Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 29 Thunder Beast

The dark matter stored inside the weapon was finally launched, but the tremors on the ground still did not end. On the contrary, it was getting worse, as if something was trying to come out of the ground.

"Old dog... I didn't say it, your mouth really stinks..."

"You can't rely on me... Everyone, prepare to run away separately. How many can live?" Hound shrugged, and at the same time secretly gave Ke Lan and Ivan a look.


The loud sound of shattering rocks has overwhelmed the explosion of the wreckage of the battleship hitting the ground. A giant beast that looks like a mammoth but is hundreds of times larger than a mammoth emerged from the ground, accompanied by rocks and debris. The earth rustled down, and its ferocious appearance finally appeared in everyone's sight.

"This is the first time I've seen such a big thunder beast. It's already over 100 meters, right?" Ivan rubbed his face vigorously, "I hope someone will give me a slap in the face now and tell me that I Having a nightmare."

"Then your hopes may be in vain...and this guy is probably more than 100 meters tall. If the huge rock over there is used as a comparison object, it must be 150 meters high." Ke Lan said, he had already started to retreat slowly. , be prepared to apply oil on the soles of your feet.

In addition to those super giant beasts called "prehistoric epics", the Thunder Beast is the largest indigenous creature on the planet. This creature is covered in armor made of chitin and bone plates. The composite heavy armor has a pair of jaw-shaped giant scythes on the lower jaw. The giant scythes are mainly composed of the bones of the Thunder Beast itself, but they contain large metal elements that can easily pierce the armor of human main battle tanks—— Of course, this statement exists on a theoretical level. In actual situations, the Ultralisk's giant scythe will not penetrate a much smaller tank, but will directly smash the tank into a pile of scrap metal.

Driven by six thick and powerful legs, the Thunder Beast running at full speed is like an indestructible chariot. Any obstacle in its charging path will be ruthlessly crushed - the first time humans encountered the Thunder Beast At that time, the heavy losses caused Ark's senior officials to issue an order strictly prohibiting ground troops from engaging in frontal combat with the Thunder Beast.

If you want to encircle the Thunder Beast, you must mobilize at least three or more "Iris-class" warships. Only by using powerful plasma cannons can you have a chance to break through the Thunder Beast's surface defense and kill it.

"Run! If anyone is targeted, please be lucky!" After the hound said that, he took Leighton, Ke Lan and Ivan and started running towards the east bank of the valley.

Naturally, those marines did not stand around stupidly. They divided into two groups as a team and ran out in two completely different directions.

"One-third chance... Hehe, we can't be so unlucky, right?" Layton had to carefully protect the fuel cell on his chest while running. The reliability of this external energy source is really not very high. .

"No, it's not one-third. There is at least a 90% chance that the Thunder Beast will not chase us." Ke Lan said.

"Why?" Layton was puzzled.

"Ask the old dog. Since he ran in this direction, he must also know."

"Isn't it interesting that you are still trying to sell things at this time?"

"Idiot, I asked you to stop playing with those scrap metals and read more books, but you just didn't listen. Now you can't do it anymore, right?" The hound scolded Layton first, and then said with some pride, "This Thunder Beast thing? The right eye is much blinder than the left eye... Let's put it this way, based on the central axis of both eyes, the left eye's field of view can be almost 120 degrees, but the right eye is only a pitiful 45 degrees. As long as If we run a few hundred meters further, the big guy won't be able to see us at all!"

"Fuck, that's it!" Layton touched his forehead in confusion, "But...where are we going next?"

"I wrote down the map on the battleship. There is a transfer station in this direction, numbered S0159, thirty kilometers away from the river valley."

"You have already planned your escape route for your relationship...but what about Asano Akira?"

"Don't worry about that kid. As long as he has time to get into the escape cabin, no one can pose a threat to him."

"But he is blind. How about we go around and find him?"

"Just take care of yourself. As long as Asano Akira is not stupid enough to walk with the others on the battleship, maybe he can get back to the Ark before us. Okay, shut up, and pay attention to whether there are any ambushes on both sides, but Don't capsize in the gutter." Hound said as he took out a handful of broad bean-sized metal balls from the tactical satchel on his waist and threw them behind him.

These metal balls spun quickly after touching the ground and quickly penetrated into the soil. This was a type of anti-infantry mine that could be deployed quickly. It was not fatal, but it could instantly incapacitate people.

For the Thunder Beast, the blind spot of its vision was indeed 45 degrees to the right. After letting out several deafening roars, it chased one of the marines.

The movement of the Thunder Beast seemed slow, but its size was too huge. Each step was a span of nearly a hundred meters, and it quickly shortened the distance between it and the Marines. Moreover, its speed was still is accelerating.

After discovering that they were being targeted by the Thunder Beast, the team of Marines immediately dispersed again, but before they could spread far apart, the Thunder Beast had already lifted a huge boulder from the ground, and then violently threw it forward. .

The diameter of this huge boulder is nearly ten meters, which is almost the same as a three-story house. People who are hit by the boulder are instantly swept in and turned into flying flesh. They are actually lucky, and death is just a matter of time. In the blink of an eye, they did not feel much pain, and those who were "lucky" to avoid the boulder were seriously injured by the terrifying force when the boulder fell to the ground. They could only watch in despair as the Thunder Beast approached step by step... …

"It's too tragic..." Layton turned his head unbearably, "Speaking of which, this ambush was too strange... Whether it was the 'death ray' or the thunder beast, they are not things that humans can control. If it weren't for The guy who died was indeed an Earthling, and I almost think the mastermind behind it is someone from Alpha."

"Ark's top management knows much more than you think..." Hound said seriously, "Don't go into it too deeply. None of those curious guys will end well."

What the Ark's high-level officials know... Thinking of this, Ke Lan hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "That... what if, I mean what if, if there is someone in the ambusher camp who can read the alpha civilization's words , is it possible to control the 'Death Ray' and the Thunder Beast?"

"The writing of Alpha Civilization? This is impossible. Your imagination is too rich. If someone has that kind of ability, would they still need to use such inferior methods? The Alpha Civilization technology unearthed in many ruins is Because their language cannot be deciphered, it has never been possible to analyze... As far as I know, there is a list within the institute, which ranks all uncracked technologies by a noun. As long as one is cracked at random, it ranks in the top 30. Yes, the life of all mankind will undergo earth-shaking changes - cough cough cough!" When the hound said this, he seemed to have accidentally lost his breath and coughed violently.

"If you can master the writing of Alpha civilization, at least one-third of the technical problems on this list can be easily solved." Ivan added, obviously he had also heard of this list.

I always feel that the protagonist’s presence in the recent chapters is not very high, but the writing is a bit group portrait... I don’t know if you prefer the plot that highlights the protagonist or the content that describes the team’s identity. If you have any suggestions, you can leave them in this chapter. Leave me a message and I will make appropriate modifications based on your suggestions.

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