Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 883 Rivets

The monster was in pain, and immediately jumped up from the ground, rolling sideways in mid-air, trying to tear off the "streamer" wrapped around its body.

However, the flexibility of the living armor was far beyond its imagination. This rolling action not only did not tear off the "ribbon", but instead wrapped it tightly around its body.

More liquid seeped into the gaps between the scales, and more and more scales were torn off, revealing the bloody flesh underneath.

Thirty-three didn’t even need to do anything. The sharp spikes formed by the living armor had already penetrated the monster’s body. The monster’s flesh was also quite tough. When he manipulated the spikes of the living armor to drill into the flesh, Ke Lan felt something like The feeling of stabbing through dozens of layers of top-grade anti-stab clothing, every step of penetration is extremely difficult.

Even if the monster's meat is not poisonous, it may not be digested by the human stomach.

Fortunately, it is much easier to control the force of the living armor than to stab it with a weapon. Ke Lan only needs to give instructions to the living armor through his consciousness, without spending any effort at all.

The monster was struggling wildly on the ground, but it couldn't get rid of its living armor like a gangrene attached to the bone. It dug out a huge pit on the ground, with gravel, soil and torn vegetation scattered everywhere. It was everywhere... But even so, this monster did not cross the boundary of the jungle hunting ground and attack Ke Lan's body, which was less than three meters away.

The spikes condensed from the living armor finally entered the monster's internal organs. The moment he noticed that the resistance at the tip of the spikes was instantly reduced, Ke Lan immediately made many small branches grow on the sides of the spikes. , these bifurcations are like clusters of crystals in the mine, turning the monster's internal organs into a ball of rotten meat.

No matter how hard the scales and bones are, and how tough the muscles and skin are, the internal organs are still fragile after all... After more than ten minutes of dying struggle, the monster finally became silent and curled up motionless on its own surface. The bottom of the big pit comes out.

"Dead?" Thirty-three stepped forward and looked into the pit.

"The heart has stopped, and I have turned its brain into paste. If it is still alive, it only means that the hive civilization's biochemical technology has reached its peak." Ke Lan took back the living armor, "I just said I also explored the internal structure of this monster. This guy has four hearts, two working at the same time and two in reserve. The brain capacity is about the same as that of a human being, and his IQ is probably not much lower... As for the visual organ , I really haven’t found it yet.”

"Then how did it 'see' us?" Thirty-three was slightly startled and asked.

"You should rely on other senses." Ke Lan kicked the broken soil on the edge of the pit. The broken soil mixed with gravel and rotten grass fell down along the wall of the pit and sprinkled on the monster's body. , "Asano Akira can't see either, but his ability to perceive the surrounding environment is better than anyone in the hunting group... oh, except Ze Luo."

"Ze Luo..." Thirty-three muttered in a low voice. After he joined the hunting group, he gradually learned about Ze Luo's origins through conversations with other people. Although other people in the hunting group were not aware of Ze Luo's existence. We have become accustomed to it, but Thirty-three always feels that we cannot look at Ze Luo in the same way we look at "ordinary people".

This does not mean that he has a grudge against Ze Luo, but in his opinion, Ze Luo cannot be regarded as a human being at all, and at most it can only be regarded as an "alien creature" that maintains a friendly relationship with humans...

But he also knew very well that in daily interactions, the other members of the hunting group treated Ze Luo as their little sister... Thirty-three's emotional intelligence would not be so low that he would say "Ze Luo too" Are we considered human beings?”

Not only Ze Luo, but Ke Lan also gave him an unfathomable feeling... various abilities that were close to cheating, which should never appear in a "human" body.

Thirty-three originally thought that he was considered a "monster" for being able to control Nino Alloy, but after joining the Hunting God Hunting Group, he had a deep understanding of what it meant to be "a little dwarfed by a big witch".

Even without the help of someone like Ze Luo, Ke Lan still killed the unreasonably strong monster alone... If Ke Lan wanted to kill him, it would have been a matter of a blink of an eye, right?

strangeness? Why do you have such thoughts?

Thirty-three scratched his neck irritably. Vaguely, he seemed to hear some voice whispering deep in his head, but when he wanted to listen carefully, the whisper disappeared without a trace.

"Ke Lan, I said -"

Thirty-three raised his head, but was stunned by the scene in front of him: Ke Lan who was standing there disappeared, replaced by a large mass of rotten flesh and blood flowing with pus, and ugly tentacles covered with sharp teeth and eyeballs emerged from here. Every corner of the mass of flesh and blood came out, squirming and reaching towards him.

"?!" Thirty-three was so frightened that he jumped back a big step, but after he blinked hard, all the visions disappeared, including rotting flesh and blood, tentacles covered with sharp teeth and eyeballs. All were gone, and Ke Lan still stood there, with his back to him, looking at the corpse of the monster at the bottom of the pit.

"What's going on?" Ke Lan turned around and looked at Thirty-Three, obviously aware of Thirty-Three's large jump just now.

Ke Lan's appearance has not changed at all, only some dried blood is still stained on his face, but for some reason, Thirty-three always feels that the black and red blood is extremely bright...even coquettish, he always has a feeling , as if in the next second, this blood stain would spread quickly, covering Ke Lan's entire body, turning into the flesh and blood monster he just saw.

"I just... seemed to have seen a hallucination." Thirty-three thought for a while and decided to tell Ke Lan what he saw.

"You mean, you just saw me turn into a mass of flesh and blood monster covered with tentacles? And then in the blink of an eye, everything returned to normal?" Ke Lan stared into Thirty-Three's eyes and confirmed with a serious look. road.

Thirty-three nodded solemnly, but then shook his head slightly with a hint of hesitation: "I can't be sure whether it was something I really saw or an illusion in my mind. "

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something. There was another thing he wanted to tell Ke Lan, but now he couldn't remember it.

"It is not ruled out that it is an hallucination, but there is another possibility that your cognition has been interfered by some external force." Ke Lan stretched out one of his arms, and the plasma-like living armor seeped out from the pores, covering the entire arm. All wrapped in it, the squirming, semi-liquid living armor simulated the shape and texture of rotten flesh and blood, and at the same time spawned several tentacles covered with thorns, swinging slightly.

"Is this scene very similar to what you saw?" Ke Lan asked.

Thirty-three's breathing became a little faster. He nodded and said: "Absolutely... that's it."

"Perhaps it's because when I just used the living armor to attack the monster, it made you have some associations, and then some unknown force in the hive interfered with your consciousness, causing this association in your brain to be multiplied several times. Magnification...then creates that 'illusion'." Ke Lan thought.

"I...I don't know." Thirty-three's face was a little pale, "To be honest, I'm worried that if I blink, you will turn into that kind of monster again in my eyes..."

"Are you afraid of me?" Ke Lan was stunned for a moment and asked.

"No... I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not afraid of death... I'm just afraid of that kind of..." Thirty-three thought for a while, and then said word by word, "Afraid of that kind of... losing my companions Moreover, compared to the death of my companions, I am more afraid of my companions turning into something that I cannot understand."

"Don't worry, even if I become a monster, I still consider myself a human being." Ke Lan took back the living armor, "If I find that my consciousness is about to lose control, I will choose to destroy my body before that... I I would rather die than become His puppet, not to mention, my current mental state is very stable, and that day is still very early."

"On the contrary, it's you," Ke Lan continued, "I always feel that you are in a daze right now... Are you too tired?"

"Tired...maybe?" Thirty-three took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, "After all, I haven't had a good rest along the way."

"No!" Ke Lan suddenly became excited and spoke faster. "This has never happened before... Since you are seeing this kind of hallucination now, there must be a reason... Maybe, we have already Some kind of mechanism was triggered.”

"Mechanism?" After hearing this word, Thirty-three subconsciously wanted to raise his head, but then he remembered the warning "don't raise your head", his whole body trembled violently, and he quickly lowered his gaze.

These actions were naturally caught by Ke Lan, who immediately asked: "Did you accidentally catch a glimpse of the dome above?"

"" Thirty-three hesitated, "I have always lowered my head, so I shouldn't have seen the dome...only when I was in the jungle just now, I raised my head a few times to look for this one. Monsters moving among the giant trees... But the sky above the jungle is blocked by the huge and dense tree canopy, so the dome should not be visible."

Ke Lan looked back at the jungle behind him. He controlled the angle of his sight as much as possible so that he would not see the dome in the distance beyond the top of the tree canopy - just as Thirty-Three described, the canopy is extremely dense. There are almost no gaps between the leaves, and even light cannot penetrate, let alone the human gaze that can penetrate the canopy and see the dome above.

But at this moment, Ke Lan's eyes were attracted by a small thing on Thirty-three - it was a rivet on the back of the backpack. Although the surface of the rivet had been frosted, it could still be seen vaguely. Seeing some reflected light, judging from the angle, those small turbid color patches projected on the rivets are exactly the dome above——

Ke Lan only felt as if a huge bomb exploded in his mind. A large number of messy and brilliant colors were mixed together, like an overturned paint shelf, and bright colored lights were intertwined. Fusion and entanglement with each other, new colors will be produced where the edges merge. In just one second, tens of thousands of colors are born. One second later, the camera zooms out instantly, forming a bright sea of ​​stars.

The colors just mixed...are they the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe?

The sea of ​​​​stars is still expanding. Although Ke Lan can no longer see the colors clearly, he can clearly feel that the amount of information contained in this sea of ​​​​stars is increasing geometrically... But the brilliant light produced by the explosions cools and condenses into shape. However, the celestial body does not "not exist" just because it cannot be observed by Ke Lan. If Ke Lan's brain is compared to a computer, then this sea of ​​stars is a real-time computing program. The foggy star clusters one after another are not maps, but a magnificent landscape composed of hundreds of millions of stars...

Each star represents a huge amount of information, and the information contained in such a star cluster is enough to crash any of the most advanced personal computers on the Ark.

Ke Lan only felt that his head was really going to explode... He desperately summoned the last bit of consciousness, raised his hand, slapped himself hard, and took his eyes away from the rivet.


He seemed to hear the sound of a fire extinguishing, the color disappeared, the sea of ​​stars and star clusters also disappeared, everything just now no longer existed, only the empty feeling in his head and the residual pain... there was so much For a few seconds, Ke Lan even suffered from amnesia - he couldn't remember who he was, where he was, or what he was doing.

He squatted on the ground, holding his knees with both hands, like an ostrich that buries its head in the sand when in danger, lowering its head deeply and breathing heavily.

It wasn't until the "buzzing" buzzing in his ears disappeared that he heard Thirty-three calling him urgently from the side——

"Ke Lan?! Ke Lan!? What's wrong with you? Can you hear me calling you? Hello? Hello? How can I help you? What do you want me to do? If you can't speak, at least Give me some hints with your eyes——"

"I'm fine." Ke Lan waved his hand, "At least I'm fine now."

Ke Lan calmed his breathing and stood up.

He didn't dare to look with his eyes anymore, but reached out and touched his body - and soon he discovered that there were many similar "rivets" on his body.

Since these rivets were not mirror metal, he did not initially think that they could reflect the scene of the dome... But only after experiencing it for himself would he know that all of these things were hidden in the body... traps.

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