Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 877 The Fall of the Underground Icehouse

The content contained in the memory fragments ends here. Ke Lan doesn't know whether the old seventh man was caught up by the tentacle group in the end... But even if he escapes for a while, it will be difficult for him to explode in all aspects next. Survive the "disaster".

According to Nieto on the second level, there are no real "survivors" in the entire hive except for biological computers like them.

If we insist on making exceptions, the "tunnel dwellers" hiding in Passage No. 4 can barely be regarded as survivors... But becoming like that is actually not much different from being swallowed up by disaster.

"As a hunter, have you ever hunted?" Ke Lan suddenly turned his head and asked Thirty-Three.

"Relic hunters are not the kind of hunters from the old era... This joke is a bit cold." Thirty-three muttered, "But having said that, when I was a soldier, I did hunt... You know, special The troops will always receive some strange missions. When the logistics supplies cannot keep up, we can only fill our stomachs by ourselves. Unfortunately, as far as I know, most of the meat from the indigenous creatures on Alpha Planet is not edible. For eating...even if the few are barely edible after processing, the texture and taste are not very good."

"Then you may not know that there was once a popular hunting activity among the rich." Ke Lan said... Although he had never participated in this activity himself, through Zofia and Ye Yan's descriptions, he knew I have some understanding of this, "The large consortiums that organize hunting activities will capture some relatively docile indigenous creatures, remove their lethal attack organs through surgery, and then release them into a designated area for Those who participate in the activity hunt.”

"It sounds like a very luxurious entertainment." Thirty-three curled his lips, "You mean, the forest under our feet is also a similar place?"

"That's right... Moreover, in addition to wild beasts, the prey also includes those... people selected from the lower city area or the bottom nest."

"I suddenly felt that this nest city deserved to be destroyed by a 'disaster'." Thirty-three said.

Ark, West District 1.

The dome modules of the entire area have been completely opened, and all the warships that can be mobilized near the Ark are hovering over the West Area 1.

Lin Qiming glanced at the dense shadows of ships above his head and couldn't help but sigh.

It is indeed possible for the powerful weapons on the battleship to directly kill the target, but it is difficult to control the power to the extent that it can just kill the target without damaging the structure of the Ark... Other areas are okay, the bottom of the West Area 1 , in addition to the underground icehouse, there is also one of the Ark's several main reactors. If the weapons on the battleship accidentally penetrate the protective layer and detonate the reactor, the damage caused may be more serious than Alexander's "Final Judgment".

What's more, the West 1st District is close to the core area of ​​​​Ark... Any module of Ark can be discarded, but not the core area. Whether it is the core mastermind, the black well, or the cabin where the members of the Undead Crew are located, these are the top priorities of the Ark... without these, there is no need for the Ark to exist.

Therefore, according to the above plan, it is better to send ground troops to intercept the target first. If the ground troops fail, the fleet will then launch an attack.

And this group of hard-working "ground troops" naturally refers to Lin Qiming and his group.

Along the way, various checkpoints in West District 1 were destroyed beyond recognition, alloy roadblocks weighing several tons were twisted into twists, and heavy tanks and armored vehicles were directly transformed into " "Decoration", several quickly deployed movable barricades were completely razed, leaving only the torn bases on the ground... As for the corpses of the guarding troops, not a single one was seen. The semi-solidified pulpy flesh was deep enough to cover the instep of the road.

In the past, describing the tragic battlefield as a "meat grinder" was an exaggerated metaphor, but now, this metaphor is not only not exaggerated, but has become extremely realistic.

Even though Lin Qiming and his group were all elite operators from the Crisis Management Department, everyone looked extremely pale when they saw such a hell-like scene.

As the first troops to rush to the scene, no one in Lin Qiming's team spoke - the strong smell of blood kept entering their noses, and even Lin Qiming himself felt waves of turbulence in his stomach and throat. He felt that if he spoke, the mushy food residue still in his esophagus might be spit out directly.

He and his men had not rested for ten hours. When they were driving, they took advantage of this gap to stuff their mouths with energy bars, compressed biscuits and other things... But now, they would rather wish that they were... Hungry...

Following the vehicle of the Crisis Management Section were half a company of remnants of the garrison. Although these soldiers were considered "well-trained", they had very little combat experience compared to the soldiers of the field corps. Some of them People have never even seen blood. When they saw the scene in West District 1, there were a lot of retching sounds... The driver of an armored truck even stuck his head out of the window to vomit, causing the front of the truck to tilt and hit him. On top of the guardrail on the roadside.

Fortunately, the car had begun to slow down at this time, otherwise the heavy armored truck would have rolled over and the entire road would have been blocked.

"How many people are there in the garrison in West District 1?" Lin Qiming took a few deep breaths of the smelly air, forcing himself to adapt to the smell, and then asked his subordinates.

"Before, some people were transferred to the Black Well Defense Line. However, considering that there are research institutes and underground icehouses in the West 1st District, they did not transfer all the people... When the troops from all units are added together, there will be zero. We finally got it together, and there should be three to four thousand people left."

"It seems that among the three or four thousand people... there should be very few survivors." Lin Qiming raised his feet, and the thick blood mixed with minced meat stuck to the soles of the combat boots, looking like It's like dark red brushed cheese... except that this thing is exactly the opposite of cheese, it will only make those who see it lose their appetite.

"The surveillance network in West District 1 has been completely paralyzed. We are now unable to determine the target's location." The subordinate said to Lin Qiming, "According to the judgment of the superiors, the target should have entered the underground icehouse. We...were late."

"Then it seems that we can only use another combat plan." Lin Qiming sighed, and then looked up at the densely packed ship shadows in the sky. He knew very well that before his group was wiped out, the fleet above him would not Launching an attack on the target.

"Well, the latest order just came from above. The interception operation has been changed to an annihilation operation. If necessary, the target can be destroyed together with the underground icehouse." The subordinate said.

"What's in the underground icehouse, the big guys in the crew know better than we do." Lin Qiming shook his head with a grimace, "The target doesn't even need to do it himself... He only needs to cut off the power of those freezing cabins, and those things that have woken up. , it’s enough to give us a headache.”

Lin Qiming turned around and looked behind him again. Various vehicles were coming from all directions. The location they were in now was a peripheral military base in the West District 1. This base was originally used to defend the West District 1. and the institute's troops stationed there, but now, all that's left is a ruin covered in blood.

This was set up as a gathering place for all units involved in the operation...According to regulations, except for people from the Crisis Management Department and the Research Institute, people from other units are strictly prohibited from entering the underground icehouse. But just a few seconds ago, this ban was abolished by the Undead Crew Association. Those soldiers wearing thick power armor who jumped out of the truck compartment will be the vanguard of this combat operation.

Lin Qiming noticed that the performance of these soldiers was much better than that of the different garrison troops. After they got off the vehicle, they began to skillfully debug equipment, inspect armor and weapons, and the level of blood around them was far higher than that of the R-18 level. The plasma film scene turned a blind eye.

Lin Qiming shifted his attention to the emblems on the shoulders of the power armor worn by these soldiers. Only then did he realize that these soldiers were from the field corps, and they were also elites in the field corps.

Since the field army suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Ancient Copper City ruins, the defense line has shrunk. Many troops have been transferred back to Ark to participate in reconstruction and stability maintenance... I think these people should be among the troops transferred back to Ark, right?

Lin Qiming watched these soldiers wrapped in steel walking towards the direction of the research institute, then waved to his subordinates and shouted: "Follow them... We are more familiar with the research institute and the underground icehouse than they are. , we still have to carry out the task of taking the lead."

"Boss...are you afraid of death?" The operator who had been following Lin Qiming asked while loading various special ammunition into the magazine.

"No one is not afraid of death, there is nothing to be ashamed of." Lin Qiming could see what his subordinate was thinking at a glance, "A truly brave person, even if he is scared to death, will still choose to come forward... It depends on Your actions, not your heart.”

"Actually... I'm actually fine." The subordinate whispered, but his slightly trembling fingers while reloading exposed his true thoughts, "I was just thinking... we... or in other words, the following troops, Can they really solve the target?"

After seeing the true strength of the target, both Lin Qiming and Lin Qiming's subordinates knew very well that they alone would never be able to solve the target... The only thing they could do was to use their own lives to drag down the target. Stay on target and buy a few minutes...or even seconds for the troops coming from behind.

"I don't know." Lin Qiming said, this was his true thought, "Maybe even the crew members don't know whether the combat operation will be successful in the end."

"Even a battleship...can't kill that person?" The subordinate pressed the last newly defrosted active ammunition into the magazine, and then stuffed the magazine into the equipment on the waist.

"Maybe we can kill, maybe we can't... It's already reached this point. All we can do is 'do our best and obey fate'." Lin Qiming patted his subordinates on the shoulder, "Let's tell our brothers that we After entering the underground icehouse, there are two main tasks. The first task is to find and try to annihilate the target of this combat operation. The second task is to deal with the out-of-control 'collections'... Although the above requires us to except the target. Don’t worry about anything else, but I ask you to put the priority of the secondary task as high as possible as the goal.”

As the deputy section chief of the Crisis Management Section, Lin Qiming is very aware of the consequences if the "collections" in the underground icehouse get out of control... Not to mention the troops entering the icehouse, I am afraid that even the temporary assembly where they are now Every point will be broken by things coming out of the ground.

"Let the fleet in the sky know that if something comes out of the underground icehouse, as long as it doesn't look human, just open fire. The main gun can't be used, but those close-defense weapons can always be used, right?" Lin Qiming He took out his communication device and spoke into the microphone.

"The fleet has received the request, and they want me to remind you..." On the other end of the communicator, the liaison officer responsible for coordinating various units paused, and then continued, "If there are ground troops and those If things are mixed together... they will also choose to open fire unless they are sure that ground troops can suppress those things."

"How long is the judgment window?" Lin Qiming asked bluntly.

"Thirty seconds."

"Okay, I understand, thank you." After Lin Qiming finished speaking, he put away the communication equipment.

The meaning of the determination window is that if there is a melee between a bunch of monsters running out of the underground icehouse and ground troops, and if the ground troops cannot gain a decisive advantage within thirty seconds... even if the battle situation is just a stalemate, there will be no distinction between enemy and friendly attacks. It will fall from the sky and destroy the enemy and friendly forces together.

This sounds unreasonable, but the current situation is urgent. The fleet can buy thirty seconds for the ground forces, which is almost the limit... Every second, countless variables may occur. If we want to follow the latest If the insurance method is adopted, there will not even be a one-second judgment window.

"Let's go." As soon as Lin Qiming finished speaking, several black spots fell from the belly of the battleship in the sky, quickly enlarged in his field of vision, and then landed with a crash.

They were eight "mass-produced fallen angels" painted in pure black. After landing, these mechas quickly gathered together and ran in front of Lin Qiming.

"This mass-produced fallen angel team is under your command. I hope you can make them play their due role, Deputy Section Chief Lin." Demeter's voice rang in Lin Qiming's earphones without warning. .

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20210804103528600 for the 100 starting coins. 】

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