Alien paradise

Chapter 332 How could I disappoint you?

When Sandra woke up, she found that she was lying on a clean and tidy bed, and all her dirty clothes had been replaced with new ones. She tried to move her shoulders, and there was a slight sting in her back, but it did not hinder her movement, which showed that the wound had been properly treated.

She slowly pushed herself up, and then saw a woman cleaning bandages at the table not far away.

"Miss Jenny...?"

"Ah, you're awake." The other party turned around and said in surprise.

It’s really Sister Jenny from the Temple of Jenny. Sandela was secretly surprised. It seemed that Madam Xiaguang's information was correct. Paradise did not simply want to establish a company here, but transplanted all the power of Brilliant Castle here. During this period...what changes happened?

"Excuse me, Mr. Chao..."

"He's right next door, shall I inform him for you?" Jenny immediately guessed what she was thinking.

"sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, just wait!" The nun ran out briskly, and in less than half a minute, the familiar man was in front of her.

"Mr. Chao, how much do you know about what happened in Star Reaching City?" She couldn't wait to ask. She was even so excited that the pain in her back reached her heart and lungs, causing her to cough violently.

Chaoyang handed over a glass of water, "Don't be anxious, take your time. I know everything...through the dreaming technique."

When she heard the word "dream spell", Shantara let out a long sigh of relief.

However, she immediately became nervous again and did not bother to drink water. "You destroyed the kingdom's army and occupied the entire Qianlin Castle?"

"Uh-huh." Chaoyang had expected her to ask this. "Because the actual situation and the plan deviated, I had to change the plan, and it ended up like this."

"Ahem...what kind of deviation...ahem!"

"You have to drink some water first before I tell you."

The person talking to me now... is probably Mr. Chao. Sandela thought to herself that gods would not care so much about an ordinary person. She had never seen a god before, but it was different now. When she talked to Coco Moqi, she felt a sense of inhumanity - either the other person was inhuman, or she herself was inhuman.

She took a sip of water and then stared straight at him.

Chaoyang smiled, "It seems that you really want to know. Anyway, I'll tell you from the beginning..." After that, he roughly told what happened from the day he landed to Qianlinbao when he faced famine, "In Ai Without personnel in the Erko camp, I couldn't even start a company. The only regret is that the culprit didn't kill him on the spot, but fled after seeing that the situation was over. It turned out that he escaped to Star Reaching City alive. "

Sandra was stunned when she heard this experience. She never expected that Mrs. Xiaguang would collect materials in such a way!

In this case, wouldn't the Royal Army stationed at the border be no different from bandits?

When did they sink to this point?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is Chaoyang lied.

But Sandra found that she couldn't make such a conjecture... She couldn't imagine the possibility of the other party maliciously deceiving her. Because no matter how ridiculous things sounded in the past, he verified their authenticity one by one.

"I never knew...the lord of Star Reaching City didn't say this either..." she murmured.

"Because this is not a glorious thing. Even if she is a Duke, letting her subordinates burn, kill, and loot will still leave a black mark in public opinion." Chaoyang said, not surprised, "What's more, she only has to be responsible for her own people. If the Kingdom of Snow If the coalition forces can really block the attack of Long Jiu's army, then she will be a great hero among the local people... or even a savior. "


"Are you worried that if the Paradise Cult goes to war with the coalition forces, it will affect the remnants of the Royal Army?" Chaoyang said first, "I have to admit, this is indeed a problem. But think about it carefully, how many people in this army are your old friends? many of the Kingdom's troops under the command of General Fares Ben are left? Obviously, Duke Rocha's infiltration of the border army was not a matter of a day or two, and even the retreating Guards were Not necessarily still willing to follow the orders of the general’s daughter.”

"..." Sandra was silent, knowing that what the other party said was true.

"So I have an idea, you might as well drag your eldest lady out to work alone."

She blinked, stunned.

"Her purpose is revenge, and your purpose is to protect her, then she can also join forces with Le Yuan." Chaoyang said matter-of-factly. He recently received a warning from Dann, saying that the propaganda campaign in the royal capital had been targeted by the Longjiu family, which meant that Duke Longjiu's attitude towards the expansion of the Paradise Sect was definitely not friendly. Perhaps times have changed unknowingly, and the environment in the past where multiple gods were active in the human world no longer exists.

If this trend continues, Paradise will sooner or later become the enemy of Long Jiujun.

"Why, do you think we can't win against Duke Longjiu?"

"Uh... I didn't think so." Sandra felt her heart beating hard, because if she thought about this idea a little more, she would find that Chaoyang's proposal was quite feasible, even more reliable than the coalition army. She had seen the power of the Paradise Cult, and its organizational power was beyond the reach of any of her peers. "I'm just worried about Eliz... I don't know what she will think of Paradise."

"Who knows? This matter cannot be settled in a day or two."

"But they are coming to Qianlimbao soon."

Sandra's "them" are undoubtedly the crusade force that is already on the road.

Chaoyang said easily, "Don't worry, I will talk to them personally before resorting to force. In fact, the envoy team has already set off, and it is estimated that we will encounter their outpost tomorrow. If Duke Rosia is willing to withdraw, I The crimes committed by Elko Camp can also be temporarily ignored.”

"Are you still willing to talk to them?"

"Why not? It's never a bad thing to have fewer dead people."

Sandra put down the cup and said after a long time, "Thank you, Mr. Chao."

"You can call me Chaoyang." He waved his hand, "Have a good rest. You have had surgery and need to rest for a while."

She hesitated for a moment, and before Chaoyang was about to leave the room, she couldn't help but ask, "Why are you so nice to me? I'm just a former officer with little combat experience, and my soldier level is not top-notch. I also arrested people when I was in Brilliant Castle. Pass you."

"Because you chose paradise, right?"


Chaoyang smiled and did not answer, closing the door for her.

One thing he didn't tell the other party was that on the day Sandra rushed back to Qianlimbao, he saw the thin silver-white silk thread fluttering on the other party's head.

"You would rather let us leave with our bodies, and the reason why you want to stay here is because you don't want her to misunderstand, right?"

Elodie's little complaint before departure came to mind again.

"But is it necessary to explain it yourself? Let Mog and his wife come to the ward, and she will understand everything. Miss Sandela is not a fool, and she is not so stubborn that she only believes in your words."

Of course it is necessary.

Chaoyang walks towards the prepared closed room - there, he will complete the soul transformation and go to the new body.

The other party is a believer in paradise.

And as the creator of paradise, how could he disappoint believers?

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