Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 918 Christine

Just as Ke Lan was thinking, he found that his body gradually began to disintegrate. His originally fair skin seemed to have been scorched, turning black and hard, and finally turned into flying ashes... Vaguely, he seemed to feel a wave of Her eyes fell on him.

"critical point!"

The power after fusion with "Joker" has exceeded that critical point, so much so that it attracted "His" attention!

What to do? In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Ke Lan's mind, but in the end he took no action and allowed his body to completely turn into ashes.

Ze Luo, who was left in a deep sleep state, fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

The line of sight disappeared, and the ashes gradually gathered again, forming the appearance of Ke Lan.

This disintegration phenomenon is not "His" power, but the body's means of self-protection... In a sense, it can be understood as "pretending to be dead".

But Ke Lan also knows very well that if you pretend to be dead too many times, you may not be able to deceive that existence... Although the power of "Joker" is powerful, every time it is used, it is like gambling.

I bet his gaze just glanced over and didn't stay for a moment longer.

Undersea city, inside the "core hub".

"You...are you talking to us?" The hound straightened his back and asked loudly to the giant brain in the tank.

"Y...E...S..." Chi Hanfeng, with his eyes closed, wrote three more letters on the paper.

(For the convenience of everyone’s reading, all subsequent conversations will be converted into Chinese.)

"Do you know the earth?" Zhuoligetu couldn't help but ask.

"I know." The other party's answer was simple, but also very direct.

"Don't ask these useless questions first..." The hound thought for a moment, and then asked, "Why did you bring us here? Do you want to use us to do something for you?"

"I didn't bring you here, you found it here on your own." The giant brain in the tank replied, "However, I do have something I want you to do."

"Then why were we separated from Yagunaktor? And what about those monsters we encountered in the sea? Can you give us a reasonable explanation? If we can't establish the most basic trust between us, what will happen to us? I won’t do anything for you.”

"Yagunaktor cannot enter this sea area. As for the monster you encountered, it is the No. 93 Epsilon-level mutant. This mutant is not very aggressive and will not cause any harm to you. ."

"It won't cause any harm to us?" The hound's voice suddenly rose several times, "You're farting!"

"It's just curious about strange things. You can recall whether it has ever taken the initiative towards you."

"Ah..." The hound was speechless immediately, while Zhuoligetu patted his shoulder and whispered: "It was indeed us who struck first. Even so, the monster did not fight back... To be honest, I've always had this feeling when I was 'fighting' with it before... With its speed, it could clearly entangle the deep submersible directly, but it always kept a vague distance... It seemed like it was really just Just observing us."

"It seems...that's what happened." Ghost Owl also said, "The damage to the deep submersible was actually caused by the torpedo we detonated ourselves..."

"Are you two on my side or on the opposite side? Why are you just talking to that idiot?" The hound glared at the two angrily.

"It's just stating the facts." Zhuoligetu sighed, "At least so far, this thing is telling the truth."

"Okay, I won't pursue this matter for now. First, you have to tell us, who are you?"

"The manager of Hive City No. 451, the super biological computer, codenamed Christine." The giant brain in the tank replied, "The Alpha civilization brought me here from the destroyed hive city, as the undersea The city’s control center.”

"Christine...isn't this an English name? it something like a new name after translation?" Hound struggled a little on this small issue, and then asked, "The existence of this undersea city What is the purpose? If you can tell us this, we will believe you for once... Oh, by the way, there is also the fusion body in the abyss hatchery, its origin and activity habits, we also need to know this."

"Isn't this a little too greedy..." Ghost Owl whispered into the ear of the hound, "What if this thing is annoyed? We are still on its territory."

"I can't even figure out the origin of that monster. How can I believe it?"

But the giant brain in the tank...or rather, Christine did not refuse the hound's question. Chi Hanfeng just paused for a moment, then continued to hold the pen and wrote on the paper -

"This underwater city is actually a biological weapons research institute. The fusion body in the abyss hatchery you mentioned is one of the main research projects of this research institute. As for its activity habits, it has never Take the initiative to leave the abyss hatchery... because the hatchery is equipped with an induction device, and every once in a while, creatures that stray into this sea area will be led to the abyss for the fusion body to prey on and extract gene fragments."

"That induction device...will humans be affected too?"

"Yes, the signal released by the induction device can affect human brain waves, causing humans to yearn for the abyss hatchery without them realizing it. This yearning is difficult to resist, and the people who are attracted generally Everyone will think that this is their true inner thoughts, rather than inducements from the outside world.”

The hound and Zhuoligetu looked at each other, feeling a sense of fear in their hearts... If they approached the Abyss Hatchery before finding Christine, they might also be attracted by the induction device...

Looking back, Ke Lan's decision to break into the Abyss Hatchery was probably not just to find flesh-eating worms. This induction device must also have played an important role secretly.

Hound glanced at the paper that Chi Hanfeng pressed with the edge of his palm. Hundreds of letters were already overlapped on the paper, and the handwriting in many places had penetrated the back of the paper. Hound silently changed it for him. She put out a piece of paper, and then said to Christine: "Last question, this is really the last question, what does the phrase 'leave the bed' mean?"

Christine was not impatient with the hound's backbiting, but she did not answer the question directly: "This question involves the most fundamental secrets, and I cannot explain it to you with my authority. Otherwise, the self-destruct system will determine Betray for me and start on your own.”

"...Okay. You can tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"This person should be familiar to you."

As soon as Chi Hanfeng finished writing this sentence, a holographic shadow was suddenly projected in front of the breeding tank. Inside the shadow was a blood-red figure fighting with an extremely exaggerated monster.

Although most parts of the figure's body were covered in blood-red armor, the hound recognized it immediately: "Ke Lan?!"

"He is currently inside Nest City No. 97, which is an abandoned nest city. However, due to the influence of the residual power of the 'Great God', Alpha Civilization's many exploration operations in this nest city ended in failure."

"Where is this No. 97 nest?! Tell me!" The hound immediately asked urgently.

"It's underground in this underwater city."

As soon as these words came out, Hound and the others fell into a brief silence.

"You mean... Ke Lan... he is under our feet now?" The hound frowned and shook his head to himself, "It's impossible... he should still be in the gray mist forest, in that place. In the tower in the central area of ​​the forest. How could he be under the sea?"

"I'm just telling you the truth."

"Okay... okay, then what is the purpose of doing this? Do you want us to rescue him? When did the artificial intelligence of Alpha Civilization become so kind?" Hound asked suspiciously.

"He is a very special individual. The unfinished business of Alpha Civilization has the possibility of continuation in him. As one of the instructions written in my source code, I must ensure the safety of this individual."

"Then why don't you save him yourself?"

"Hive No. 97 is affected by the residual power of the 'Great God'. No Alpha person or technological creation of the Alpha civilization can enter there... Only you humans can, because you have not been affected by Him yet. 's gaze."

"Huh...huh..." The hound exhaled two breaths in succession, and then said in as calm a tone as possible, "It's not impossible to ask us to help you rescue people, but this abandoned nest city is full of people at first sight. Danger... If you want us to succeed, then you should tell us everything you know about Hive No. 97. Is this reasonable?"

"Reasonable." Kristen responded, "The structure of the hives on Alpha is roughly the same, divided into four parts: the bottom hive, the lower city, the upper city and the cloud top, but the order is exactly opposite to what you know. The bottom nest is located at the top of the hive city and is also a barrier to enter the hive city, while the cloud top is located at the bottom of the hive city."

Chi Hanfeng's body was trembling continuously. It was obvious that the high-intensity "revelation" had caused an unbearable burden on his body, but he still wrote letters one after another on the paper without saying a word.

On the contrary, it was the hound who was the first to see Chi Hanfeng's abnormality. Thinking that the "illusion magnetic field" would drive people crazy, he immediately pressed Chi Hanfeng's shoulders to stop him from continuing to write, and then shouted to Kristen Said: "Since you can use the projection screen to tell us that Ke Lan is in the Laoshizi nest, then why can't you show us the structural diagram of the nest? Do you want to kill Lao Chi?"

Chi Hanfeng let out a groan, then forcibly broke away from the hound's hand, and wrote: "Hive City No. 97 has received serious erosion. If the real scene of the hive city is projected, the degree of erosion for all of you will be Breaking through the critical point in an instant..."

"Then you can't express it in words? Just like what you are doing now controlling Lao Chi!"

"I don't understand the words and languages ​​of your earth civilization. If I need to learn, I may directly destroy the brain of one of you... I can guarantee that I will try to keep the side effects to a minimum."

"Damn it!" The hound couldn't help but cursed.

"Old dog, it's okay, I can still hold on...Whether it's four people or one person, you should know better than me which side to bet on this deal, right?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Hound stomped his feet angrily, "You old boy, don't die here, otherwise I don't know how to explain to Xiaona!"

"Don't worry, my life is very tough and I can't die."

After the brief interlude, Christine continued to manipulate Chi Hanfeng to write on the paper: "The bottom nest is equivalent to the 'slum' in your understanding, and the lower city is the 'industrial area', which is responsible for the entire nest." Most of the industrial needs are there. The danger level of these two levels is almost zero, but in the upper city, his remaining power is very terrifying."

"Remember, never look up at the dome directly above, even if it is reflection or refraction, or even pictures and scenes captured with electronic equipment." Kristen continued.

"Can't look at the it something similar to a meme?" Hound muttered in a low voice. He still has vivid memories of that extremely weird meme infection time - if it weren't for Ke Lan's... Forced to exist, I am afraid that all mankind will abandon ships and flee now.

"By the way, what about Genting? Why don't you continue talking?"

"I know nothing about the situation in Genting." Christine said honestly. "More than ninety percent of the remaining power of the great gods is concentrated in Genting. I can't even pry into that place."

"Tsk..." Hound smacked his lips, "Then where is this guy Ke Lan now?"

"Upper City, the jungle hunting ground in the central area. He is currently encountering the strongest mutant in the abandoned nest and is caught in a bitter battle. No matter whether he wins or loses this battle, he cannot escape the fate of death. So. , you must stop him."

Christine’s words are not difficult to understand. If he is killed by a monster, it goes without saying. But if Ke Lan kills the monster, then based on his character, he will probably go directly to "Yunding"... Ninety percent of gods The remnants of power, the hound did not want to think about the concept, and did not dare to think about it.

[P.S. I suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night last night, 38 degrees 9... I was shaking all over and had joint pain. I took an antipyretic pill and went to sleep. However, when I woke up the next morning, it went up to 39 degrees 6... I probably could Is it really Yang...

Because I am worried that the symptoms will be more serious tomorrow, I still have to endure the high fever today. If I really can't bear it tomorrow, I will ask for leave. 】

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