Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 868 Another human civilization

"It turns out that the reason why the hive city is located underground in the undersea city..." Thirty-three murmured, "It is because the people living in the hive city were completely desperate in the face of the 'disaster' and chose to put the hive city deep into the seabed. Billions of tons of seawater have sealed the 'disaster' here... But this person has recorded so much, but he hasn't written down what exactly this disaster is about?"

Thirty-three took a breath and continued: "From the literal meaning, disaster seems to be the erosion, super-erosion and human body erosion caused by the 'forbidden knowledge', but judging from the description of this recorder , it seems that something is different.”

"I think he deliberately didn't write it clearly. Using the word 'disaster' to refer to that thing can, in a sense, block the spread of 'disaster'." Ke Lan thought for a while and said , "'Cognition is pollution.' He left this record to warn later comers. If he had described the 'disaster' in detail, the latter would have been affected by the disaster when they read this record. Devoured.”

"That's right." Thirty-three sighed, "This note seems to reveal a lot of information to us... In fact, there is very little useful content. He mentioned these 'tunnel dwellers' again and again. "We have found a way to resist the disaster, but the problem is that these 'tunnel dwellers' themselves have turned into half-human, half-mouse monsters... Do their methods really have reference value?"

Ke Lan did not answer immediately, but turned around and observed the tunnel dwellers who were frantically hitting the space cage, and fell into deep thought.

Thirty-three did not disturb Ke Lan. He himself was also thinking about the content of the note just now, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was "completely unsolvable" - that kind of desperate atmosphere, even more than fifty years apart Ten thousand years ago, it still made him feel the same... The feeling that no matter what he did, it was of no avail. Thirty-three had already experienced it once, and he didn't want to experience it a second time.

Thirty-three shook his head vigorously and kicked a pebble away from his feet with some annoyance.

"I seem to have been infected by that emotion..." Thirty-three murmured in his heart. Although he did not directly see the text and those voices in the note, just through Ke Lan's narration, the contents had already been revealed to him. He had a huge impact.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to feel that he had touched a period of history that lasted for more than half a million years... despair, disorder, blood, madness... He could completely imagine what happened after the entire nest city fell. How the person who was swallowed up by the disaster spent the last time of his life... But he didn't want to think about it.

He knew that if he continued to think about it, even if the degree of erosion did not deepen, there would probably be some problems with his mental state.

"The Undead Crew should know about this note. I even think that they have obtained the records and data of the experiments conducted with the 'Tunnel Dwellers.'" Ke Lan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said.

"Why do you think so?" Thirty-three was startled, "They may indeed have seen the memory fragments in your head, but how can they get the things related to the Tunnel Dwellers? No one from the Undead Crew Club has Apart from us, the only people who have been to the hive city are the officers and soldiers from the crashed battleship of Hruni. However, they were not able to return to the Ark until they died, nor did they have any contact with the people on the Ark... This makes no sense. ah."

"The 'Tunnel Dweller's' method is probably to use genetic rewriting to block the physical mutations caused by the 'disaster' at some level... In layman's terms, it's a bit like fighting fire with fire... because of the four The conditions in the passage are limited, so the only genetic samples they can obtain are those mutant creatures living in the passage... But for the Undead Crew Association, their range of choices is much wider." Ke Lan slowly said He said, then pointed at himself.

Thirty-three's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and after a long time he said: "You... the symbiote... the symbiote is the product of a mixture of Alpha and human genes! You are the successful sample! No wonder ...No wonder you have been exposed to so much 'forbidden knowledge' but still haven't broken through that critical point!"

"Yes." Ke Lan nodded, "But we cannot rule out another possibility, that is, someone in the 'other' hive has made similar attempts and brought the results out."

"I feel more and more that this world...seems a bit unreal." Thirty-three smacked his lips and said, "According to what you said, we humans actually evolved as early as half a million years ago...or even earlier. We have arrived at the Alpha planet and built multiple 'hives' on this planet. Until this immigrant civilization was destroyed due to a 'disaster', those Alpha talents who came out of nowhere occupied the magpie's nest. , became the master of this planet. Even the two most critical resources of Alpha Civilization, energy crystals and Nino Alloy, are actually the legacy left to them by this 'human civilization'... However, half a million years ago , humans at that time..."

Although the history of mankind is millions of years old, the history of human civilization is very short. Even if we count the 900 years that the Ark drifted in the universe, it did not exceed 10,000 years. Human beings just 500,000 years ago Learn to use stone tools and fire, let alone interstellar travel. Even a modern person living in the 21st century would be regarded as a god by these primitive people if he traveled back in time.

"It's not impossible." Ke Lan held his chin and said, "I once had a hypothesis, that is, hundreds of thousands of years ago, a group of primitive humans on the earth were abducted by alien civilization - this alien Star civilization can be any powerful and unknown civilization in the universe, or it may be the 'great god' who, for some reason, such as for an experiment, imprisoned these abducted humans on Alpha Planet ...and these primitive people gradually developed their own civilization on Alpha Planet...Due to different environmental conditions or the interference of alien civilization, the development speed of this human civilization is far faster than that of their own on Earth. of the same kind..."

Ke Lan paused and then said: "You must have heard of the controlled variable method, right? The humans on Earth are like a control group without intervention, while the humans on Alpha Planet are the experimental group with added variables... While the vast majority of humans on Earth were still eating raw materials and drinking blood, humans on Planet Alpha had already entered the glorious industrial age.

However, after experiencing one incident, I completely rejected this speculation. "

"What's the matter?" Thirty-three asked.

"In the Super Dream video of the 776 Special Forces Team, I saw some steel structures inside the ruins with the inscription 'Chinese Heavy Industry'. The inscription was printed in Chinese, not the type of writing found in the hive." Ke Lan continued, "It is difficult for two human civilizations that are separated by countless light years to develop exactly the same writing even if they have the same roots. What's more, China Heavy Industries, such a famous enterprise on earth, do you think that on Alpha Planet? Is there an existence with the same name as it?"

"This can't be a coincidence." Thirty-three followed Ke Lan's words and shook his head solemnly.

"I think this cannot be a coincidence, so this first guess can only be completely rejected." Ke Lan said, "The other possibility is the 'paradox' on the timeline."

"Wormhole?!" Thirty-three's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help holding his breath at the same time, "The entire interstellar journey took ninety years, and there are detailed event records for each year, so there can be no problems... The only thing is that there is no record The time is the time when the Ark traveled through the wormhole!"

"Yes, the wormhole... is the BUG of the entire timeline. Although in our understanding, it only took less than a year for the Ark to travel through the wormhole, but who can guarantee that the time outside the wormhole will Could it be that hundreds of thousands or even millions of years have passed...Beyond the Ark, there might be a group of Earthlings who escaped, arrived at Alpha Planet in another way, and took root on this planet."

"If this is really the case, then why do the undead crew members hide everything? And why do Hruni and the others feel that they cannot disclose the truth to the people? Is it because of...disaster?"

"I think so." Ke Lan nodded, "The undead crew will not only want to digest the legacy left by human civilization and Alpha civilization, but they also don't want the 'seeds of disaster' attached to this legacy to be on the Ark. Spread... Although there are still many things that are not yet clear, this point should be correct, at least this is the original intention of the Undead Crew Association."

"But as an insider, there is no guarantee that the members of the Immortal Crew will not be swallowed up by the 'disaster'..." Thirty-three frowned, "It would be okay if they were all 'symbiotes' like you. , if they are just a group of ordinary human beings who have been transformed...then they will inevitably become the 'minions of disaster' mentioned in that note."

"..." Ke Lan glanced at Thirty-Three, said nothing, and fell into deep thought again.

"I think the Undead Crew may have had a plan to replace them with 'symbiotes' like you, which is why you can join the Undead Crew so smoothly. But now it seems that either some members are greedy for power. and immortality, or some members have completely turned into...'that kind of thing', which is why the situation is so bad." Thirty-three continued, "If possible, I really hope you can replace the undead crew least you won't squander the lives of soldiers like us."

"That's not necessarily the case." Ke Lan grinned and showed a wry smile, "If you are not in my position, you will not seek to govern. If I had sat in that position, maybe my thoughts would not be the same as now. Human beings Views and concepts will always change with his position, status and responsibilities. It is easy to say the four words of never forgetting the original intention, but how many people in history can do this... how many people can there be in history?"

"At least you won't turn into that crazy monster, right?"

"...That's not certain."

"Well, let's not talk about this for now. What are we going to do next? Do we still want to go to the upper city area of ​​the hive city?" Thirty-three asked, "Judging from the clues we have so far, this hive city has not been able to survive the disaster." They escaped the fate of destruction in the face of disaster... It is estimated that it will be difficult for Shangcheng District to find any way to combat the disaster."

"Don't forget that we are not only in the 'Hive' now... we are also in the Tower of Babel." Ke Lan said solemnly, "The so-called 'trial' is still going on, even if the nest has been destroyed , if we want to enter the next level, we can only keep going forward. Moreover, I always feel that Babel will set this place as a level in the trial, and it will definitely not be that simple."

"I almost forgot... Even if we don't go forward, there will only be endless sea water when we look back. Then we might as well see the relics left by this civilization that has the same roots as us." Thirty-three looked at those things. The "tunnel dwellers" trapped in the space cage, "What about these guys? Let them go, or... deal with them?"

"I still want them to lead the way." Ke Lan said, waving his hand and releasing the spatial cage.

Those "tunnel dwellers" did not pounce to attack Ke Lan and Thirty-three. Instead, they turned around and ran away, plunging into the darkness deep in the tunnel.

"Follow me!"

Although the Tunnel Dweller can keep his feet upright, he still stays on all fours like most beasts when running at full speed. The long and thick rat tail stands high and is constantly swinging in small amplitudes. , helping the body maintain balance while moving at high speed.

They are very fast, but unfortunately they encounter guys like Ke Lan and Thirty-three. Even if the former does not rely on Ze Luo's space power, he can easily catch up with his body comparable to a ninth-level enhanced human. These tunnel dwellers. As for Thirty-Three, his way of moving is even more fantastical - directly stepping on the Nino alloy hand ax under his feet to "fly with the axe". Although the steering is not very flexible and there is a risk of being thrown out, in the garbage channel, In this straight pursuit, his movement speed was not inferior to Ke Lan's.

Not long after, a piece of ruins with barely discernible outlines appeared in their field of vision.

This ruins consists of dozens of shacks connected together, most of which have collapsed. Only a few shacks can barely be inhabited, but they are also covered with traces of repairs.

Various garbage and white broken bones were scattered among the ruins. A faint fishy smell spread to Ke Lan's nasal cavity through the filter cotton of the breathing mask.

In addition to the "tunnel dwellers" who had just been released by Ke Lan, there were still more than a dozen tunnel dwellers living in the ruins. Ke Lan and Thirty-three One approached the ruins. These tunnel dwellers armed with various weapons The residents immediately surrounded him.

"It seems that the battle is still inevitable." Ke Lan sighed. He was actually not willing to fight these tunnel dwellers...especially after reading the note.

"If we can't communicate with them, we can only use force to solve the problem." Thirty-three stood beside Ke Lan, with hundreds of nino alloy flying blades forming an inverted triangular shield in front of him. "Pay attention to the four o'clock direction. There is a tunnel dweller there holding something that looks like a gun... Although I'm not sure if that thing can still be fired, but it's always right to be careful."

[P.S. Thanks to Soap You for the 1,500 starting coins. 】

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