Alien paradise

Chapter 375 Companions and Passwords

Not long after leaving the Governor's Mansion, Chaoyang suddenly felt a stream of willpower pouring into his body——




The contract is reached.

It seems that they confirmed Ziglin's death.

"These three contracts are concluded." Chaoyang said in his heart.

"Well, my power is also recovering. I should be able to use Zhanfeng now...although I can't use it more...Have you figured out how to implement Enkui's contract?" Elodie asked.

"It's simple. As Barif's identity, he can make up a reason to single out Vanrik Fish for interrogation, and then find an opportunity to let him go. But in this way, this body will not be able to show up again. So I plan to use him thoroughly. I haven’t figured out how to do it yet. It’s best to destroy this public execution and save everyone.”

Chaoyang is already very good at using demonic abilities - for demon awakeners, it is difficult to build something, but it is extremely easy to mess up something.

"Another thing I'm more concerned about is that before his death, Siegelin did not admit that he sent people to kill Vanrick Fisher's family."

"Could it be that he wants to deny it?"

Chaoyang has also considered this possibility, but judging from the other party's arrogant and domineering attitude, it doesn't seem like he dares to admit it. "It's unlikely. After all, you have seen that he clearly remembers how many people he has killed with his own hands, and even enjoys the fear of others. After Van Rik is released, I will ask him about the details at that time. alright."

Of course, maybe it was just like what Ziglin said, it was another gang that did it. Van Rijk only learned of the fire at his home in the middle of the protest march. When he returned, he found that his entire family had died tragically, and he had not actually seen the murderer. And Harpoon is the most powerful gang in Acropolis, so it seems natural that he should bear the blame.

"I'm going to your place now. Do you still have enough medicine?"

"There are still two people left." The angel paused for a moment and then added, "If you are coming, remember to buy some food on the way."

"What, you ran out of money?"

"No, I'm hungry." She muttered.

Chaoyang couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed that the locals had fallen into a misunderstanding, thinking that the messengers of the gods didn't need to eat at all, and the angels were too embarrassed to give them money to buy for themselves. As a result, they have been hungry until now. . "I was negligent. I will prepare a delicious meal for you next time."

"...Are you the divine envoy of the Paradise Sect?"

After hearing the sound, Elodie temporarily disconnected from Chaoyang and turned to look at the door.

I saw a little girl in her early ten years standing by the door, looking at me timidly.

"Which street are you from?" Enkui also walked over, "What's your name?"

"Don't be afraid, I am the messenger of the Paradise Cult. Do you need any help?" Elodie asked kindly.

The girl was silent for a moment, then suddenly bent her legs half way and started slapping her hands left and right.

Elodie and Enkui were both stunned.

What's happening here?

Seeing that she didn't respond, the girl turned around again and started to shrug in the same bent-legged posture. Once... twice... it looks very hard.

Is this girl... a fool?

Elodie was about to step forward to check her out when a "pop" sound suddenly came from her mind.

A violent cough followed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Take her to a place where no one is around, just you and her!" Chaoyang took a deep breath and shouted.

Although Elodie didn't quite understand what happened, she followed Chaoyang's instructions and took her arm into the woodshed next door. At the same time, she did not forget to wave her hand to Enkui, who looked disgusted, indicating that she could handle it, " She may be too nervous, leave it to me!"

As soon as the door was closed, Chaoyang said decisively, "This guy is one of our own!"

"Hey, how can I see it?"

"If you don't believe me, repeat what I said."

Chaoyang told Elodie the "secret code".

After the angel repeated it dubiously, the girl took a deep breath, and the hesitation and timidity on her face disappeared instantly, "Great! You really are Mr. Chao! I don't know how I got here these two days. , Anthony is dead, and Brother Zhang is also in trouble..."

Elodie couldn't help but feel happy when she heard the familiar name, but she still corrected him, "Wait a minute, I'm not Chaoyang, but Elodie...or Miss Evil."

"What? Are you Miss Elodie?" The girl was greatly surprised.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Uh... I'm Zhou Zhi." The other party said, rubbing the back of his head.



Chaoyang and Elodie said in unison.

"But why did you become a girl?" Angel asked in disbelief.

"How do I know... I saw a flash of green light at that time, and I looked like this when I woke up." Zhou Zhi couldn't help complaining, "There is no one in this child's family, and I rummaged through the cabinets to find a piece of spoiled I was trying to find a temporary job when I saw someone fighting on the street. Two people died on the spot. I was so frightened that I immediately shrank back. If I hadn’t heard someone talking about Paradise Cult, I would have thought I was still doing it. A nightmare from which you will never wake up!"

That's why she thought that Elodie was Chaoyang, the person who issued the contract, and she became a woman again, and her experience was exactly the same as hers!

Elodie held up her forehead, "Why did you do such a weird dance in public? If Mr. Chao hadn't been able to see everything in my field of vision, I wouldn't have been able to find out that you were Zhou Zhi."

"Because the other codes are too crude." Zhou Zhi said with a slight blush. "The words you read out will be remembered by others. Only body language will not arouse suspicion. At most, they will think that I am a fool."

It seems to make sense...

"What about Anthony and Zhang Zhiyuan? How do you know they are yours?"

"When I woke up, I heard someone making a noise outside, so I lay down at the window and took a peek." She said quickly, "At that time, several people with guns dragged a tall man outside. The man refused, and The men struggled and got shot. But not only was he not afraid, he was still laughing at the men with guns before he died, saying that he would definitely come back from hell and crush their heads. I also heard him scolding Su Ka. Lieqi…”

"Anthony can't be wrong." Chaoyang clapped his hands and said, "Those with guns should be gang members who are forced laborers."

"What's going on with Zhang Zhiyuan?"

"Actually, there was a young man next to the tall man, who was probably about the same age as me...I mean the original me." Zhou Zhi gestured with his hands and feet, "After he saw Mr. Anthony being knocked down, he did not come to save him. , but he glanced in the direction where I was. I always felt that he was telling me: Hide and don’t come out. Then he was taken away by the thugs and didn’t come back all day and night.”

"So you can't be sure that he is Zhang Zhiyuan..."

"No, I think he is. Although Brother Zhang has changed his body, his expression and behavior are exactly the same as Brother Zhang. And..." Zhou Zhi paused, "And before the green light flashed, Mr. Anthony and Brother Zhang happened to be walking together, and I had just crawled out of the overturned carriage and was behind them... The distance was the same as when I woke up..."

Elodie couldn't help but trembled, "You mean, the three of you were in the position before the green light flashed?"

Zhou Zhi nodded, "I think it's pretty much the same..."

So when she wakes up, she will find Chaoyang lying next to her...

The angel couldn't help but wonder, was it because she held his hand tightly at that critical moment?

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