As the entire Alpha City sank under the sea, this apocalyptic scene finally completely disappeared, and the black fog and firelight no longer existed. In Ke Lan's vision, only the ink-stained black sea surface and A sky obscured by leaden clouds.

The equatorial diameter of Alpha Star is very close to that of the Earth. If the data on the Earth is used, Ke Lan's sight can see things up to ten nautical miles away, and the Pioneer's distance from the nearest coast or island is definitely more than this value. , it is basically impossible to find the Sea Pioneer with your eyes.

Ke Lan concluded that if he wanted to contact the icebreaker, he had only two ways: one was to light a fire at a high place and use the thick smoke as a distress signal, whether it was the Pioneer, other ships or air vehicles. Regardless of the ship, as long as he can pay attention to the distress signal, he can be saved; the second method is to find a way to repair the communication device on his body, and then make a signal amplifier to search for the nearest human base station and send a radio distress signal.

But both methods have flaws and problems - to make a fire, first he has to find enough combustible materials, and this task is obviously not easy in this barren land with only rocks and sand. Secondly, it towers into the clouds. Not only humans can see the plume of smoke, but indigenous creatures are also attracted to it. If it attracts some dangerous predators, it will not be easy for Ke Lan to protect himself with just the self-defense equipment on Ke Lan.

As for radio distress calls, there was also a lack of materials and tools, and he had no idea why the equipment malfunctioned. Logically speaking, if there is something strange in that sea area, now that he has arrived on land, these equipment should return to normal. But in addition to sonar, cameras, and some purely mechanical equipment, most electronic equipment Still in a paralyzed state.

Without even a screwdriver, it would be impossible to repair these precision instruments.

"I didn't expect the plot to turn into a desert island survival..."

Ke Lan sighed and continued walking along the coastline.

On the other side of the coastal bedrock, close to the land, is an equally desolate Gobi Desert, with nothing but stones and sand. Ke Lan decided to search the beach first. If nothing was found, he would then go deep into the Gobi Desert to try his luck.

If this is not an island, but part of the mainland, then stretching tens of thousands of kilometers back is an uninhabited area that is rarely touched by humans. Except for the only human port in the surrounding area of ​​Zhonghai, no other The transfer station, even the exiles rarely come here - the seawater in Zhonghai contains a huge amount of radiation, it is like a huge radioactive source, and the radiation concentration in the surrounding areas is also terrifyingly high. It is simply not suitable for long-term settlement by humans.

After walking for almost two or three kilometers, Ke Lan finally made something different - a human remains.

This is a mummy, but it is not the kind that is parasitized by flesh-eating worms and then sucks out the flesh and blood. It is a naturally weathered mummy.

Although it is at the seaside, due to air currents, the environment above the bedrock is very dry. Coupled with the abnormally high dose of radiation, the body has been completely dehydrated before the microorganisms attached to the body can start to enjoy this feast. It turned into something like a mummy.

The corpse was wearing a tattered standard armor and was kneeling on a rock facing the sea. A rusty bullpup automatic rifle was placed at its feet.

"There are no fatal injuries on the body... However, there are signs of severe ulceration on the skin. He most likely died of acute radiation sickness..." Ke Lan walked around the body, then squatted down and picked up the rifle.

This is an old rifle. According to the inscription on the gun, the model should be called "AUG-S900" assault rifle. It uses 5.56 mm caliber bullets. The severely aged plastic stock is covered with cracks - this is a Weapons manufactured using firearms technology from the old era had been discontinued before the Type 01 rifle was officially put into service.

"This he the first group of exploration troops?"

It was only when the Ark had just landed on Planet Alpha that the field troops would use this antique from the old era.

Ke Lan took off the dog tag hanging from the body's neck. On the front of the dog tag was written the name of the deceased and the unit he belonged to - "Wood Collins, First Reconnaissance Team of the 3rd Armored Mixed Brigade, Staff Sergeant."

"The Third Armored Mixed Brigade..." Ke Lan repeated the number of this unit. He had never heard of the number of this unit. When humans first arrived on Alpha Planet, there was only a war with indigenous creatures. It took four years to clean up the surrounding area of ​​the landing point. During these four years, countless troop numbers and temporary numbers were written off, newly built, and rebuilt, such as the Third Armored Mixed Brigade. A featureless number is really hard to leave a deep impression on people.

Ke Lan turned the dog tag over, and on the back he saw a quite famous emblem: an eagle holding a rifle and a trident. Under the emblem, there was an English inscription, which translated means: …

“The good times were only yesterday.”

This emblem and inscription both come from an American special forces unit called the "Seals" in the old era. However, after the destruction of the earth, the name of this unit disappeared with the end of the old era... It seems now, This third armored brigade should be the direct descendant of this special force. In this case, they can definitely be called "elite".

The missions carried out by this elite unit are most likely to be classified. With Ke Lan's authority, it is definitely impossible to check. The answer to why this body appears here can only be found in the central archives of the army. .

"This armor should be land combat equipment, so it can be ruled out that it arrived here by water... The bullets in the magazine are all full, so it should not have been encountered in battle... If it is in the backpack... there are still unopened ones. Compressed military rations, huh? This is... the first generation of 'Anti-radiation Nin'?"

Ke Lan was a little surprised when he opened the medicine bottle. There were still more than half of the pills in the bottle, nearly a hundred pills.

Although the efficacy of the first generation of antiradiin is not as good as the improved version that Ke Lan took, it still has some effects. It’s just that the dosage is larger and the side effects are slightly more obvious. But this Sergeant Collins’ backpack There are almost a hundred tablets of anti-radionin in it. There is no reason for him not to take it?

Ke Lan checked the body again. There were no external injuries. Apart from the characteristics of acute radiation sickness, no other factors of death were found. The unopened food also showed that the person was not starved to death.

So why did he "give up treatment"?

...Could it be that he made this choice out of desperation because he knew that he could not wait for rescue?

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