Alien paradise

Chapter 362 Who am I?

Without the protection of the mist, billowing smoke erupted from the monster's mouth, and its devouring movement stopped abruptly. It struggled to turn its body, as if it wanted to escape from this fog-free zone, but its excessive size became an absolute disadvantage at this moment. It struggled to crawl underground while shaking off the smoking rotten skin. Unfortunately, the fog retreated much faster than its movement. After struggling for a few minutes, it stopped moving and became an embedded piece of wood. Dead flesh in rocks and dirt.

"Are you OK?"

Elodie also rushed to Chaoyang at this moment and caught him to prevent him from falling into the torn earth.

"It's not bad." Chaoyang continued to inject his will power and took the time to look at his feet.

In just a few breaths, the road had changed beyond recognition, with broken rails scattered left and right. The monster opened a crack in the ground that was large enough to accommodate a building. The vertical drop exceeded thirty meters. Ordinary people might lose their lives even if they fell from the edge.

The train not far away also completely derailed and was knocked aside. Fortunately, the civilian experts in the expedition team have evacuated, and those left behind are talented people with a certain ability to protect themselves. There is no need to worry about how much damage a rollover will cause to them.

"Fortunately, you reacted quickly enough."

He said to Xianyin in his mind.

The moment the ground swelled, the "slime" expanded into a package and hugged his feet. Then he jumped up from the ground and jumped four to five meters in the air, which also prevented his feet from directly bearing the wave. The force of the impact.

"Of course, I am such a great existence. Wisdom and body are two relative terms to you. That is because your life span is so short that you cannot take care of both, but for the ancestor gods..."

Chaoyang simply ignored the words behind it.

"Let's go down."

"Chaoyang..." Elodie suddenly called his name directly, "What do you think that is?"

Chaoyang followed her gaze... She was facing the east, which was also the direction of the Acropolis. As the fog was driven away by the red light, the Acropolis, which had been missing from the map for more than ten years, gradually revealed its outline. It was a small town mainly engaged in fishing, but because it was located on the border, it was also a gathering place for sea guards, pirates, smugglers, and wanted persons. Its population was even larger than Qianlimbao. In the shadow of the bungalow, you can also feel its former "vitality".

However, the problem is that there is an obelisk standing in the middle of the city, which can be seen with the naked eye even from a distance of 70 or 80 kilometers - its extremely smooth surface and faint fluorescence are in stark contrast to the gray buildings around it. Compared. What's even more incredible is that the lower part of it is also gathered into a cone shape, which seems not to be fixed by the base, but to be suspended in mid-air.

At this moment, Pickup suddenly stopped the expansion of the red light.

The fog of retreat began to gather again.


"Come on, I smell something -" its voice was still childish, but sharper than any other cry before, "-it's the First God!"

Almost at the same time, a green light bloomed from the top of the obelisk!

Chaoyang was surprised to see that Xianyin suddenly jumped out of his palm and instantly turned into a huge umbrella-shaped film, blocking him in front of him. And Elodie's expression changed drastically as she spread her wings and pulled him back quickly! There was also Coco Moqi who was flying towards him, Infino who was standing there with his head up in a daze, the players in the back who were pointing at the sun and dancing, and Mekfa and others who were trying to push the train in the right direction...

Everything is so slow. Everyone's movements seemed to slow down a thousand times, and he could even see his stunned self in Elodie's eyes...

Immediately afterwards, the green light at the end of his field of vision swept across the entire forest, including him and everyone else. The sound he picked up was also fragmented in an instant. In the last moment of consciousness, he only remembered the hand that held him tightly.

"Uh... damn, it hurts..."

Chaoyang groaned and slowly turned over. He felt as if his head was filled with mercury. It was hot, swollen, and painful, and was accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness. He was shaking every time he moved.

The feeling under the body is relatively soft, and it smells of a sour and strange smell, which is obviously not the smell of earth.

He forced his eyes to open a crack, and sure enough, what he saw were sheets and wrinkled bedding. However, the pattern and color of the quilt were not any that he had ever used before, which meant that this bed was not in Qianlimbao either.

Oh yeah...the obelisk and the light.

When this thought emerged, he couldn't help but shudder. That's right... I was still deep in the misty forest before, so why am I lying on a strange bed now? What happened? Was he rescued?

What about Elodie who pulled him back?

There is also the sound pickup in front of you!

Chaoyang silently recited Slime's name several times, but the usually verbose reply did not appear as expected.

This contrast made his confused consciousness begin to come back to his senses, and his swollen and painful brain instantly became cold!

Pickup cannot live independently without itself. Even if the clone is destroyed, it can move to the main body instantly! Wait... is this body a large clone or a small clone? Or is he the real person?

Chaoyang thought of this and quickly propped up his body... However, his arms were no longer as strong as before, and just this simple supporting action made the mouth of the bowl tremble. What shocked him even more was that when his vision was widened, he saw someone lying on the bed. It was a woman with short curly chestnut hair and freckles on her face. The nightgown on his body was half removed, exposing most of his back, and a few red and swollen scars could be vaguely seen.

There were several empty wine bottles scattered around the two of them.

Chaoyang suddenly realized that the severe dizziness and headache were not caused by any injuries, but by drinking too much alcohol. As for the sour smell on the bed, it was due to the wine seeping into the quilt and fermenting after being covered all night.

In all likelihood, he and this woman had an all-night party.

No, that's not right! Chaoyang covered her face and calmed down. Maybe this is just a fantasy! He did nothing, or the person who did it had nothing to do with him.

"Ah..." Probably because he moved a little too much to sit up, the woman also let out a tired groan.

"Huh?" Her eyes suddenly opened and she touched her whole body. Then she raised her head and her eyes met the rising sun.

Not good.

Chaoyang suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, when the woman saw her disheveled clothes and Chaoyang, who was also shirtless, her expression suddenly changed. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but the anger in her eyes overwhelmed her words - there was no need to say anything more, violence was the response! She rushed forward, pushing Chaoyang over while riding on him, clenching her hands and raising them above her head.

This familiar gesture made Chaoyang seem to have returned to half a year ago in an instant.

If there is another strong wind coming out of her hands...

"Elodie!?" He shouted subconsciously.

The woman's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

She looked in disbelief.

"How do you know my name!? Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me anymore?" Chaoyang touched his face... Wait, this face does seem to be thinner...

He stared into the other person's eyes, trying to see himself reflected in the pupils.

——Then he discovered that it was a completely strange man.

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