Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 911 Ability God

Before Nieto could finish speaking, a drone with a very different shape from Ark's appeared in the sky over the battlefield, shooting a stream of high-pressure liquid directly into the back of the Sphinx's neck.

The wounds on the Sphinx's body that were fatal to ordinary mutants began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye... To be precise, it was not healing, but "mutation": the newly grown tissue was not soft. The flesh and blood were replaced by hard crystalline scales... After a while, the wounds were completely sealed by these crystalline scales, and the same scales also grew under the skin of the uninjured areas.

"What did you inject into it?"

"Catalyst No. 45, this is his last research result before his death. Only he knows the specific effect." Nieto replied.

The bone spurs on the Sphinx's back began to proliferate, becoming longer and thicker, and then gradually expanded outwards, forming several large irregular-shaped exoskeletons. These exoskeletons first wrapped its back, then crossed its shoulders and extended to its chest and abdomen.

Naturally, Ke Lan would not let the Sphinx "evolve" to complete. In the process, he continued to attack the Sphinx, especially the locations where the exoskeleton and scales grew - but he soon discovered that If you cut out those scales from the surface of the Sphinx's body, larger and thicker scales will soon grow out of the places where the old scales fell off; the same goes for the exoskeleton, where the cut parts will become thicker. The texture will also become tighter.

Just like a person's leg hair will become thicker and thicker as it is shaved, the Sphinx's body will also have a stress response to external attacks, constantly strengthening those parts that have been traumatized.

The speed of the Sphinx is also getting faster, and the force of the attacks is getting more fierce each time - assuming that the original physical attribute value of the Sphinx is 1, and after being injected with the madness potion, it is 3, then this number has gradually gradually It has improved to 4 and is gradually approaching 5.

Previously, Ke Lan, who had "Time Stop", had a slight advantage in terms of speed and reaction, but now even if Ke Lan uses "Time Stop" to predict the Sphinx's movements, it is difficult to completely avoid the opponent's attack. ——This guy's speed is really too fast. Ke Lan can see its movements clearly, but he just can't avoid it.

After several rounds of fighting, Ke Lan not only failed to expand his previous advantage, but suffered a lot. At this time, almost one-third of his body was a "prosthetic body" temporarily repaired with living armor. A right leg and half of his left arm are "prosthetic limbs" that are completely condensed from living armor.

Ke Lan began to retreat. He could only rely on the tree trunks as shelter and obstruction to block the Sphinx's attack for himself. But even a dozen giant trees that were as thick as each other's arms were nothing more than nothing in front of the Sphinx. In a matter of seconds, the area where the two sides were fighting quickly formed a huge blank area. A large number of trees were cut down and then torn apart. Tree fragments with an average size of only a palm were spread layer by layer on the ground.

Ke Lan's body has many more parts made of living armor - now he has no time to regenerate his limbs. As long as he can protect his brain, it will be no problem even if his whole body is condensed with living armor.

This is like the kind of "super modified people" with a modification degree of more than 90%. These people, except for their brains, are almost entirely made of artificial parts. They have very little "human content", but even so, they are They are still recognized as human beings - although among the people, this kind of super-cybomorphs have always been called "cyborg monsters".

Ze Luo seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. No matter how much Ke Lan called, there was no response. In order to protect her, Ke Lan simply stuffed the black armor that Ze Luo had transformed into into his body, and used the living armor to completely protect her. Wrapped.

"You must be erased, you should not exist in this world." Nieto was still talking there, "There must be a problem somewhere... Ability Gods, yes, it must be those Ability Gods that are causing trouble, they The rules of this world are distorted, so mistakes like you are made..."

"Ability God? What is an Ability God?" Ke Lan couldn't help but ask after hearing this 'new word', "Is it the enemy in the legend of Alpha Civilization that fights against the bullshit god they believe in?"

It is mentioned in many religious documents of the Alpha civilization that the "great god" they believe in is not omnipotent in the true sense. He also has a mortal enemy that is difficult to destroy... This mortal enemy is so powerful that it has even been Records of multiple victories over the "great gods"... Their armies are constantly conquering in distant time and space, and the battles and killings never stop.

The Alpha civilization cultivates those monsters and those "biological weapons" in order to create an army for the "great god" they believe in...

During the duel with the Prophet and Alexander, a piece of information once flowed into Ke Lan's mind: the god that the Alpha people believe in, his enemies are like the stars in the universe, too numerous to count. One of the extremely powerful enemies is a huge super star that emits infinite heat... and has self-awareness.

"Fire God Cthugha", in that memory, the Alpha people once called this conscious star.

The power that killed Alexander came from Cthugha... Of course, this power did not come from Cthugha itself, but reproduced an elemental creature called the "Colossus of Fire" in the form of projection.

The projection of the Flame Colossus had only one ten thousandth of the power of the original body, but it still easily tore Alexander apart... One can imagine how terrifying the true strength of this elemental creature would be.

Such terrifying creatures are just the descendants of Cthugha... Then you can imagine how exaggerated the power of these alien gods can be.

This kind of power, let alone numbers, may not be imaginable even with the utmost human imagination.

"Have you come into contact with the God of Fire?!" Nieto's voice was trembling, "Have you come into contact with the God of Fire, Cthugya?!"

"I don't know what the contact you mean means. If I remember correctly, that power should come from the 'blood of the true god' in the body of the original erosion seed... To be honest, I am also very confused as to why that god's The blood will summon the warriors of his mortal enemy."

"That drop of blood... that drop of blood was tampered with!" Nieto became angry, "The damn Night Watch... they will pay the price for their betrayal!"

"Weren't all the Night Watchmen already wiped out? What do you mean... are there any survivors among them?" Ke Lan dodged the Sphinx's punch and asked immediately.

But Nieto did not answer Ke Lan's question this time, but said to himself: "They think they can gain the power to fight against the great gods after coming into contact with Cthugya? They are simply ignorant! Ignorance! Ridiculous! Ketu Gea doesn't care about any non-elemental creatures at all. Their final fate is just to be used as consumables by Cthugya, and the entire civilization is thrown into the millstone of endless war and ground to ashes... No one The Ability God is as kind as He is, and only He is willing to accept every believer and allow believers to become part of the great God himself..."

"Eating the body and soul of believers sounds so great..." Ke Lan sarcastically said without mercy, "Perhaps the AI ​​thinking logic of biological computing is too simple? It can't even do such a simple thing. I can’t even see through it… you are really a loyal dog of that bullshit god.”

"No matter which alien god caused trouble and caused your birth, you will die here today. Don't imagine that the alien god will save you. For them, whether it is the hive people, the Alpha people, the earth people... ... Or you, you are just an insignificant ant. They just glanced at the world unintentionally, which led to the birth of your 'mistake'... But they are not willing to waste more energy on you. ...As long as they want, they can create billions of you at any time, but no matter what they do, they can't defeat the great gods..."

"But as far as I know, that bullshit god you worship seems to have lost many battles?"

"That's because those relatives and servants are too incompetent... Incompetent races and civilizations should be wiped out in war... As for the great god himself, He has never been defeated."

Two more drones appeared and injected two bunches of medicinal liquid into the Sphinx's body... The Sphinx's eyes were severely bloodshot, and the entire white part of his eyes had turned red, and his face was full of swelling. The blood vessels were beating loudly, and its breathing sounded like the roar of a heavy engine, resounding throughout the sky.

The Sphinx's speed is getting faster and stronger, and its power is getting stronger. According to the standard just now, the Sphinx's attributes should have exceeded seven times the basic value at this time. Ke Lan has gone from being small at the beginning. Advantage, then evenly matched, and then gradually fell into a disadvantage... Now, he can only run and dodge blindly. Not only does he have no chance to counterattack, but from time to time the Sphinx will seize the opportunity and take advantage of Ke Lan's body. Remove some "parts".

If Ke Lan was restrained when he fought with Thirty-Three before because he was afraid of hurting Thirty-Three, then now he has no strength to fight back at all - Nieto probably used all his trump cards in order to eliminate Ke Lan... ...Ke Lan doesn’t know how long the enhanced state of the Sphinx can last, but at least before the effect of the drug wears off, there is no problem in forcing Ke Lan into a desperate situation.

Even if the Sphinx's combat power no longer improves, in the current situation, Ke Lan can only hold on for a few minutes at most.

It's not that Ke Lan has never thought about escaping outside the jungle hunting ground, but Nieto can obviously see Ke Lan's thoughts - whenever Ke Lan intends to move towards the edge of the hunting ground, the Sphinx will give up the attack and turn around. And to cut off Ke Lan's retreat route and force Ke Lan back... After several attempts, Ke Lan not only failed to get close to the edge of the hunting ground, but instead returned to the central area where he had fought Wilson before.

Are you really going to die here today?

Ke Lan has encountered desperate situations many times, but this kind of thought rarely occurs... But this time, the overwhelming fighting power displayed by the Sphinx made Ke Lan feel a suffocating despair.

Ke Lan had never felt this way before when facing a behemoth like Alexander.

Perhaps it's because Alexander's main target is not Ke Lan, but the undead crew members hiding on the Ark... But the goals of Nieto and Sphinx are different. The feeling of being locked by killing intent makes people around Ke Lan The air became stagnant... He even had the illusion that he was moving inside a large gelatinous object, and every movement had to overcome huge resistance to complete.

"I...should...have another trump card..."

Ke Lan does have one more trump card that he hasn't played yet.

"Holy Word".

But thinking about the conversation with Nieto just now, Ke Lan couldn't help but think of one thing - the "gazing" he felt the last time he used the Holy Word came from the "belief" of the Alpha people. "Great God" or a "different god" who is his enemy?

If it was really that "god", why would he respond to Ke Lan's request? You know, the content of Ke Lan's request was to kill his servant... Even if this "god" is unreliable, he will not do anything to himself. Enemies of believers do what they ask for, right?

[P.S. Thanks to HAKU Weiyin for the 1,500 starting coins; thanks to book friend 20221104214717501 for the 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. Uh... I have some bad news. I did the nucleic acid test on Monday, and then I received the news today that the mixed tube was positive and had a yellow code. I went to a special nucleic acid point in the afternoon to do a single tube test. The result has not come out yet. I feel like It’s okay, I’m a little sleepy and my throat is a little dry. I don’t know if it’s because of the weather or psychological effects... Unless the situation is really bad enough that I can’t type, I probably won’t stop updating...

If I am really positive and the symptoms are a bit severe, I may use the extras I wrote before to make up for perfect attendance during the most uncomfortable days... After all, there is only one leave request note left this month, which may not be enough. I hope everyone will Forgive me.

In addition, everyone should also pay attention to personal protection. Although it is relaxed, try not to go to crowded places, wear a mask and disinfect at all times... This thing is not chickenpox. It does not mean that you will be immune after being infected once. The more times you are infected, The situation will get worse. We have been well protected for three years, and now we have to protect ourselves.

At present, many members who are often active in the reader group have been infected. According to everyone's feedback, the virus is actually not that scary, especially for us young people. Remember to stock up on some cold medicines such as ibuprofen to reduce fever. , and you can also prepare some throat lozenges and loquat ointment. It is said that it can relieve the most uncomfortable symptom - dry and sore throat. Finally, as the old saying goes, remember to drink more hot water. 】

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