Alien paradise

Chapter 327 New Home

She asked Mog to sit back on the bed, "You take it in your hand first, then read out the name of the person you want to contact, and then touch your forehead like me..."

Mog's mind was not fully awake yet, "What are you doing?"

"Just do as I say first."

He could only follow the instructions in a confused manner, "Whose name do you want to read?"

"The platform unloader you mentioned... he should have told you his name, right?"


"If you are skilled, you can recite it silently in your mind. Of course... the first time you experience it, you will be very surprised and it will be difficult to concentrate, so it is okay to say it out loud." The wife explained patiently.

Silently? dialogue?

Mog really didn't understand what these words meant, but out of trust, he imitated his wife's approach and hit his head with the believer's seal.

"Ha...Mr. Mog, you finally contacted me!"

Suddenly a man's voice came to my mind.


Mog was so frightened that he almost dropped the seal in his hand.

"Hahaha... It's okay, this is my voice. It's not an illusion, and no one is living in your head." The other party laughed, "I heard that you collapsed from exhaustion yesterday, so I didn't disturb you. As for the food, we have already unloaded it after asking the Bishop... You don't need to worry about this, just have a good rest."

"Um...are you really...Mr. Keppel?" Mog glanced at his wife and replied hesitantly, " going on?"

"This is a miracle, Mr. Mog. It is proof that the Lord of Paradise has included us in the Kingdom of God."

Even without seeing the other party, he could hear Kipper's sigh and piety in his voice.

"This believer's seal allows us to communicate across the air. All believers accepted by the paradise can enjoy this gift. Moreover, the bishop also said that telepathy is only the most basic application. As the paradise continues to grow, it can The role will become stronger and stronger.”

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I still have work to do here. If you still have questions about the Believer's Seal, you can go to the church and ask. There are experts there who will guide you on how to use it."

"End the conversation."

With a soft ticking sound, Keppel's voice suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Mog opened his mouth wide and could not close it.

By God!

Given by God and possessing miraculous effects, isn't this thing just like the legendary artifact? ?

Under the huge mental shock, the remaining sleepiness in Mog's mind completely faded away, and he finally woke up. "This is real?"

"It's true. On the fourth day after you left, the Paradise Cult used an unprecedented steel giant bird to transport emergency food to the city." His wife held his hand, "Everyone was shocked. Many people wanted to join the Paradise Cult, and the entrance to the church was blocked in those days. Later... everyone heard the call of the Lord of Paradise. "

"Did you hear that too?"

"Yes... I not only heard it, the Lord of Paradise also helped me get out of the pain." My wife said softly, "I only remember that very bad things happened after I was forced to separate from you, but in retrospect But it’s all hazy, which must be the mercy of the gods.”

yes! Before he set off, his wife was obviously very depressed and would often cry secretly alone. If the Lord of Paradise had not saved his life, he would not have left his wife easily. I barely slept these days and just wanted to complete the commission as soon as possible. In addition to the fact that this batch of food could save many people, wanting to come back early to accompany him was also one of the reasons. Only now are Mog's disconnected memories finally connected.

"No wonder you look different from before..." He hugged his wife happily, "It turns out that the Lord of Paradise not only saved me, but also saved you once.

"Twice." The wife laughed.

The two hugged each other tenderly for a while, and Mog suddenly thought of a question, "You and I both have the believer's seal. Can't we also use it to spread messages?"

"Of course. How about I call you now?"


"This is the official recommended wording of Paradise Cult... Oh, it's not mandatory. Don't worry about it." The wife picked up the jade seal, "Are you ready? My dear."

Ding ding.

A ringtone immediately sounded in Mog's mind, and he noticed that a line of text actually appeared in front of his eyes: Laila's transmission, are you connected?

The moment this thought emerged, the words disappeared.

"It seems that you have received my subpoena." The wife did not move her mouth, but her voice came directly, "If someone else wants to talk to you, the previous text prompt will appear. If you don't want to answer, just choose Cancel. "The bishop said that this connection must be based on the consent of both parties, so there is no need to fear being deliberately harassed."

Mog tried to imitate the other person's behavior, not answering with his mouth, but thinking with his heart.

"Then what if we have the same name?"

"The bishop also explained it, but I didn't understand it very well. It seems that the name is just a symbol, it will help you recall the memory of the person being called. What really determines the connection is this memory, not an ordinary name. Even if it is a street nickname like "Cat or Dog", it does not prevent it from pointing to the right person."

"This is incredible!" Mog couldn't help shouting directly, "Doesn't that mean that I can contact you at any time when I go on business trips?"

"Hmm... I'm afraid that's not enough. According to the propaganda of Paradise Sect, currently the believer's seal can only be used in Qianlin Castle and Brilliant Castle. If you go to Brilliant Castle to do business, you can chat with me at any time." Wife said.

"Really... that's such a pity." Mog was greatly regretful. He originally thought that he could accompany him at any time no matter where he went. "But since the believer's seal can even cross the sea, the distance should be It’s not an insurmountable problem. It seems that as long as we keep building the park, it will eventually cover the entire world.”

"The bishop said so I have a suggestion." The wife's tone suddenly became serious.

"What proposal?"

"End the conversation."

She put down her believer's seal and said, "How about we settle down in Qianlimbao and treat this place as our first home. From now on, you can also go out to do business, but we won't wander anymore."

A designated home?

Mog's heart skipped a beat. It was impossible to say that he had not considered this issue before... What he yearned for at first was of course Sancia, the center of the kingdom. However, buying a shop there requires a lot of money, which is why he and his wife decided to start as a wandering merchant after leaving their hometown.

Wherever there is a business opportunity, they will rush to sell the minks from Thousand Limburg to the nobles of the royal capital, or transport the corals from Bloodhand Port to the mountains of the North... This is indeed very fruitful, but the price is not small. Most of the time, they could only use the carriage as a bed and eat dried meat and bread.

But what if you don’t choose the royal capital, but Qianlin Castle? The money he had saved was enough to buy real estate in a border city. In the past, Mog would definitely not consider such a remote place, but now it is different...

God not only saved him and his wife, but also blessed the city.

"Of course." He held the other person's hand, "We are no longer wandering...this is our new home."

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