Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 705 No. 4 Seed

"Ignore it for now." Ke Lan suddenly said, "It seems to be addicted to devouring corpses, so let it stay here to 'dine' and we will continue to implement the original plan."

"What did you say?" Aya looked at Ke Lan in shock, as if she couldn't understand why Ke Lan would propose such a bold plan.

Leave this dangerous monster here and continue to infiltrate and search the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce... Is this guy crazy?

"For this fusion to grow into what it looks like in the undersea hatchery, it needs a huge amount of nutrients, and here are all human corpses. Even if it absorbs a large amount of human genes, the degree of mutation will not be too exaggerated - Compared with the indigenous creatures of Alpha Planet, human beings are too weak. The only thing to note is that this thing may gain intelligence."

"Acquiring wisdom...this is too impossible..."

"Since it can perfectly copy a human arm, it shouldn't be difficult to perfectly copy a human brain." Ke Lan said, "But I think that a fusion body with the same intelligence as a human being would be a member of the Undead Crew Association. Those old monsters should be very interested."

When he said this, he did not consider that he was also a member of the Undead Crew Club.

Although he has inherited the fifth "Pope" seat, Ke Lan always feels that he is like an outsider compared with the original members.

In other words, a clown...a puppet being manipulated.

The three of them began to retreat slowly... The fusion larva did not pay attention to them, but pounced on the corpses of the guards and continued to feast.

"Let's go." After being almost ten meters away from the fusion larvae, Ke Lan took a deep breath, turned around and left.

As for the deer-hunting knife that was still stuck in his body... Ke Lan still had a spare weapon on him anyway, and it wouldn't be too late to get it after the operation was over.

But at this moment, in the warehouse on the first floor of Xinxing Chamber of Commerce, the watch on the wrist of one of the two strong men sitting opposite each other suddenly vibrated, and the dial also lit up red.

"Red signal!" Another strong man was startled. He put out most of the cigarette butt in his hand on the table and grabbed the weapon leaning on the side. "What's the number?"

"Seed No. 4 is out of the 'container'..." The strong man with the watch stared at his wrist and said, "According to the timetable, the seed in No. 4's body will take at least a month and a half to mature... …”

"Could it be that No. 4 was killed? The seeds were forced into a period of rapid change?" Another strong man's eyes suddenly jumped wildly, "Is there an invasion?!"

He subconsciously wanted to press the alarm device placed not far away, but his wrist was tightly held by his companion.


The strong man who was stopped was stunned for a moment, but after he and his companion looked at each other, they read the unspoken code in the other person's eyes.

If the alarm device is pressed, the entire chamber of commerce headquarters will immediately begin to implement the "dismemberment plan". Their BOSS will choose to break through forcefully under the cover of the chamber of commerce's armed forces, and the two of them will become abandoned. son.

Moreover, both of them knew what was in the two syringes that the BOSS handed them. After injecting those things, even if they were not killed on the spot by the agents of the Security Bureau, the two of them would still be alive. The time will not exceed three days.

They had participated in the live experiment of this thing, and had seen with their own eyes the painful struggle of the experimental subjects injected with the trial version of the medicine before their death... Rather than being counterattacked by the side effects of this thing, dying in the battle was actually a pleasure.

What's more, BOSS also asked them to release the thing kept in the basement after injecting the medicine... Even if BOSS promised that the thing wouldn't eat them, this was still an extremely risky job.

But no matter what the situation is, as long as they press the alarm device, it means that the countdown of the two people's lives is about to begin.

The box containing the syringe was placed on the low folding table between the two of them, and beside it were piles of cigarette butts and empty beer cans.

Both of them looked at the box in unison, their heavy breathing echoing in the warehouse.

"Now... what are we going to do?" asked the strong man who initially planned to press the alarm device.

"Maybe... there are just some problems with the experimental steps, and maybe the maturity time of the fourth seed has been advanced." The strong man with the watch let go of his companion's wrist, grabbed the gun thrown under the table, and gently He pulled the gun bolt lightly and said, "It would be too reckless to press the alarm device directly. At least, we have to figure out the situation first."

He glanced at the walkie-talkie placed next to the beer can, hesitated for a few seconds, then picked it up and stuck it on his shoulder.

As soon as the switch was turned on, a large amount of harsh current noise poured out from the earpiece.

Due to some "special reasons", a large number of electromagnetic signal jammers are installed in the basement and first floor of Xinxing Chamber of Commerce. Radio communication equipment cannot be used on these two floors... Although the watch on the strong man's hand looks like It is a technological product of human civilization, but in fact the internal "chip" comes from the relics of Alpha Civilization. Apart from the outer shell and display screen, this is completely a creation of Alpha Civilization. Its function is to monitor those parasitic parasites. The growth of the "seeds" inside the "container".

This thing follows a completely different technological route from humans, so electromagnetic signal jammers will not have any impact on it.

The two of them walked out of the warehouse without saying a word until they were only ten steps away from the stairs. They were out of the range of the electromagnetic jammer, and the current noise from the walkie-talkie receiver also completely disappeared.

However, they did not consult the guards about the situation - as the second and third figures in the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce besides the "BOSS", they knew very well what the "seed" was. If the fourth seed really broke away from the "container" , then it will immediately attack the surrounding "prey" to meet its own needs for nutrients and evolution, but they did not hear any gunshots from upstairs just now... This means that the No. 4 seed The living people around have probably been killed by it.

They didn't notify other people in the Chamber of Commerce... They didn't want to make too much noise before they figured out the situation... As for "BOSS", he should be in a dormant state at this time. If no one wakes him up, He wouldn't wake up if he forced his way into his basement bedroom.

BOSS is probably still unaware of what is happening in the Chamber of Commerce building now.

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