Alien paradise

Chapter 325 Victory Return

Unfortunately, this guy was quite cunning and did not reveal his whereabouts to his old colleagues. This further confirmed Zisser's guess - this person has rich counter-reconnaissance capabilities and knows how to hide himself. He is definitely not a spy. Simple eyeliner. Faced with such an opponent, a city-wide arrest warrant is meaningless, and may also cause unnecessary criticism.

"Master, the Duke is back." At this time, an attendant said in his ear.

Zissel immediately threw down the interrogation record and walked upstairs, "Keep an eye on him and don't make any mistakes, otherwise I'll take you for questioning!"

When he arrived at the palace, he saw Wilson Longjiu explaining things to his subordinates, and his eldest brother and second brother were also nearby.

"Father, I already have an idea about Paradise Teaching--"

However, Duke Longjiu interrupted him directly.

"I'll report to your brother later, I'm not free now."

"But it is related to news about the New God..."

"Don't you understand what I said?" His father finally cast his gaze on him, but there was no warmth in his eyes, as cold as the cold wind of the North Sea.

The eldest brother Qi Bai quickly gave him a hand, "I will listen to you later, don't hinder father now."

Chisel could only step aside first.

"I need to seal the inner hall of the palace for the next week, and I will leave the outside affairs to you. No one can enter the inner hall without my permission." Wilson told the ministers who followed him, "Now Our enemies are basically concentrated in the west, our troops are mainly defensive, and we must not slack off in equipment production. Do you understand?"

Everyone agreed in unison.

Wilson nodded, turned around and walked into the inner hall. The guards lined up in a row, holding spears across the door. Seeing this posture, even if a few legitimate sons of the Long Jiu family wanted to enter, they would stop them without hesitation.

Qi Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

He patted his third brother on the shoulder and said, "Why are you talking back to father? It's not like you don't know his character."

"This matter was asked by my father to investigate..."

"Yes, of course we all know that, but there are so many tasks assigned by him. Don't you know the importance at all?" The second brother also came up and teased, "There were outsiders present just now, and it's hard for my father to keep it secret. Instead, Home, he already slapped you!"

"Okay, I'll stop saying a few words."

"Is things going well in Xingwei City?" Qisel asked proactively.

"Of course, my father personally took action, how could there be any mistakes? When all the plans and souls are realized, we will be able to bring about earth-shaking changes to the world." The second brother said proudly.

"Why do we need to use the power of the Wanli Machine? Isn't it just a large library?"

"This..." Qi Bai coughed twice, "You will know later."

here we go again. The eldest brother knows his father's detailed plan, and the second brother may also have a rough idea, but he is always the last one to learn about it. Why? Is it because I'm not good at battles that I can't lead troops to conquer?

"By the way, to what extent do you understand the things taught in Paradise?" The eldest brother turned the topic to business.

In Zisser's view, this was undoubtedly the other party's way of not wanting to continue talking about his father's plans.

"I learned from the news agency that publishes the weekly newspaper that the Paradise Cult should have deliberately sent people to the capital to spread the news." He told Dan En's story again, "This man is very cunning. He will definitely not survive if handed over to the police. We have to entrust Li Tening to catch him.”

"Coming from the New order to spread the influence of the sect..." Qi Bo thought, "There should be no pioneering areas famous for the manufacture of strange structures. It does make people a little concerned. Do you already have an arrest plan?"

"I heard that this man had been in the royal capital for a while, and was quite famous at that time. If you put some effort into collecting it, you should be able to get a lot of information about him, which will most likely include his weaknesses."

The process of discovering weaknesses and then targeting them until the prey is forced to the surface is a joy every time for Zissel.

"Okay, if you have a goal, just tell me, and I will communicate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Qi Bo nodded, "But you have to pay attention to one thing, don't go too far. After all, this is not the Western Region, and the kingdom is in name only The rulers are still the Laurel family."

"What do you mean?" Zissel frowned.

"Do you have to let the eldest brother make it so clear?" The second brother shrugged, "You can arrest people, but don't put your perverted hobbies into work. Our reputation is not very good to begin with, so you have to give us more The Longjiu family is smeared, don’t blame me for being the first to deal with you!”

It's okay to kill people casually on the battlefield, but not to use more rigorous means to obtain information?

Isn’t intelligence warfare a war?

Zissel felt the veins on his forehead swell.

It's just that he didn't dare to let the other party find out - because unlike Uncle Qi, the second brother could really do something.

"I know, I'll pay attention."

He lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

The western forest area of ​​the Old World, Thousand Limburg.

A train loaded with food slowly entered the station.

Mog Weiler stood at the front of the car, nervous and scared. It took a total of ten days and nine hours from accepting the mission to returning here. In total, he probably slept for less than two days. In order to buy enough food as soon as possible, he did not choose to go to a big city, but contacted several small port towns in the south.

He has been to these places for business and knows that the locals mainly consume fish and shellfish. There are also a small amount of farmland in the countryside, and they are basically self-sufficient in food. In addition, being located near the sea, the threat of war is minimal, and food price fluctuations should be much smaller than in inland big cities.

The result was just as Mog expected. Those small towns did have a lot of grain in stock, and there were even several seafood canneries eager to get a long-term cooperation order. They were willing to sell him the first batch of cans at a fair price, with the number of up to one million cans. . In this way, he traveled non-stop between several cities, contacted the carriage fleet, transferred the goods to the big cities, and then entrusted the forestry company's concession train to transport the food back to Qianlimbao.

Even he was surprised that he was able to negotiate so many business deals in just ten days and was also responsible for sending the goods to the City of Thousand Forests. In the past, he would have subconsciously thought that this arrangement was a fantasy.

However, even so, Mog still felt strongly uneasy. Ten days is not a long time for cross-city business, but for Qianlimbao, which has run out of food, it is definitely a very long period of suffering. He was afraid that he would see a city in collapse, with the streets full of hungry people lying on the ground.

"Dude, what do you see? The station isn't deserted, is it?"

The train driver Mengke is also a local. His mood is not much different from Mog. Especially during the period of slowing down to enter the station, he will ask almost every few seconds.

"It's not deserted... there are many people standing beside the platform." Mog replied in a panic. "Oh my god, what are they doing...why are there so many people?"

"Could it be that... we are fleeing for famine?" The driver's voice was a little stiff, "Damn it, we have to inform the Paradise Cult immediately that the food has been delivered!"

"Leave this to me. You tell others to lock the doors, and you must not let the train be robbed by them!" Mog paused for a moment when he said this... He suddenly realized that something was wrong. Because the gathered crowd showed no signs of anxiety or fear at all, and had relaxed smiles on their faces while waiting for the train. Even when their train entered the unloading area, few people looked at them, as if a freight train was not worthy of their attention.

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