Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 712 “Seed” Original Embryo

There are only three answers.

The first is that this person is greedy for profit and wants to use the help of heretical sects and prophets to get rid of all the other members of the Immortal Crew Society, take over the power himself, and become the dictator of the new era.

The second type, whether it is a prophet or a heretical sect, is just an experiment of the Undead Crew, but this experiment is like a memetic incident, overturned, and overturned very badly...

The third type is that the person's consciousness...has been completely eroded by "Him".

Three answers are possible, and it is difficult for Ke Lan to make a deeper analysis for a while.

"Pan"'s death is equivalent to an early warning signal - the members of the Undead Crew Club are actually not as safe as they thought.

"So how much do you know about the monster outside? Also, what is the laboratory on the sixth floor of the Nova Chamber of Commerce headquarters used for?" Ke Lan was still thinking about the internal intrigues of the Undead Crew Association, Aya Then the interrogation continued.

"I don't know the specific name of that monster. We all call it 'seed'... It is said to be an improved biochemical weapon based on erosion seeds. It will not be killed by 'active bullets'. Its own abilities have also been greatly improved... The most critical point is that it has the ability to fuse food genes. As you can see, whatever it eats, it will grow the organs and limbs of that thing... "

"Does it have any weaknesses?" Aya asked again, "If this thing gets out of control, how do you deal with it?"

"Weakness...I don't know...I'm afraid those people in the laboratory don't know either. As for the way to deal with this thing, only the BOSS has it. Oh, by the way, the laboratory you saw is not so much a laboratory. In fact, it is a breeding ground... We will implant the 'seeds' into the 'containers' with superior physical conditions... The vast majority of the 'containers' will die within twenty-four hours after the 'seeds' are implanted. , at least a very small number of people can survive. These people who survive will temporarily lose their minds and crave a lot of nutrients... In this state, they will eat anything... and after our research, the best way to make the 'container 'Those who are full are of the same kind."

"Eating people?" Aya showed a look of disgust on her face.

Although they had already guessed a thing or two about these things when they were eavesdropping, it still made people feel angry to hear these words coming from the other party's mouth.

"Well...if it's artificial meat made from soybean protein, even if you feed it dozens of tons, it won't satisfy their appetite; but if it's replaced by real meat like chicken, pig, beef, and sheep, It is possible to reduce this number to five to ten tons... but this is only the amount of one meal. Even if the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce is rich, at this juncture, it cannot purchase so many supplies...

"Until one day, a seed container in the 'violent stage' broke through the containment device and ate all three researchers on duty in the laboratory that night... But after it ate the three people, it quickly became quiet. We came down and regained consciousness an hour later. From then on, we all used 'people' to feed the vessels that were in the 'fury phase'."

"Because it's cost-effective, right?" Ke Lan said lightly, "Compared with 'Xinxing Chamber of Commerce purchased a large amount of meat for unknown purposes', the news of several missing people is simply inconspicuous... What's more, after the disaster, a large number of The deaths and disappearances of the residents of the Ark have created an excellent opportunity for you, right?"

"That's it..." The instructor lowered his head slightly, "I know this approach is cruel, and I will not defend myself, but I am just obeying the BOSS's order... Not only me, but everyone in the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce Everyone must obey his orders unconditionally...otherwise, they will be treated as 'feed'..."

"Then where is your BOSS now? Such a big thing happened here, why is there no movement from him?" Aya asked in confusion.

"BOSS spends most of his time in a deep sleep state...he sleeps for at least forty-eight hours at a time, with only a short waking interval in between to deal with internal affairs of the sect and the chamber of commerce. In addition, unless someone If you take the initiative to wake him up or someone breaks into his bedroom forcefully, he will not wake up halfway."

"Then he happens to be sleeping now?"

The instructor of the heretical sect nodded.

Sleeping for forty-eight hours at a time, with only a very short period of waking up... Ke Lan couldn't help but doubt that the BOSS this guy was talking about was a bionic stand-in from the Undead Crew, right?

Only when the consciousness of the Undead Crew comes to this stand-in, will the stand-in wake up from its deep sleep. At other times, it sleeps in a life-sustaining capsule specially designed to preserve this kind of bionic person...

"One more thing, how many of these 'seeds' have you cultivated in total? Are any of them mature? Where did the mature seeds go? Are they sealed in a secret room in the Chamber of Commerce, or sent to other places? "Ke Lan asked.

"There are three batches in total. The first batch only has two seeds implanted in the container, the second batch has four, and the third batch also has four... The one you just killed is the No. 4 seed in the third batch."

"Are the other three seeds in the third batch in the Chamber of Commerce?"

"Well... they are all employees of the Chamber of Commerce on the surface, but they all have monitoring devices implanted in their bodies. This watch of mine can monitor the development of these seeds." The instructor of the heretical sect wisely took off the The watch was handed to Ke Lan.

Ke Lan took the watch and looked at it. The screen showed that "No. 1", "No. 2" and "No. 3" were all in "normal development". As for the word "No. 4", the word "No. 4" changed from green to green. Red, and the label behind it also changes to: "Out of container."

"The monitoring device is inside the container. If the seeds leave the container, it will not have the monitoring effect." The instructor added.

"What about the first two batches of seeds? Where are they now?"

"They are all dead... None of the seeds cultivated in the first two batches survived... According to the group of white coats in the laboratory, they died because of the conflict between the fused genes, which caused the entire gene sequence to collapse... I I don’t understand what it means specifically, but I probably just ate too much and was exhausted..."

“Are you still feeding the seeds after they are mature and out of the container?”

"Well... Including humans, various animals, plants on the earth, and the indigenous creatures of Alpha Planet, as long as it is something that the Chamber of Commerce can get, they will try to feed it to the seeds... But even if they only feed the seeds to living people, don't We don't give it anything to eat to ensure its 'genetic purity', and no seed can survive for more than seventy-two hours after leaving the container."

Just when Ke Lan was communicating with the other party, Asano Akira suddenly took out a severed hand - this was when he and Ke Lan took the initiative and cut off another instructor's hand. At that time, the hand had already reached in. In the medical bag on the waist... after being taken out, you can see that there is a syringe tightly held in the hand.

"What is this?" Asano Akira asked.

Ke Lan also looked at the sober heretic sect instructor with some curiosity - the first time he was attacked, this man neither fired nor activated the alarm device, but reached for the syringe. This was obviously question.

"The thing inside... is the original embryo of the 'seed'."

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