Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 943 Night Flight

"Speaking of which, why are you wrapped up so tightly? Aren't you feeling suffocated?" asked another mercenary.

The area where Mukah Fortress is located is adjacent to the molten mine area and can be regarded as the place with the warmest average temperature on Alpha Planet.

"Albinism, have you ever heard of it?" The information dealer rolled up his sleeves, revealing a sickly white wrist, "People like me not only cannot have their skin exposed to the sun, but they may even go blind if they look directly at the sun..." Not even sunlight filtered by radiating clouds."

"Hasn't this disease been conquered a long time ago? Through genetic modification technology?" The mercenary obviously knew about this disease and asked.

"Human genes are constantly changing. In this case, there is no disease that can be completely overcome." The information dealer said in an understatement, "Also, do you think I am the kind of person who has the money to undergo genetic modification surgery?" ?"

"No way." The mercenary shook his head, "Then you are really miserable."

"You'll be fine once you get used to it." The information dealer said, pulling the scarf up a little further.

"Uh... that's right." The mercenary was stunned for a moment and nodded. Compared to the previous doubts and threats in the Trigger Bar, after the information provided by this man was confirmed, his attitude changed completely.

Whether the other party relies on his own reasoning ability or has other ways to obtain this information, it means that this is a very "skilled" person worth making friends with... What's more, the other party can also get a "black card" , and they can reach the Stone Forest Base one step ahead of them. This alone can explain a lot of problems.

This albino intelligence dealer might be related to General Maginot!

"By the way, what do you call your brothers?" the mercenary asked in a friendly tone, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Soap, and his name is Giraffe. The two of us have been hanging out in the Mukach area for almost half a year. Now, we are somewhat famous. The last time the heretical sect attacked the Mukach base, we participated in the base defense battle and repelled several waves of attacks together with the soldiers."

Since the other party may be General Maginot's man, if you want to get close, you must describe yourself as "great and upright" - after being on the road for so long, Soap has already become very smooth," people say People speak, but ghosts tell lies." This set of rules is even more familiar to me.

If the other party is a freelance mercenary, then his words will turn into complaining and complaining about the difficulty of the mission, and by the way, he will test whether he can win over the other party and tie him to the "same boat". On the contrary, you must show that you are loyal to the Ark and humanity, and you must not make the other party suspicious - maybe this guy is the pawn that General Maginot placed in the team to monitor these mercenaries.

Six hundred thousand has been obtained. If possible, Soap and Giraffe now want to spend all the money in the store at Mukach base and then run away... Of course, they are just thinking about it.

"Joker, you can call me clown." the information dealer said.

"Uh..." Unless they are very close comrades, mercenaries usually refer to each other by code names. Even names like "John" and "Jack" that look like names are basically pseudonyms. This is understandable... but when normal people give themselves nicknames, they still use more or less "normal" words... The word clown always sounds like a very twisted psychological suggestion.

"Is this a nickname given to you by others?" Giraffe couldn't help but ask, "I've never heard anyone call themselves a clown...ah, brother, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I just felt a little confused. …”

Of course, giving yourself a nickname would not be an insulting word, not to mention that the word "clown" has many not-so-good connotations on the Internet. Occasionally, it may be okay to use it to make fun of yourself, but to be successful, you have to be called often. The code name, this is somewhat...

Even if he is "Old Dog", his code name is not "Dog" but "Hound". If someone unfamiliar with him dares to call him "Old Dog", it will be considered a light punishment if he gets scolded by him.

"My clown is based on the Joker, the king of poker." "Joker" explained.

"Oh...that's what it meant. When you said that, I suddenly felt that this nickname became domineering, hehe." Soap calmly bumped the giraffe who said the wrong thing with his elbow, and said with a somewhat embarrassed smile. .

"The plane took off." The clown said. The next second, a vibration came from under their buttocks. The "Amran-class" transport plane rose vertically from the ground into the air, and soon climbed to an altitude of two thousand meters. .

The "Joker" tugged on his scarf again, covering the small piece of exposed skin above the bridge of his nose.

But what Soap and Giraffe didn't realize was that at this time, it was about to fall, and this hemisphere of Alpha Star would be completely shrouded in darkness. There would be no sunlight shining through the radiation clouds to cause any harm to the "Clown".

"Joker" lowered his head and glanced at the dial on the inside of his wrist. Under the time display, there was a customizable countdown. The countdown number jumped from ten hours to nine hours, fifty-nine minutes and five minutes. Nineteen seconds.

An imperceptible sadness flashed across the "Clown's" eyes, but he was wearing dark sunglasses, and even Soap sitting opposite him could not see the change in his eyes at all.

There are many more dangerous factors when flying at night than during the day, but they are also more hidden... Compared with being discovered by the enemies who attack the Ark, these dangerous factors become insignificant.

The person driving the transport plane was a veteran. At this altitude and speed, the cabin of the transport plane was as smooth as the first-class cabin of a passenger plane. Even the cup of instant coffee that had just been soaked in soap almost overflowed to the rim of the cup. On the seat armrest, none of the liquid inside sloshed out.

"I wish I could have had a good sleep in the morning...ah..." The giraffe who yawned repeatedly stretched and complained, "Counting from midnight the day before yesterday, my total sleep time so far is less than four hours. , don’t let the battle break out by then, and you’ll die suddenly first.”

"Want one?" The leader of the "Lance" team sitting closest to the hatch took out two syringes from his pocket and shook them in the direction of the giraffe.

"Good guy, this is a military stimulant, and it's a model exclusively for special forces. This is a good thing!" Giraffe said in surprise, and immediately stretched out his hand with a shy face, but the other party took the syringe away directly.

"When I asked you to choose the equipment, these medicines were also included. Didn't you take them yourself?" asked the captain of the spear team.

"I took it... but I'm not willing to use it." The giraffe muttered.

"This thing is not for you to use now. The side effects after the effect of the medicine wears off are enough to make people collapse...or even go into shock." The captain of the spear team suddenly became serious. "If you feel sleepy now, wait until you arrive at the mission." There is also a chance to catch up on some sleep on the plane before arriving at the location.”

"I know, I've also been a soldier. Maybe I joined the army earlier than you." The giraffe flattened his mouth and said, "I'm just complaining, why do you take it seriously."

"I don't like to joke with people, especially when I'm on a mission." The captain of the Spear Squad said coldly. Not only him, but also the eyes of other soldiers in the Spear Squad were looking at the Giraffes and their group of mercenaries. Sometimes, there is also a trace of disgust.

"Who are you showing this stinky face to?" the giraffe said secretly in his heart, turning his head and looking out the window - they were now over the "Zhounan Corridor". As the name suggests, the "Zhounan Corridor" is a corridor located in the south of Ark. In the narrow strip, one side is an abandoned mine vein filled with high concentrations of radiation, and the other side is a dangerous swamp inhabited by a large number of indigenous creatures. This relatively "safer" corridor is less than one kilometer wide, and the Mukach Base Caravans traveling to and from the Ark will more often choose to take the flat western plains instead of this narrow corridor that looks uneasy.

After bypassing the Zhounan Corridor, the Ark shrouded in night appeared in everyone's sight. Everyone in the team who was still doing their own things turned around in unison, lay on the portholes, and looked in the direction of the Ark. past.

In the darkness, you can only vaguely see an outline. Because the distance is too far, you can't see anything strange from the outline... But the usually star-like lights of the Ark's superstructure have all been extinguished at this time. The airport light beacons used to guide aircraft and warships are even missing.

The outline of the dark giant in the distance was enveloped in an inexplicable sense of death, like a corpse of a giant beast dormant in the shadows, and it was also a corpse of a giant beast that could turn into a zombie at any time and rush toward them.

Soap felt that his heartbeat had obviously accelerated and his breathing had become much faster. He put his hand on his chest and kept breathing deeply. In the current war, adjusting to the state is the most important thing, not only for him, but also for other people in the team. They are all doing similar things.

Although they had seen the captured Ark more clearly in the daytime from the photos taken by drones, when the Ark actually appeared in front of their eyes, the picture that seemed like a fantasy became directly visible. In fact, the impact cannot be described in words.

For a moment, Soap wanted to grab the joystick from the pilot's hand and turn the plane's flight direction around.

The Amran-class transport aircraft did not turn on any lights, not even the navigation lights to ensure safety. All lighting equipment in the cabin and even the altimeter LCD screen were turned off. All radio channels remained silent. The screen also lit up only the minimum operating panel.

Even the crystallized engine was turned off by the pilot, the propellers on both sides of the wings were flattened, and the entire transport aircraft changed to gliding mode, gliding in the night sky like a silent ghost, gradually approaching the body of the "huge beast" ".

Everyone in the cabin couldn't help but hold their breath - according to the plan, the aircraft would fly around the Ark in a gliding state for a quarter of a week, and after collecting enough data, it would then use anti-gravity at a distance of three kilometers from the Ark. The device briefly hovered at low altitude, while the members of the second team lowered to the ground by rappelling ropes and walked the last three kilometers on their feet.

The first stage of the gliding flight went extremely smoothly. Both the infrared camera and the low-light camera captured a large number of photos. Soap took out the telescope collected from the equipment warehouse at Mukach Base and turned on the infrared mode - in The Ark as a whole in thermal infrared mode shows a deep blue-green color... Although Soap was observing the Ark from the air with a thermal infrared imager for the first time, he knew it. Under normal circumstances, due to the large number of devices that can dissipate heat on the Ark, the hull should be orange-red, at least higher than the temperature of the surrounding environment. But now the entire Ark is almost the same as the surrounding environment in the thermal infrared image. The environment is integrated, and only the tumor-like growths on the surface retain the heat. From a distance, they look like dense red and yellow spots.

"This kind of creature that looks like a carpet seems to be a cold-blooded animal?" Soap muttered to himself, "In the thermal infrared image, they are almost invisible."

"The jury is still out on whether it's an animal or not," the giraffe continued, "but the monsters hatched in the tumors are not easy to deal with at first glance... I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of them, right? I don't know General Maginot. How many troops can be gathered..."

"The first phase of reconnaissance has been completed." The captain of the spear team interrupted the conversation between the two, "Everyone, be ready to rappel."

[P.S. The "soap" here is not the "soap" of Task Force 141 in Call of Duty (John McTavish), but the book friend who often gives me tips "Soap is of great use". Another The title is "The Reading Giraffe". These two buddies have been with me since my first book until now, and I have never assigned any roles to them. It just so happened that this time there was a vacancy for a supporting role, so I just used it.

In addition, I just learned today that the original audio book of "Alien Ruins Hunter" jointly produced by China Literature Group and Himalaya has been released. I haven't received any news before. I looked at the time and it seems that the update started in November. The current progress is Chapter 122. I went to listen to it. The broadcasting studio responsible for my book is very professional. The script has been changed to a certain extent to make it more colloquial. It has optimized the listening experience while ensuring that the original content remains unchanged. In addition, There are also various special effects and dubbing, and even the sound of Ke Lan's boots on the metal ground, breathing and heartbeat when entering the cargo hold to get protective clothing in the first chapter are all made, which can be said to be very excellent.

Those book lovers who feel that reading text is too tiring can try audio books, which is also a good reading experience. 】

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