Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 676 Immortal?

As the anatomy process progressed, even Ke Lan, whose original purpose of activating "Super Dream" was not this, was deeply attracted - his intuition told him that the secret hidden in this "monster corpse", The weight may be no less than that of that weird unknown island.

Why were there “human beings” on Alpha Planet before the Ark landed on Alpha Planet? Could this woman really be the "material" that was brought to the surface of Planet Alpha by the advance team and used to conduct some secret experiments? Then she escaped by chance, hiking through the frozen tundra and entering this strange ruins at night when the temperature could be as low as 20 or 30 degrees below zero?

And then, she lived in this dark and lightless ruins for more than ten or even decades?

Not only the members of the 776 Special Forces Team thought it was ridiculous, but even Ke Lan couldn't believe it at all.

What's more, just as they were passing through the crack, there were other noises coming from above... This meant that there were other moving things in this ruins.

First of all, exclude the indigenous creatures that can prey on this "humanoid monster". Otherwise, with the mobility of this monster, I am afraid that it would have already turned into the excrement of indigenous creatures... Then there are only two possibilities left. .

One, it is some kind of smaller and weaker indigenous creature. This humanoid monster survives by preying on this kind of indigenous creature living in the ruins.

Two, the same kind of humanoid monsters.

If it is the second situation, then how did the other "humanoid monsters" come to this ruins?

Ke Lan really wanted to remind Liao Xing and ask him to cut open the monster's stomach and intestines first to check what the monster usually eats, but he couldn't open his mouth at all in the "Super Dream" state. , I can only watch helplessly as the plot follows the established trajectory.

Liao Xing scraped off a lot of bone powder from the monster's pubic bone, and then he used a blade to poke and scratch on the bone surface for a long time. Then he raised his head and said to everyone with a solemn face: "This monster's Age... I'm afraid it's over four hundred years old."

Just now, Liao Xing firmly believed that this monster was a "human", but now, he used the description "monster".

It is impossible for a human being to live four hundred years.

No matter how close its appearance and internal structure are to humans, it is still not the same species as humans.

Four hundred years old? Could this person be a member of the Immortal Crew Club? Ke Lan was startled... If "she" was a member of the Undead Crew Club, why would she appear here?

Was he exiled because he committed some serious crime?

However, the physical bodies of the members of the Immortal Crew should be preserved in a device called the "Coffin of Immortality". After leaving the "Coffin of Immortality", their bodies will rapidly age and necrotic, or they will have no choice but to be replaced by the next "Pope". "Like Chiron, transforming himself into an inhuman monster...

"Yeah." Sergeant Ken nodded.

If you think of "it" as a monster rather than a human being, the age of four hundred years does not seem so difficult to accept.

"There's one more thing." Liao Xing said again.


"Although 'it's' promotion organs have been severely degraded, judging from the shape of the pelvis, 'it' has had a childbirth experience." After Liao Xing finished speaking, he exhaled a long breath, and on the full-coverage mask A layer of white mist suddenly appeared, and then quickly dissipated.

Sergeant Ken was silent for two seconds and then said: "You continue."

"Two situations, one is that the creature had given birth to cubs before entering this ruins; the second is that it was conceived in this ruins and gave birth to the fetus... If it is the latter If so, regardless of whether the fetus it gave birth to survives, there should be at least one male humanoid monster in this ruins," Liao Xing said.

"Dr. Liao, what do you mean, those sounds above our heads when we were crossing the rift just now..." Collins asked.

"There is a third situation, but the probability is very low...that is, this monster came here while pregnant, and then gave birth to a fetus here, and the fetus successfully survived." Liao Xing exhaled again. In one breath, "Anyway, there is a high probability that there are still similar humanoid monsters in this ruins."

"It's not a big problem." Sergeant Ken narrowed his eyes. "This kind of monster is not very aggressive. Although it is stronger than ordinary people, its defense is very weak. It cannot stop knives and bullets. If it has sufficient vision and ammunition, , no matter how large their number is, they cannot pose a threat to us."

After saying that, Sergeant Ken glanced at his watch: "There are still eight minutes left. You can use it one last time. If there is nothing more valuable to discover, we have to move on."

"I want to open the skull." Liao Xing said, taking out a small electric saw from the medical bag.

Of course, the 776 Special Forces Team will not carry the kind of electric saw specially used for dissection and craniotomy. This electric saw is actually a multi-purpose tool. Its main function is not to saw people, but to, for example, It is said that when a vehicle is damaged or overturned, someone is stuck inside by a deformed metal part, or when a steel pipe penetrates it, it is used to break open these things to save people... Of course, in an emergency, this saw can also be used Come for amputation surgery.

Although the precision is not as high as that of special tools, in this case we can only make do with it.

First cutting off the scalp with a scalpel, Liao Xing started the electric saw, put the saw blade against the edge of the Tianling Gai, and pushed it down little by little.

An opening was quickly made in the top of the corpse's skull, exposing the brain tissue inside.

"The brain has shrunk very badly...but other than that, there is nothing abnormal." Liao Xing just put his tweezers in and stirred it a few times, then let go.

"Dr. Liao...why do you sound a little disappointed?" Collins asked.

"I originally wanted to see if there were symptoms similar to mad cow disease in its head," Liao Xing said.

"Mad cow disease?"

"It is also called human prion disease. The brain of a person suffering from this disease will become like a rotten sponge full of holes. In the old era, this disease was very common among some primitive cannibal tribes."

"Do you suspect it cannibalism... ah, no, that it makes a living by eating its own kind?" Collins asked.

"But now this speculation can basically be ruled out."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ke Lan from the God's perspective was almost dying of anxiety - if you want to know what this monster eats for a living, why don't you just dissect its digestive organs? What a waste of effort to open the skull!

This is simply a waste of time and money...

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