Alien paradise

Chapter 353 The King’s Appearance

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, your Majesty, there will be a court meeting later. I would like to ask... do you want to go?" The maid stood at the door gingerly, her waist bent almost parallel to the ground.

And the person she was asking was not a murderous gangster, but a fifteen-year-old girl.

Although few people saw with their own eyes the murders that took place in the palace at that time, everyone heard a rumor: it was this seemingly frail ninth princess who killed all her brothers and sisters with a decorative dagger. When all the royal heirs fell, she stood in a pool of blood and smiled.

Those are all the noble blood of the Yue Gui family!

If she dared to kill all these people, wouldn't ordinary people be inferior to pigs or dogs in her eyes? The maid was afraid that she would offend the other party by entering the door with her left foot first, and then end up with her body and head separated.

In fact, there are cases where servants and maids disappear inexplicably in the palace.

The Ninth Princess Bi Fei Taser has always been the focus of these discussions.

The girl put down the book in her hand and looked up at her, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, dare I be afraid of you!" The maid knelt down on her knees, frightened and said incoherently, "Please let me go!"

"I never thought of hurting you, so you don't need to ask for mercy." Bi Fei lowered her voice and said, "Get up and tell the people sent over there that I will come over."

"Ah? Yes...yes! I will do it right now!"

"After you finish explaining, don't forget to come back and change my clothes... I won't trouble other servants anymore."

After waiting for the other party to exit the bedroom tremblingly, she picked up the book again and started reading it carefully.

"Miss Clara...did I do the right thing?"

She waited quietly for a while, and the gentle voice sounded in her heart as promised.

"You did a great job, kid. The harder your enemies try to break you, the stronger you have to be. Now that you are on the throne, you have to shoulder everything the king has to offer. I know there are many people waiting to see your joke. , but you will eventually shut them all up.”

"But I have never participated in the Imperial Council..."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you sit in that position, others can't ignore you. Keep your chest up, kid, you are stronger than you think, and I will always accompany you."

Bi Fei's heart completely relaxed.

That's right...the eldest brother and the second brother both escaped, leaving their father, mother and them behind in this cruel world. If even such a person is qualified to inherit the throne, then what else does she have to fear?

"Your Highness..." The maid appeared at the door again. She was holding a white dress and still lowered her head to her waist. "I, I'm here to change your clothes."

"Yes." She unbuckled her belt and opened her hands, "You can change it."

The other party swallowed, walked to Bi Fei, stiffly took off her casual clothes, and began to change her clothes.

When the girl's back was completely exposed, the maid couldn't help but cover her mouth.

There were several obvious scars on her waist, abdomen and shoulders - although they had all healed, judging from the twisted scars, these injuries were undoubtedly quite serious for a little girl.

"It doesn't look good, right?"

"Your Highness, these injuries are..."

"The souvenir left by my brothers and sisters. They wanted to kill me so much that they ignored the murder weapon stabbed from behind." Bi Fei said calmly. "But I guess it is not this rhetoric that is circulating in the palace, but that I killed them all with my sword in my hand. Because of this, Duke Longjiu agreed to spare my life."

The maid's heart skipped a beat.

Oh my god, was she talking about that palace upheaval? I had only heard it from other people before, but now even the Ninth Princess has said so. Does that mean that this matter has definitely happened? As for who killed whom, this question is no longer important, because in the end, only Bifei survived.

"You, you were just forced to fight back, you can't be considered... at fault."

"How is that possible?" Bi Fei sighed softly, "No matter how good the reason is, parricide will always be a stain that cannot be washed away. I do not ask for forgiveness from my parents, but I have not forgotten my true enemy. If even I die, Yuegui The family is truly finished.”

Is this... really what a fifteen-year-old child can say?

The maid looked at her in surprise. With such a weak figure and not yet fully grown, how did she recover from the blow after experiencing such a terrible tragedy?

"By the way, what's your name?" Bi Fei asked, "Has the last maid who served me been transferred?"

"My name is Rena, Your Highness." Seeing her speaking so methodically and acting calmly, the maid's uneasy heart became less frightening. "The last one...she said she had limited abilities and couldn't help it. I won’t take care of you anymore…”

"I must have been scared away. That's okay."


"She's alive after all, isn't she?"

Rena suddenly shuddered.

Rumors that the attendant had mysteriously disappeared suddenly flooded into her mind.

However, as a servant, she would not even dare to ask about this kind of thing.

"I don't mean to blame her. After all, it's pretty good to be able to persist until now." Bi Fei smiled. Initially, she collapsed after returning alive and thought of suicide more than once. It's a pity that at that time, every move I made was watched, and even if I wanted to die, it would be difficult to find a chance. Seeing her crazy appearance and the rumors in the palace, it would be a shame if the servants were willing to serve her.

If Miss Clara hadn't appeared...she would have gone crazy.

Perhaps this is exactly what Duke Longjiu wants.

"If you feel you can't bear it anymore, you can apply for transfer at any time." Bi Fei added, "I will not be angry with you because of this kind of thing. Of course... If you are willing to serve me all the time, I will be very happy. . After all, it would be quite inconvenient for me to do something with strangers.”

"Your Highness...I..."

Rena didn't know what to answer.

Theoretically, servants have no right to refuse, especially personal maids, who cannot leave the palace for almost their entire lives. Therefore, when the master says so, it is the right thing to do and say thank you. But she was facing the Ninth Princess... a "monster" who was stained with the blood of her relatives at the age of fifteen! She seems quite normal now, but who can guarantee that one day her temperament won't change drastically? One more day together is not one more day of danger?

"It doesn't matter, I won't force you. Just tell me when you want to." Bi Fei obviously saw through her thoughts, "Has your dress been tied?"

"Ah, hug, sorry, I'm already dressed."

"Yes." The princess nodded, pulled up the horns and walked towards the palace door. Duke Longjiu's guards were already waiting for her at the door.

"By the way." When she walked to the door, she turned back, "If you don't want to disappear suddenly, it's best to stay away from the young masters of the Longjiu family and stay away from the basement of the castle."

"You'll live longer if you remember this."

After speaking, Bifei opened the door and left the room.

Reina was stunned for a while, and suddenly her expression changed drastically! Wait...what happened just now! ? The last sentence didn't come out of the other person's mouth, but seemed to be passed directly into his heart!

The ninth princess seems to have changed.

Rena was vaguely aware that she was no longer the lively and beautiful girl, nor was she the murderous madman rumored to be.

She seemed to have transformed from the collapse of the Yuegui family.

An idea that had never occurred to her before suddenly popped into the maid's head.

She may have taken the form of a king.

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