Alien paradise

Chapter 357 Accompanied by Mist

Chapter 357 Accompanied by fog...

The train traveled slowly and steadily through the dense forest. Every thirty seconds, there will be a series of crisp clanging sounds from below the carriage, which is the impact of wheels running over the rail joint. Experienced people can judge that the speed of the train is basically maintained at 20 kilometers per hour just by listening to these monotonous road noises.

"Ah... it's foggy." Cui Zhenen suddenly stuck her head out of the window and said.

Zhang Zhiyuan and others followed the sound, and the thousands of branches in the forest became obviously hazy, as if there was a layer of insoluble water vapor filling the air.

This is the third day since their departure. If the distance estimate is correct, the train will be able to enter the Acropolis before nightfall today.

The first two days were uneventful. Apart from parking for a rest at night, they encountered few obstacles. First of all, this train is not only stocked with a large amount of food, but also equipped with many repeating weapons. The beasts acting collectively in the jungle have nothing to do with them. In addition, the front part of the train is equipped with a simple lifting equipment, which can be used to replace damaged rails. As long as the train can move, they are equivalent to being in a mobile fortress.

"I heard that there are terrible monsters lurking in the fog. I hope they won't be scared away by the train." Anthony wiped the classic AK in his hand as if caressing his beloved woman.

"I'm more worried about cults than monsters." Zhou Zhi touched his neck. He didn't want to experience the scene of facing the cult angel on a tourist boat again. Even though he knew that he would not really die, the memory that was still retained in his consciousness when his head flew into the sky was far from being easily forgotten like pain. "Mr. Chao said that the reason why this place is engulfed in fog is because of the evil cult."

"That was all fifteen years ago. Even if there were, they would have died long ago." Anthony said disapprovingly.

"It feels like a ghost story, and we are the classic fools who sent us inside even though we knew there was a ghost." Zhang Zhiyuan turned to look at Elodie sitting in the corner of the carriage, "Hey, are you sure Mr. Chao doesn't have more Can the information be provided?”

"Well..." Elodie looked thoughtful, as if she didn't hear his question.

what happened?

She used to be full of energy.

Zhang Zhiyuan moved towards her, listened attentively, and found that she kept muttering a few words.

"Where did the goddess of magic come from?"

"Isn't that small illegal?"

"You can't go the wrong way."


No, why can’t I understand a sentence? Zhang Zhiyuan scratched his head.

"What do you think of the scenery here? Does it feel like you're back at home?" Zhou Zhi said half-jokingly, grabbing Reske's neck. Most of the time, Leske stayed on the Earth side with Lovisya, providing a time anchor for the paradise world. After knowing this, Zhou Zhi took the initiative to act as a liaison to help them get familiar with life in their hometown. After a few months of getting along, the relationship between the two has become similar to that of friends.

"Although I am a believer in the Hidden Mist Religion, I will not live in the foggy area for a long time, okay?" Lesk curled his lips, "To be more precise, I will not go deep into the fog except to pray to my Lord. Those monsters hiding in the fog will not spare your life just because you are a believer."

"Really? We felt pretty safe last time we went to the Ash Hill Mine. Apart from the obstruction of sight, the fog isn't that scary."

"Naive." Anthony snorted, "Just look at the armored trains of Gaotian Company. You don't need such high-end equipment to suppress miner slaves. If I guessed correctly, Gaotian Company should transport those trains I’ve suffered a lot online.”

"I heard from Mr. Chao that the God of Hidden Mist may appear due to our actions. If the two sides fight, it should be considered the final BOSS." Zhou Zhi changed the topic.

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhang Zhiyuan quickly stopped him, "Freedom of religious belief, don't make arbitrary comments on other people's beliefs."

Reske waved his hand, "It's okay, I know he means no harm. After all, your world doesn't exist..." He closed his mouth again mid-sentence.

"What's wrong?"

Resker showed an unnatural smile, "'s nothing." How can a world that can feel the aura of many evil gods still exist stably? He couldn't figure it out even if he thought about it.

"If the God of Hidden Mist approaches us, can you feel it?" Naruko Asahara asked curiously.

"Of course." Resker took out the fog horn and placed it in the palm of his hand. "This is the mark given to me by my Lord. Whenever it sets its sights on me, the horn will spin. Although this has not happened for many years. pass……"

Before he finished speaking, the horn suddenly deflected slightly a few degrees.

There was suddenly silence in the carriage.

"Uh...did I see it wrong just now?" Zhou Zhi blinked after a while.

"I just took it out, maybe I didn't catch it properly." Cui Zhenen coughed twice, "Don't be like's scary if you don't say anything."

Just then, the horn made another half-turn.

Now everyone can see it!


"It's strange..." Resker was also a little stunned. He closed his eyes and murmured, "My lord... is it you? No, there is no reply. Wait, the mist is crying, what is that... They are running in the forest... a train?"

"Ah, are you looking at a bird? A bird is flying over!" Cui Zhenen shouted at this time.

I saw a snow-white bird flying down to the top of the tree next to the railway track, tilting its head to look at the steel behemoth. She stretched out her hand and waved to the bird. To her surprise, the white bird landed directly and rested on the former's arm.

"You're quite good. I said, do you have anything to eat on hand? Melon seeds, bread and the like - ah ah ah -!"

Before Cui Zhenen finished speaking, she suddenly screamed!

That shrill voice startled everyone!

Anthony reacted the fastest. He grabbed Cui Zhenen by the collar and yanked her back into the car. The bird was brought back with it, fluttering its wings on the floor. Only then did everyone realize that the bird was quite large, almost similar to a bald eagle, but its legs were very slender, like a crane.

He pulled out his dagger and stabbed it into the bird's back, causing it to stop struggling, and then separated the bird from the man.

Then everyone took a breath.

Half of Cui Zhenen's face was gone, deep bite marks were exposed on the edge of the skull, and only a deep eye socket remained.


She moaned softly.

Anthony gave her a knife without hesitation, killing her completely.

"What the hell kind of bird is this?" Zhou Zhi looked at the motionless white bird on the ground, his face turned blue.

No wonder he is like this, the head of this big bird is actually a human skull! It was about the size of a fist, and there was still Choi Jung Eun's flesh and blood between its gaping teeth.

But there was more fluttering of wings outside the window.

Zhang Zhiyuan approached the window and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, "Fuck you."

In the forest surrounded by mist, countless white birds were moving in groups. They passed over the treetops like dark clouds and swooped in the direction of the train!

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