Alien paradise

Chapter 385 Edited Memory

"Can you stop saying half of it?" Elodie said dissatisfied.

"Uh... I just saw a person..." Chaoyang explained what he had discovered.

"I went to Fanshu's house last night and gave his sister new medicine. She is awake, but she should not be able to run around."

"That's why I said I was dazzled."

"It doesn't matter, her brother Mare is here, just ask him when the time comes."

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God, what do you think?" Vanrick looked at Elodie and asked.

"...I agree to hit all the resisters to prevent them from being wiped out by the company." Angel decided to do as Chaoyang said, "But it is best to organize a support team and hide in the forest to the north, in case the beach is Artillery blockade, they can also find opportunities to counterattack and seize the enemy's artillery positions."

"It makes sense!" Enkui's eyes lit up, "Their attention will definitely be on the cave by then, and we can take the opportunity to sneak attack their rear."

"It's indeed a good plan. I don't have any objections. Let's just do it." Van Rijk raised his fist at everyone, "Kick out the company dogs. The Acropolis belongs to us!"

"The Acropolis belongs to us!" the crowd burst into shouts.

"Now that we've come this far, the Acropolis won't be destroyed, right?" Elodie sighed as she looked at the highly motivated resisters.

They won an unprecedented victory. All the workers were liberated and reunited with their families. The shovels in the hands of the soldiers were replaced by muskets and bullets. People who heard the sound in the streets in the distance continued to run to the beach to join the team.

Although most people are not even militiamen, battles always make heroes. The security team of the Phlogiston Company is not a well-trained and strong force, and they are very good at bullying civilians. But when their opponents are replaced by rebels who can also kill them, can they still maintain their previous suppressive power?

The balance of victory has been shaken at this moment.

While everyone was working separately, Elodie pulled Mare aside and asked, "How is your sister?"

"Who? Mine?" Mare scratched his head and said with a confused expression, "I don't have a sister."

"I'm not kidding you. You, Fanshu, and -" Angel was suddenly stunned. She realized that she didn't know each other's names. "Aren't you and your sister always together?"

Mare swallowed his saliva and lowered his voice, "Huh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty the God Envoy, I really don't know what you are talking about... After my parents died, only I and Fanshu lived in that house... Never The third person?”

Elodie was struck by thunder!

Chaoyang was also stunned.

What happened? When he saw Fanshu for the first time, he was sitting on the street with his sister in his arms. Elodie also started treating his sister the night before when she pretended to be the angel of the paradise to spread her faith. As a result, there is no such person today! ?

"It can't be...a ghost..." Elodie's voice started to tremble.

Angels are afraid of ghosts, Chaoyang has already seen this.

"Don't panic, we can still go and verify it on the spot. By the way, Enkui has also seen that girl!" Chaoyang reassured and connected to Zhang Zhiyuan's channel, "You go to Xiacheng District now, the address is on Yuxing Street middle section.

Elodie quickly found Enkui.

However, the other party's reaction was exactly the same as Ma Lei's. Not only had he never seen that girl, he didn't even know that such a person existed.

Chaoyang was really sweating now.

Not long after, Zhang Zhiyuan also found Fanshu's house. After he knocked on the door and entered, he found that the boy was the only one in the house. Following Chaoyang's guidance, Zhang Zhiyuan came to the simple little bed. There was no one on it, and the medicine bag and hose used to draw water were also missing.

"Bring the boy to the beach, there's nothing else to do for now."

After Chaoyang finished explaining, he shared the news with Elodie.

"Honestly, I can understand her sudden disappearance, but Fanshu and Ma Lei both said that there is no such sister, which is outrageous." He shook his head repeatedly, "It can't be that we two misremembered the same thing, right? "

"Could it be a trick of the evil god?" Elodie said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but what is the point of the evil god doing this? To make us feel fear and be influenced by the evil god? Then we should not be sent to the Acropolis. It is obviously much more convenient to throw us into a ghost movie."

"There is another question, why did she come to the beach?" Angel recalled carefully, "Assuming everyone has forgotten her, she should be looking for the people closest to her. But Fanshu stayed at home, and Mare was there The beach, but she was not beside me at that time. Are you sure she was staring in my direction?"

Chaoyang did not answer her question directly, but asked, "What did you just say?"

"The person closest to you?"

"last sentence."

"Well... assuming everyone has forgotten about her..."

"That's it!" Chaoyang suddenly shouted, "I know who she is!"

Elodie couldn't help but be stunned, "Who?"

"The Hidden Mist Envoy!" He said excitedly, "She is the Hidden Mist Envoy!"

Being able to seamlessly insert into a relatively closed environment and leave silently; not only can people lose all memories about themselves, but it can also erase the imprint of physical existence to a certain extent. This is the characteristic of the Mist User. !


"No, no, no, she can't be Reske. If she is Reske, she will definitely contact us when she hears the news about the paradise. The Mist User we met is the same Mist User in the history of Acropolis!" Chaoyang I just felt that my thoughts suddenly became clear, "She must have blown the horn, causing the fog to finally engulf the entire city!"

Lesk said that the evil god can feel the smell of decay, pain and ruin, and the Hidden Mist can also detect it. If any place is likely to be eroded by the power of the evil god, there will definitely be hidden Mists - and their purpose is only one, and that is to use local sacrifices to exchange for the safety of more people when everything is irreversible. The fog will swallow up all evil and make people forget the tragedies that have happened here.

That girl is undoubtedly the Hidden Mist Messenger who came here after hearing the news!

As long as she can be found and prevented from blowing the horn, everyone in the Acropolis will survive!

"I see. Because we come from the earth world, the God of Hidden Mist does not have such a great influence on us, just like we still remember Lesk..." Elodie thought thoughtfully, "But so does a girl so young. Can she be a Hidden Mist user? She looks like she is only seven or eight years old. Can she really distinguish between right and wrong and decide the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people?"

Indeed, if these messengers were personally inspired and appointed by the gods, then the God of Hidden Mist would be too irresponsible.

"Now is not the time to think about this." Chaoyang said decisively, "We have to find a way to find her and explain the situation to her. As long as the Phlogiston Company collapses and the fishermen regain control of the Acropolis, the decadent atmosphere that attracted the evil god will disappear."

"But how to find her? As long as she doesn't want people to remember her, we can't even find her for questioning."

This also bothered Chaoyang. to find it?

Did you see a girl? For the Hidden Mist user, even the most basic description of "girl" cannot be considered as valid information.

Suddenly someone tugged on Elodie's sleeve.

Angel turned around and lowered her head, and found that it was Coco Moqi who was pulling her - she looked no different from an ordinary local little girl at the moment.

"Can you take me to find your creator?" she whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"The remaining energy... is almost exhausted." The goddess of magic tilted her head slightly, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Elodie nodded, "Speaking of which... can magic be used to find people?"

"Of course you can." Coco Moqi floated on her shoulder and replied seriously, "Magic is a miracle, you can achieve it as long as you want it."

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