Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 940 Recruitment

Fort Mukach, "Trigger" Bar.

Although the "Trigger" bar is called a bar, it is actually a comprehensive gathering place integrating accommodation, catering, entertainment and intelligence equipment trading. It is invested by four consortiums and operated by the field corps. Located within the first wall of Mukakh Fortress, it is one of the few areas in the fortress that is open to the outside world as a "non-military restricted area".

This is a building that covers an area equivalent to a large shopping mall. The area where the "Trigger" bar was located during the heretical attack was fortunately preserved with minimal damage. It resumed business immediately after the incident, and within a period of time It has almost become the most popular place in the entire Mukah Fortress.

The main customers that the Trigger Bar receives are mercenaries and relic hunters who go on missions. Many people who make a living in the wilderness will also regard this place as a forward supply depot and resting point. After all, there are thick city walls and nearly 10,000 soldiers from the field army. Protection is safer than camping in the unprotected wilderness.

Some off-duty officers and soldiers also like to come to the Trigger Bar to drink, chat and brag with the mercenaries and hunters, and do some legal or illegal "small business."

It's two o'clock in the afternoon, which is one of the most deserted times of the day in the Trigger Bar - the guests in the bar are either working or sleeping in the guest rooms at this time. The lobby of the bar will not open until after eight o'clock in the evening. It gradually became lively.

But even so, there are still several tables of people sitting scattered in the lobby at this time, some are drinking, some are eating, and some are just sitting there chatting with nothing on the table - the third type of people is the most common , of course, the bar management staff will not drive away these people who are occupying seats and not spending money at this time. Anyway, there are many empty seats now. Why not let this group of people add a little popularity to the lobby.

However, compared to last week, there are far fewer customers consuming drinks and food in the Trigger Bar, both during the day and at night... This is not because the number of people in the bar has decreased, but because of all the drinks and food. Prices have increased by nearly 50% compared to last week.

"I heard that the supply of supplies has been tight recently, so prices have skyrocketed..." A man dressed as a mercenary played with the kerosene lighter in his hand and whispered to his companions, "I'm thinking about setting up a transport fleet. If we transport the supplies from Ark here and resell them, if we can control the price difference, we should be able to make a lot of money."

"Make a fortune? I'm afraid you didn't make any money, but lost your life instead." His companion frowned and said, "The information I got is more accurate than yours. The information about the truckload of supplies that was supposed to arrive yesterday Nothing, so the prices of things in the base will increase. In my opinion, I’m afraid there’s going to be a war.”

"Is this news reliable?" The mercenary who was the first to say stopped what he was doing and stared nervously at his companion across the table and asked.

"This news is that I used fifteen rounds of tungsten-cored armor-piercing bullets to exchange it with a non-commissioned officer who came to the bar yesterday on his day off to 'look for business.' Even if it is wrong, it is not much different." Another mercenary changed his voice. Pressed even lower.

The so-called "looking for business" is a slang term. People in the army sometimes leak some irrelevant information to these civilians to make some extra money. However, the authenticity of this kind of information completely needs to be purchased. You can judge for yourself, some guys who are good at eloquence and good at telling stories can even get a sumptuous midnight snack by telling a few lies.

"Tsk, if there's going to be a war, wouldn't it be dangerous for us to stay here? Is there a convoy returning to the Ark recently? Hurry up and pack your things and return to the Ark with the fastest convoy. To be honest, the only kind of convoy is the Ark. No fortress base can replace the sense of security that talent can give me."

"Pah." An empty glass was tipped upside down, and a young man with white skin, white hair, and even his eyebrows and pupils were white, sat down on the empty chair next to the table, "There won't be any convoys returning recently. Ark... I have the latest and most reliable news. If you can buy me a drink, I can give you this news for free."

"and who are you?"

"Just a little-known ruin hunter who works part-time as an information dealer." The man in white said, "In other words, his main job is an information dealer who occasionally visits the ruins... After all, he can make money safely. , who is willing to sacrifice his life, don’t you think so?”

The two mercenaries looked at each other, and the latter shook his head: "I have never heard of a person like you on the road, so how can you guarantee that your news is worth a glass of wine? Why don't you tell us the news first? If we think This news is useful, so I will naturally treat you to a drink."

"I'm afraid this is against the rules." The white man shook his finger. "Once the news is revealed, it will be worthless. Besides, my throat is very dry now. I need to get something to drink to moisten it first." voice."

"Do you want to fight with nothing?" The first mercenary who spoke looked slightly stunned, and his hand on the table could not help but clenched into a fist - although fighting is strictly prohibited in the Trigger Bar, as long as you leave the surveillance camera It's hard to say anything about the scope. There is already a hint of threat in the expressions and movements of these two mercenaries.

The young man dressed in white didn't seem to realize that he had offended the two mercenaries. In terms of physique, let alone him fighting two, even if he fought two, he didn't seem to be as tall and tall as these people. The opponent of the fleshy mercenary.

Moreover, there are no obvious signs of being transformed or strengthened on this person - perhaps as he said, intelligence dealer is his main business.

For mercenaries and relic hunters, a real intelligence dealer must be a person they need to befriend, but the guy in front of him is a character he has even heard of, and he may be a swindler who came here to trick him.

"Let's do this," the white man showed a hint of embarrassment, "I can tell you half of the news first. If you think it's valuable and want to know the other half, just buy me a glass of wine. If you are interested in this If you’re not interested in the news, or you think it’s fake news, then just pretend you haven’t heard it, how about that?”

The two mercenaries looked at each other again, nodded, and their expressions softened slightly: "You tell the other half first, and we will make a decision after listening to it."

"No problem." The white man cleared his throat, first scanned the bar lobby with the corner of his eye, then leaned down and said to the two mercenaries in a very low voice: "Six hours ago, Mukah All the drones used for reconnaissance at the base were released from the hangar. An hour ago, less than half of the drones returned, and these drones showed signs of extremely unstable flight. Apparently Long-distance flights drain the built-in energy crystals.”

"What kind of news is this? We also know that there is going to be a war - then we must first send drones to reconnoiter the battlefield!" The first mercenary was stunned for a moment and said with a frown. Just when he was about to wave the liar away, another mercenary held down his companion's hand and said to the white man: "I'll buy you a glass of wine. You continue."

The white man smiled and said nothing, tapped his right index finger twice on the table, and glanced at the empty glass in front of him.

"Pour him a glass of wine, the cheapest one." The mercenary called to the bartender.

Nowadays, the cheapest Trigger Bar is "diluted wine" made from concentrated wine slurry mixed with water. This thing has a faint taste of industrial alcohol, which not many people like, but even so, the price of this kind of wine has now increased. When I reached eighty, I ordered a drink.

On the Ark, eighty credits was enough to buy a whole bottle of cheap brand of sparkling wine.

When paying by swiping his card, the mercenary's eyes still showed a hint of distress that was difficult to conceal.

"Gudong Gudong..."

The yellow-brown wine liquid was poured into the empty glass - the concentrated wine syrup is transparent and colorless, and the yellow-brown color is food coloring added to it. Although it can improve the appearance, it does not help the taste and taste.

"You didn't say what kind of wine it was, right." The mercenary said to the man who claimed to be an intelligence dealer.

"Okay, okay." The white man picked up the glass, sniffed it vigorously, then drank half of the glass in one gulp, smacked his lips, and then said, "Mukah Base has secretly entered the first level. In the state of combat readiness, you cannot leave here now. When you walk to the exit of the base, you will be stopped by the guard, saying that there is a routine performance going on outside, and the entire base needs to be sealed off for about one to three days. But in fact, the entire base's troops They were all undergoing pre-war preparations, and I saw with my own eyes that they were loading live ammunition instead of dye bombs for training."

"That's all?" The mercenary who invited him to drink frowned, "Where is the fighting you know?"

"I don't know where the war is going to be, but I know where those drones are flying back from."

"Where?" the mercenary asked hurriedly.

"Noah's Ark." The white man said one word at a time.

"What?!" The two mercenaries were stunned, and then their breathing became rapid. "You mean, the battle location is...the Ark?!"

"Hey, I didn't say that. I only said that those drones flew back from the direction of the Ark." The white man waved his hands repeatedly, "Don't talk nonsense, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth."

"How do you know that the drone's reconnaissance location must be the Ark?" the mercenary asked suspiciously, "Mukah's officers will not sell this level of secrets to you."

"It's very simple, observation." The white man stretched out his index and middle fingers and pointed at his eyes, "First of all, these drones are for ultra-long-distance reconnaissance, and their energy is on the verge of overdraft when they return to the hangar. Then The shortest straight reconnaissance path must be taken, so the direction will definitely not be wrong."

"There are so many places in that direction, how can you be sure it must be the Ark?"

"The ones returning to the hangar are all fourth-generation reconnaissance drones. This type of drone uses either the fourth-generation electric engine produced by the military, or the fourth-generation engine produced by a third party such as Dji. Regardless of Whether it is a military product or a civilian product, the performance is very different. Combined with the energy crystallization and endurance capability of this engine adaptation, the reconnaissance radius of the drone can be directly locked. At the maximum value of this reconnaissance radius, it is the only one with reconnaissance value. The only goal is the Ark."

The expressions of the two mercenaries froze. After a few seconds, the first mercenary murmured: "Mukah... Mukah doesn't want to... create..."

Before the word "rebellion" came out, his companion covered his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, it's impossible... Mukach doesn't even have a battleship, it's impossible... "

He paused mid-sentence, and couldn't help but raise his head and meet the white man's eyes: "Could it be that something happened over there at the Ark?"

The white man did not speak. At this moment, with a "bang", the door of the bar that was originally ajar was pushed open very brutally, and a school officer walked in quickly with a group of fully armed soldiers. .

The two mercenaries with guilty conscience lowered their heads immediately, not daring to look at the officers and soldiers who broke in.

Although there are officers and soldiers coming to the Trigger Bar to drink on weekdays, they are all officers and soldiers on rotation, so how can there be such a battle... Even if someone is drunk and causes trouble in the bar, the most they can do is send a few sentries on duty, holding Use rubber batons and riot shields to beat people up and take them away...

But each of these soldiers is armed to the teeth. Even if you don't look at them, you can still feel a murderous aura emanating from their bodies... There is no doubt that these people have survived on the cruel battlefield. The elite are warriors crawling out of hell.

The school officer leading the team looked at the few dozen people in the lobby, frowned, and said to the person in charge of the bar who hurriedly came out: "There are too few people here. Call everyone in the guest room upstairs. There is an urgent mission and we need to recruit a group of good people."

Ten minutes later, the originally cold bar lobby was filled with people. A few guys who had been woken up from their sleep wanted to lose their temper when they came down, but when they saw the group of murderous soldiers standing against the wall, Immediately afterwards, I was so frightened that I lost all sleep, and even the energy to wake up disappeared.

"There is a very difficult task that requires recruiting ten to twenty volunteers. Regardless of occupation, identity, age, gender... As long as you think you have a skill and are familiar with team operations, you can sign up." The school official After seeing that everyone had almost arrived, he used a loudspeaker to say to everyone in the lobby, "The reward for the mission is very high, enough to make you have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life. However, I can tell you that the mortality rate for this mission is also high. Very high."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd began to whisper. Not long after, a bold mercenary raised his hand and asked: "Then, sir, can you tell us what the mission is?"

"No, the content of the mission is top secret. We can only tell you if you are sure to accept this mission." The school officer refused, "But as long as you accept this mission, you will get 300,000 credits. I will give it to you after departure. Three hundred thousand, which can be deposited into your personal account or any account you designate. This is just a deposit. If the task can be completed, six million credit points will be paid in one go. Note, it is not divided into six for the entire team. One million, but six million per person.”

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