Alien paradise

Chapter 350 The Temptation of the Devil

Chaoyang nodded, "Yes, you like it very much?"

"Yu——" Her voice couldn't help but raise an octave, "Yu often thinks about how to kill time, so he learned to please himself, and various games are one of them. But most of them are chess. , the rules are limited to a small chessboard, this is the first time I have seen a game like yours, so yes... I like it very much."

To Chaoyang's surprise, the other party actually admitted it directly.

He couldn't help but become curious about the experience of the Magic Goddess.

"Where did you live when you disappeared?"

"In the mountains in the north, there are many caves, forming a huge maze. Each cave is a miniature world."

"What if a believer prays to you?"

"It's nothing more than wanting a miracle. It doesn't matter if you don't respond."

"But you said before...gods should protect humans."

"Protecting them and supporting them to get something for nothing are two different things. In short, the people in the mountains are better off, even after I disappear." Coco Moqi obviously doesn't want to talk about this, "Otherwise, my hobbies are hobbies. I still have to remind you that the crisis of the God of All Machines is imminent. It is really not a wise choice for Paradise Cult to continue to invest resources in these irrelevant entertainment activities. Do you really understand your situation? "

"Probably. But people all want to be happy. Even if the world is about to be destroyed, this need will not change. I just responded to their desire." Chaoyang shrugged, "And the benefits are obvious. People feel When I feel happy, I will talk about the good teachings in the paradise, and I will gain more will power.”

"If you don't plan to join Star Reaching City, what are your next plans?"

He vaguely realized that the other party really regarded him as a junior... Whether the goddess of magic wanted to use his power to fight against Long Jiujun, or she didn't want him to be devoured by the God of All Opportunities, every question was filled with a hint of concern. mean.

"Let the reputation of Paradise spread wider, so I plan to dispel the fog of Acropolis and turn it into the territory of Paradise Cult."

"You said...what?" Coco Moqi showed a surprised look for the first time.

"Disperse the fog of the Acropolis." Chaoyang repeated it again. This is a conspiracy, there is nothing to hide.

Surprisingly, the goddess of magic did not ask about the method. Her expression was a little solemn, "Maybe... you will get yourself into big trouble."


"That's right, you don't know yet. The reason why the fog exists is not because of evil gods, but because of the evil gods like Yu who protect mankind."

"God of the Hidden Mist, I know everything it does: to make people forget, right?" Chaoyang said decisively.

"Have you seen her followers?" Coco Moqi quickly responded.

"Yes. I originally wanted to spread the news, but most people will forget it immediately after hearing it."

"You do this even though you know it? Dispelling the barrier she has set may offend her. That is a god much older than me, and he values ​​the mist above all else." Coco Moqi frowned, " From what I know about her, if you really destroy the fog barrier on the Acropolis, she will probably regard you as an enemy."

It turns out that the God of Hidden Mist is still active in the world?

Reske said that it had been a long time since he heard a response from the gods...

In addition, from the other party's wording, Chaoyang keenly captured a detail, "Have you seen the God of Hidden Mist?"

"Well, she already existed when Yu was born." The other party confirmed, "As a senior, she also taught Yu a lot of common sense, such as how to communicate with believers."

Are you being indifferent to your prayers? It is indeed the style of the God of Hidden Mists... Chaoyang slandered.

"So you were acquaintances before? That's easy to handle. Why don't you go back to Star City and cooperate with me. We have to deal with Duke Longjiu anyway, no matter where we fight. And what the mist protects against is the power of the evil god. If I dispel the fog and ensure that the power of the evil god does not spread, then she should have no reason to blame me. Of course, I am not familiar with her, so there may be misunderstandings at first, but it will be different if you are here. If you give me some advice, she will definitely understand what I am doing."

He said in one breath.

"What?" Coco Moqi immediately became vigilant, "Are you trying to persuade me to surrender?"

"It's cooperation, not surrender." Chaoyang emphasized. "If Star Reaching City hadn't taken the initiative to attack, there would be no need for me to fight with the various factions in the mountains. As far as I know, that's not the source of your wish. The Kingdom of Winter The main believer is the Goddess of Fertility, and it’s the same with anyone you cooperate with, so why not consider the Paradise Cult?”

"That's it, continue." Xianyin said abruptly.

"I was born in that place..."

"I wasn't born here either. In my opinion, this is no different from job-hopping - when a company's prospects are not good, it is a better choice to jump to another better company. I will also pay for non-competition compensation. For example... I can provide you with a monthly donation."

The rising sun has a voice.

"There's no need for wishing's not like she doesn't have her own source of wishing power." Mianyin muttered in a low voice.

Coco Moqi was not so decisive in her refusal this time.

She was obviously lost in thought.

Looks like there's drama.

It's just that it still lacks a finishing touch.

——For a devil who is good at seduction, this shouldn’t be a difficult task, right?

What he said before picking up the sound suddenly appeared in Chaoyang's mind.

What does the other party need most?

Apart from the major premise of fighting against the God of All Machines, her desire for foreign objects is actually not that strong. Maybe the focus of what made her hesitate just now was also because of the "better company" rather than the monthly "salary".

Reclusive, likes to be alone, has a lot of time, loves games... these descriptions gradually condensed into an image in Chaoyang's mind.

He cleared his throat and spoke again, "By the way, if you cooperate with Paradise Cult, you can also experience more exquisite games - you just said that you like those games, but they are just from my simplest ideas. Technically speaking, they are just passing.”

"Huh?" Coco Moqi turned her head in surprise, "If these games are sold in other cities, they will definitely become popular! Are you sure they have just reached the passing mark?"

Chaoyang stretched out his hand to her.

"have a look?"

The other party hesitated for a moment, then held his hand.


In an instant, a large number of memory fragments about the game flooded into the mind of the goddess of magic - they were no longer side-scrolling arcades and card games limited by technology, but fully mature video games... They were visually different. Although it is not as good as the real world, the gameplay design and content mode can be called the masterpieces of the Ninth Art. These things cannot attract Xue Quan and Anthony, but for a person who naturally likes games, it is completely different.

Coco Moqi pulled back her hand in disbelief, "Can you make them now?"

"I can but I can't. I have actually made the finished product, but it is in another paradise world. If I want to reproduce them in Qianlimbao, I am afraid it will take several years."

Naturally, I made it up casually for a few years. God knows if those research experts can find a replacement for electrical energy.

"Another paradise world?"

"That's right. If you want to go there, you just need to sign a new contract with me." Chaoyang said calmly. This world refers to the "transit station". In that gray-white hall, he can create a space that is no different from the earth. "Most people want to go there and need my guidance to get there, but if you are a god, you should be able to visit at any time. It is private, quiet, has separate compartments, and is equipped with hot tubs..."

"Wait, is this also one of your abilities?" She interrupted quickly.

"That's right. It appeared together with my birth. I regard it as the template for paradise."

"What if you can't defeat Long Jiujun and Shenji Cult in the end?"

"If I can't win, the coalition forces in Star Reaching City will definitely not be able to win either." Chaoyang said without hesitation, "But I can at least guarantee one thing, Paradise Sect will not drag you into the water. You can leave on your own when the time comes, or It’s okay to live in Paradise forever. In a sense, that’s my retreat.”

"Haha..." Coco Moqi chuckled, as if she was laughing at his arrogance, but also as if she was mocking herself, "I can see that you don't look down on Duke Rosia and the Royal Army at all..."

Chaoyang nodded, there was nothing to deny.

Just a few flashbacks of Sandra's memories showed that this joint army did not have enough cohesion. Even if they have the same will, they are not on the same page after all. Especially the differences in political demands are likely to cause these forces to go further and further apart in the end.

History has proven many times that this kind of army cannot fight against headwinds.

"But I still hope that you can maintain the most basic mutual assistance between you, instead of being independent and eventually being destroyed one by one by the God of All Machines." Coco Moqi paused, "If you agree with this, Yu can consider following Paradise teaches cooperation, especially when it comes to the Acropolis..."

"I don't have any problem. The problem is that Star Reaching City has lost Thousand Limburg, and the crusade army has been driven back. Duke Rosha and her friends may not be able to swallow this breath."

"I can mediate this. Qianlin Castle is not of much value to them. What is important is the relics buried in the Acropolis." Coco Moqi explained, "I guess Sandella has disclosed this information to the Paradise Cult. Right? As long as Qianlimbao is willing to provide logistical support for the search team, I think Duke Rosia will accept this situation."

The heart of the Hunter God... seems to be the same thing as the remains of the gods found under the Ash Hill Mine. If someone from the Kingdom of Snow could really find it, he wouldn't mind touching it.

"Then it's settled?"

"You have nothing to back up, just sign the contract." She said seriously.

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