.

Although he does not completely agree with his son's view - as he said, he rarely puts himself in danger, and this moment is no exception: even if the academy's large forces immediately open fire on the headquarters building, they can retreat underground and complete the task of blocking the opponent. Leave it to the hundreds or thousands of fire engines in this building - but the Duke did not refer to this issue.

Because Qi Bo's thinking direction is not wrong.

Army generals should act decisively at all times and must not be sloppy when they have the opportunity to destroy the enemy.

Half an hour is not a short time, but for a company that is completely disconnected from the headquarters, half an hour is almost too late to do anything.

When the rumble of artillery sounded outside the city, victory or defeat was a foregone conclusion.

Sanciya Royal City.

Walter looked at the note in his hand, and then compared it with the sign hanging above his head - "Rock, Paper, Scissors", this is the name of the hotel.

It’s really inconspicuous...

Walter muttered as he walked into the hotel and found the front desk, "Hello, I would like to ask if there is a guest named Firefly here."

"Hahaha...are you kidding me?" the middle-aged woman at the front desk laughed loudly, "Firefly? My name is scarab. Why, do you think this is like an insect museum, a place dedicated to bugs?"

Walter was too lazy to talk nonsense, raised his hand and slapped two Thriers on the table.

The woman immediately stopped smiling, "Wait a moment, I'll check it out for you." She took out her notepad and flipped through it quickly, "There really is such a name, it's in 206 on the second floor."

After speaking, she hurriedly put the silver coin into her arms, as if she was afraid that the other party would regret it.

Walter snorted disdainfully, turned around and went up the stairs to the second floor. The environment here is no different from that of a slum. The dripping clothes and underwear of guests are hanging out in the narrow aisles, and the air is filled with the smell of vomit and penicillium. Only those who came to the capital with dreams of getting rich and emptied their wealth would live in such a place.

Arriving at room 206, Walter knocked on the door.

"Stone." Someone inside said.

"Moon! Damn it, stop playing the code game, can you open the door quickly!?" He couldn't help but curse.

The door creaked open, and a man who was both familiar and unfamiliar appeared in front of him. The moment he saw Walter, a hint of surprise appeared on his face, "Is it you?"

"Yes, it's me." Walter squeezed in angrily, "Long time no see, Court Dann... It's not easy that you didn't die in a smelly ditch in the countryside!"

Dann looked at his former boss in a daze.

Time seems to go back to more than ten years ago in an instant.

But he quickly controlled his thoughts and focused his attention on his eyes, "'s been a long time. Would you like a cup of tea? I just boiled the water."

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