Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 933 “The Wandering Earth”

In the 499th year of the New Era, Noah's Ark observed a wormhole located at the edge of the Orion cantilever of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, this wormhole was extremely hidden. When humans observed it, it was already captured by its gravity.

At that time, the humans on the Ark tried every means but could not escape the fate of being swallowed by the wormhole.

Traveling through the wormhole caused huge losses, and the humans on the Ark were once on the verge of extinction... But fortunately, they finally managed to get through that difficult period, not only repairing the damaged Ark, but also successfully finding Alpha Star...or rather, Earth.

From the perspective of future generations, traveling through the wormhole was an accident, but it was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - if the Ark had not been able to travel through the wormhole, it might not have been able to leave the Milky Way until now.

"That wormhole connects to a parallel space and time."

"Sure enough... that wormhole is the key." Ke Lan exhaled. He always knew that something important must have happened between 499 and 500 of the New Era, but what he didn't expect was that the wormhole was connected. It's actually parallel time and space.

"Can't explain, time travel; not enough imagination, parallel universe." When this joke actually happened in reality, he couldn't laugh anymore.

" the 'paradox' that the Alpha people are referring to...that caused the disappearance of most of the Alpha people is actually a time and space paradox, and the source of this paradox is the humans on the Ark?" Ke Lan asked.

"Yes. But all this was arranged by the Night Watch. They knew that letting the Ark enter their own time and space would lead to paradoxes, but they still made that choice without hesitation - the wormhole that allowed the Ark to travel through time and space was not A natural wormhole, but a passage secretly arranged by Alpha Civilization, including the resource planets that the Ark encountered successively after crossing, were also prepared for you by Alpha Civilization in advance...not because of good luck."

"The Alpha civilization did this...what is their purpose?" The fog in Ke Lan's mind was gradually fading, but at this time he ignored the clues revealed from the sealed memory fragments - instead of relying on his own It would be better to just listen to the other party tell the whole thing than just guessing about some bits and pieces of information.

"This goes back to what we experienced back then." The hive master said, "In the old era... the human experience in this universe was exactly the same as in your universe. The decay process of the sun suddenly accelerated, and the earth faced a crisis of destruction. If human civilization wants to survive, it has to abandon its home and flee to other galaxies..."

Although Ke Lan has not experienced this period of history, he has consulted a lot of information about this period, and what the other party said is not wrong... Until the last few years of the old era, what happened to human civilization on the two timelines are exactly the same.

"We have also implemented the Ark Project, but unfortunately, Ark construction bases around the world have suffered multiple terrorist attacks, and a large number of semi-finished components have been destroyed. According to expert estimates, after the 'deadline', the Ark can only be completed 100% Forty-five, this is far from meeting the requirements for interstellar navigation... Even if we decide to reduce the size of the Ark, it will be useless, because the most important main reactor was blown up, and even the area where the entire manufacturing factory is located has been reduced to rubble. In the radiation zone, a large amount of raw materials and important equipment were contaminated, and a large number of technicians and workers were lost. Even if we pooled all the resources of mankind, we would not be able to build a reactor capable of setting sail for the Ark."

"...So, in the illusion I saw before, there was a scene where the resistance organization attacked the Ark manufacturing factory. Was it because of this?" Ke Lan said thoughtfully.

The master of the nest did not answer, but continued to tell the story: "Fortunately, we have always had a backup plan B... This plan B also requires sacrificing most of the people on the earth, but it does not have to Sacrifice the Earth."

"Plan B?"

"This Plan B was proposed by a Chinese engineer named Liu, but this plan was not optimistic at the beginning because it was too crazy and extremely difficult to implement, so the priority was always behind the Ark Plan until the Ark Plan Bankruptcy.”

"What's Plan B?"

"Transform the earth into a huge 'ark', and let it carry humans to a new habitable galaxy." The owner of the hive said.

Ke Lan felt his heart pounding. This story gave him a feeling of déjà vu - yes, there was once a novel called "The Wandering Earth", which was about the countless monsters that humans have created on the earth. The story of a planetary engine and then leaving the solar system with the earth!

It's just that in the time and space where Ke Lan lived, the Ark Project was successful, and the "Wandering Earth" plan as Plan B was abandoned, and its plot was rewritten into a science fiction novel... But in the Hive City Civilization and Alpha Civilization In this time and space, the "Wandering Earth" plan has been implemented!

All right! Including the ruins of the engine on Alpha Planet, the fusion technology mastered by Yagunaktor, and the Ice Age that the Hive City once experienced... all of these things can be compared with the content in the novel!

No, that is not a novel, that is what is really happening in this time and space!

"We are very lucky. Perhaps because of the mentality of burning the boat, the world's top scientific research teams have gathered together. At this time, there is no longer any distinction between nationality, race and position. Every researcher is burning himself day and night - —Finally, before the 'deadline' came, we broke through the technical difficulties that had not been overcome in the past hundreds of years, and initially mastered the fusion technology."

"So, humans in this timeline have mastered fusion technology in the old era?" Ke Lan murmured - this has to be said to be a miracle, but he believes that this miracle really happened. Otherwise, humanity in this timeline would have been destroyed long ago, and there would be no subsequent "Hive Civilization" and "Alpha Civilization".

"While the scientific research team is overcoming difficulties, planetary engines around the world are also being completed one after another - perhaps because the bankruptcy of the Ark Project has changed the minds of the resistance organizations, or perhaps because their plan to escape with the Earth has made them unable to find In short, the construction project of the planetary engine was much smoother than the construction project of the Ark. Not only was it not attacked by the resistance organization, it even received many unexpected help."

"At that time, many resistance organizations were under the banner of 'defending the earth and defending the homeland'... Since the top management of mankind decided not to abandon the earth, they naturally lost the reason to resist..." Ke Lan recalled the information he had read. , said.

"Are you curious about the meaning of the phrase 'Leave the bed'? This phrase is actually the code name of Plan B. The solar system was once the home of mankind and the earth, and was the hotbed that gave birth to human civilization... except In addition, there is another reason that sounds a bit funny and childish.”

"What reason?"

"The engineer surnamed Liu who proposed Plan B had always had the problem of staying in bed. He once jokingly said at an informal gathering of scientists that escaping from the solar system would be as difficult as what he wanted to do at seven o'clock in the morning. It's like getting out of bed...Although it was a joke, the phrase 'Leave the bed' was officially designated as the official code name of Plan B after that party."

Ke Lan: "...So, 'bed' refers to...the solar system."

"Yes, this plan and code name are deeply rooted in the hearts of every Earthling. Until the end of the Hive City Era, and all the Earthlings on this planet have become what you call Alpha people, they still have not forgotten this code name. ."

"Then why do some people on earth know this code name? Well, I mean the people on earth who came off the Ark." Ke Lan asked, "For example, the explorers who entered the underwater city for the first time, and the 776 special The soldiers of the small team, and the black bishop in the heretic sect—I have come across this code name several times, and they all come from the people on the Ark, not from people in your time and space."

"As the humanity of Alpha is eroded and transformed into 'Alpha Man', a portion of the impressive public memory becomes 'forbidden knowledge', whether it is the eroded Ark humanity or the being who is aided by the Word. The powerful black bishops, they will all obtain a part of the sealed memories of the Alpha people, most of which are fragmented... These people cannot understand the content of the memories, they just know that this code name is very important, so they spend their last waking hours , record this code name to remind others... But even they themselves don’t know what this code name actually means.”

"...Then how did you, the Earthlings of this time and space, become Alphas?"

"This is the story I am going to tell next." The hive master continued, "The fusion technology was successfully developed, the planetary engine was successfully ignited, and at the same time, underground cities around the world were completed almost at the same time... You The hive city you see now is actually transformed from the underground city back then."

"Guessed it." Ke Lan nodded, "After the earth leaves the solar system, the surface environment will become completely unsuitable for human survival. If we don't go underground to survive, all the people left on the surface will freeze to death."

"But underground cities cannot accommodate all humans... In that era, the structure of all underground cities was basically the same as the bottom nest. People were crowded into modular compartments like sardine cans, relying on protein made from cockroaches and earthworms. Even so, the entire underground city could only accommodate one-third of the world's population at that time."

"It's worse than described in the novel." Ke Lan murmured. In the novel called "The Wandering Earth", at least half of the human race entered the underground city and survived.

"In order to compete for places in the underground city, the originally united human beings once again turned against each other. In the years before the planetary engine was ignited, several wars broke out on the earth... But fortunately, the planetary engine and the underground were destroyed in the war. There are not many cities, but we have successfully entered the 'braking era'."

The "brake era" was also described in that novel. It refers to the planetary engine built on the equator, which offsets the gravitational pull of the earth's rotation and stops the earth's rotation in preparation for the next step of escaping from the solar system.

"In the 'Brake Era', hundreds of earthquakes broke out on the earth. Not only did the people left on the surface suffer heavy casualties, but even many planetary engines were damaged. Almost 90% of the world's underground cities collapsed, and 10% of them collapsed. Sixteen's underground city was completely buried, and no one survived." The hive master said slowly, "We paid a heavy price for just the first step. It's not that we underestimated the impact of the earth's stop. But we can only go so far.”

"In the face of the survival of the entire civilization, the life and death of an individual is just a statistic." Ke Lan said silently, "The top human beings have always done this... Although it is cruel, it is indeed effective."

“After the Earth stopped spinning, the hemisphere facing the sun became daylight, with temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Celsius all year round, while the hemisphere facing away from the sun became perpetual night, with temperatures as low as minus 9 degrees Celsius. Ten degrees Celsius... Most of the humans left on the surface died in the 'Brake Era'."

"A small number of people survive in the novel. How do they do it?"

"According to historical data, a small number of people who did not enter the underground city did survive, but we don't know how they did it... When we returned to the surface, they had turned into monsters——"

"Is it because of the disaster? What happened to the disaster?" Ke Lan asked.

"After the braking era is the escape era. We accelerated the earth to the third cosmic speed and successfully escaped the gravity of the sun. At this point, human civilization and the earth have officially entered the wandering era... In the novel you are reading, it should be written like this Bar?"

"That's right." Ke Lan nodded.

For the earth civilization in this time and space, it is not a novel, but a piece of documentary literature.

"I couldn't tell you about the series of things that happened in the meantime for a whole year. All you need to know is that the earth wandered in the universe for tens of thousands of years until it was discovered and 'captured' by that being."

"Wandering for tens of thousands of years? But... although I know that the content in the novel has changed, according to the original plan, doesn't it only take 2,500 years to reach the Centaur constellation?"

"It was only after we arrived at the Centaur constellation that we discovered that it was not suitable for humans and the Earth. We could only replenish the fuel required for the fusion reaction there and then... continue to set off." The hive master said, "At the same time, we A large number of spaceships were built and dispatched to the space areas near the routes in the hope of finding suitable space areas for habitation or available resources. The predecessor of Yagunaktor, the No. 0906 engineering ship, was dispatched during this period. ."

The master of the hive city paused for a few seconds before continuing: "Human beings at that time thought that the earth might drift forever in the universe... But they never imagined that something worse than this would befall mankind. On the head of civilization and the earth.”

Ke Lan immediately concentrated his attention. He knew that the other party would soon tell the key point of the story - the "indescribable" disaster.

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