Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 945 Clearance Zone

"Is it an engineer? Or logistics?" The pilot of the transport aircraft was slightly startled. Logically speaking, no matter how miserable a technician like this is, he would not be reduced to a mercenary who sells his life in exchange for money. With this person in front of him, " Judging from the familiarity with the Amran-class transport aircraft, it is not an exaggeration to work as a tester or technical consultant for those aircraft manufacturers. If it is really not possible, getting a ground handling job at a civilian airport will not earn as much as when How cheap are mercenaries, and their lives are not in danger.

"None of them." "Clown" shook his head, "I just occasionally saw the detailed design drawings of this type of transport aircraft."

"Have you seen the drawings?!" There was a trace of surprise on the pilot's face. You must know that such drawings are not public. Even for civilian aircraft, they are the trade secrets of various manufacturers and it is impossible for ordinary people to see them.

Even people in the manufacturing factory can only see incomplete drawings of each component after disassembly. This guy actually said that he has "occasionally" seen detailed design drawings... What is his background?

Or is it that the design drawings he has seen are only for the engine part? But judging from his smooth operation, he is obviously more familiar with the structure of the cockpit, as well as grasping the timing of ignition and throwing. This kind of extreme operation may not be possible even if the driver does it himself. So perfect.

If the ignition is late or the throw is too early, the engine will not restart. If the ignition is too early or the throw is too late, the transport aircraft body will be blown up. There is also the opening and closing of the energy shield - this is carried on the transport aircraft. There was also a slight delay when the shield generator started, but he even included the few tenths of a second of this delay.

Otherwise, the damage to the fuselage would have been more serious.

This can't be due to luck... Judging from the opponent's performance, he is obviously very confident.

With this alone, even if the driver was told that the man in front of him was once an ace pilot, the driver would not have the slightest doubt.

Ace pilot becomes a mercenary? As far as the pilot knew, there was only one ace pilot named Valentina who became a ruin hunter. But the problem was that she joined the famous God Hunting Group, and the salary they offered was probably higher than that of those mecha competitive clubs. The main player is still high, as for this "clown"...

To put it bluntly, he is completely a "nobody".

The driver wanted to ask something else, but the "Joker" had already helped him to where everyone was stacking equipment and put him down.

"Get everything you need, and be mentally prepared to not have any supplies later." The captain of the Spear Team said, "Even if you can break into the Ark, you may not be able to find a supply point."

"Wait a minute." "Joker" suddenly said, "I suggest leaving all equipment that uses energy crystals as driving energy here. Regardless of size, power or purpose, do not bring it with you."

"Why?" A heavily armored soldier of the spear squad frowned and shook the wall shield hanging on his arm - this thing looked like a wall shield for fighting, but it was actually a small energy shield. The shield generator is the most defensive piece of equipment in the squad.

"This is a life-saving thing. What do you mean by asking me to leave the shield here?" The heavy-armed soldier still wanted to argue, but the captain of the spear team patted him on the shoulder and said: "He said That's right, do as he said. Like everyone else, leave all the equipment that requires energy crystals to drive it here. You only need to carry the minimum energy crystals that are enough to activate the public communication terminal."

"Why, captain?" the heavy-armed soldier asked in confusion.

"Brother, are you a little clueless?" Before the captain could say anything, Soap was the first to complain, "Have you forgotten how we were knocked down from the sky? Those enemies are obviously very sensitive to the reaction of energy crystals. You are Do you want to kill everyone?"

Although the energy response of portable equipment will be much weaker than that of big guys like crystal engines and anti-gravity devices, their direction of travel is towards the Ark and towards the occupied areas of unknown enemies. The closer the distance, the easier it will be. Energy reactions detected by the enemy—even electronic watches powered by the lowest-grade crystals—may reveal their whereabouts.

One piece of equipment using energy crystals as its energy source was taken out and thrown into the equipment box, including crystal energy bombs.

Each person only carries a small piece of the lowest level energy crystal, which is used to activate the communication terminal in the Ark. Moreover, for safety reasons, these energy crystals are also sealed in special lead boxes.

"The most lethal and defensive equipment has been thrown away. As a result, the combat capability of the entire team has been reduced by at least half." Giraffe complained. Among the equipment he threw away was a new one he bought last month. A pulse laser assault rifle. This rifle cost him three full missions, and it still hurt him to lose it so easily.

"We should try to avoid fighting... If we can deceive the enemy's perception, I don't care even if I sneak into the Ark naked." Soap said to his companions, "You don't even think about the strength of the enemy we face. If you want me Say, even giving you an aircraft carrier and battleship will not help."

Soap's metaphor is really not an exaggeration. After all, the flagships of those powerful fleets with aircraft carrier battleships have crashed on the Ark...

"Move towards the Ark, pay attention to maintaining concealment and radio silence." The captain of the Spear Team ordered.

Soap and the giraffe looked at each other. Without saying anything, he put on his equipment and followed silently.

As for the "Joker" and the pilot of the transport plane, they were at the back of the team.

According to the requirements of General Maginot and the regulations in the "mission contract", this special team is composed of regular troops, mercenaries, and relic hunters. The highest commander is the captain of the spear team. Similarly, the commander of the other team is the captain of the Gray Fox team.

If the squad leader is killed in action, he will assume the role of commander in descending order of military rank until the last regular soldier is killed.

All in all, the command power never goes to these mercenaries.

Leading the charge is the scout team of the Spear Squad. A standard-sized scout team consists of two scouts, a sniper and an observer. The scout is responsible for collecting information, and the sniper and observer are tasked with using microscopic Use the sniper rifle to deal with some "little troubles" - such as removing hidden sentries and dealing with lone enemies on the route of travel.

It's just that the sniper was killed when he was attacked in the air, so the observer can only take on the sniper mission alone. Fortunately, the observers in the general special team are also selected from elite snipers. As a sniper, the impact is not that big.

The scout team moves slightly faster than the large force, but because radio silence must be maintained, the distance cannot be too far. It is probably controlled to about one kilometer. The sniper who replaced his teammate also kept close contact with the two scouts. Standing at a distance of about two hundred meters - this flexible formation is very commonly used in stealth operations. Scouts and snipers can not only respond and support each other within the visual range, but also can respond promptly when one party is in trouble. The large troops in the rear asked for help, while avoiding the problem of blind spots in the field of vision when acting together.

"To be honest, I always feel that we are running naked now." Giraffe said to Soap. "There is no cover at all on this road, and the target is too conspicuous. If the enemy has thermal infrared vision or low-light vision, Looking down from the ark, you can see everything clearly.”

"What can I do? Since we haven't been attacked yet, that means the enemy hasn't discovered us yet." Soap replied angrily, "You'd better shut up your crow mouth, if it's true If you are discovered by the enemy, I will use you as a human shield first."

"If you think my body can help you block those spikes, that's up to you." The giraffe rolled his eyes and held up the helmet on his head.

The penetrating power of the spikes attacking the transport plane was extremely terrifying. After piercing the outer armor and the middle structure of the transport plane, they could still pierce the bodies of the two people, and finally penetrated out from the other side of the transport plane... ...It is no exaggeration to say that this thing may not even be able to block the frontal armor of active main battle tanks.

You know, the "Amran-class" transport aircraft they boarded is an improved version of the military. The armor thickness of the cabin alone is

More than 700 millimeters, this is already the average frontal armor thickness of main battle tanks before switching to Nino alloy armor. (Note 1)

No one can block such a weapon with their bodies. If everyone in the team stands in a vertical row, the spike can penetrate directly from head to tail, piercing them all into a bloody string." Candied haws".

But what the giraffe said at the beginning is not unreasonable. In order to prevent indigenous creatures from hiding around the Ark, or the existence of hidden relics of Alpha civilization, with the Ark as the center, the area fifty kilometers outward from the edge area is surrounded by The "processed" terrain is also processed in a very brainless way: first, use detectors to scan all areas, and after confirming that there are no ruins or other man-made structures or nests of indigenous creatures underground, use bulldozers and Explosives flattened all the "bulges" on the ground, and filled the holes and depressions with cement and sand, creating a huge artificial plain.

This artificial plain is called the "clearance zone". If there are indigenous creatures or ill-intentioned exiles who want to approach the Ark, they will be discovered when they enter this unprotected "clearance zone" - no need to No matter what high-tech reconnaissance equipment, as long as you hold a telescope at a high place, you can clearly see people or animals walking on the "clearance zone".

The emergency landing location of the transport plane was within the clearance zone. If the enemy followed up to search for their traces, they would soon find the transport plane left in place - this is one of the reasons why the leader of the spear team executed the seriously wounded. , instead of staying in the transport plane and being captured by the enemy, it is better to leave quickly.

"Actually, the situation is much better than expected." The pilot of the transport plane whispered to the others as he walked away. "After we made a successful emergency landing and turned off the anti-gravity device, those spikes never attacked again. We have been here before, which means that the enemy’s method of detecting enemies is very simple and can only rely on energy reactions to determine our position. Moreover, the locking mechanism of this weapon that shoots spikes is a bit stupid. They will only shoot at places with energy reactions. The attack will stop immediately after the energy reaction disappears."

"That makes sense." Soap nodded, "If I were the enemy's commander, even if the anti-gravity device of our transport plane is turned off and the energy reaction disappears, I will order to continue shooting at the location where the energy reaction last appeared. , and even conduct a covering fire strike on that area.”

"Then we are all wiped out now." The pilot shrugged. The energy shield was also turned off along with the anti-gravity device. After turning everything off, they were still worried for a while, fearing that there would be no protection from the shield. The situation, the spikes struck again... But what surprised everyone was that after turning off all energy-responsive equipment, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and the enemy's attacks immediately stopped.

It's as if the switches for the anti-gravity devices and shield generators are the same as those for the spike-firing equipment.

"Speaking of which, the other team may be in trouble." A relic hunter from the Snapping Turtle hunting group said, "The cars they ride in all use energy crystal engines, and they don't have shield generators. , if you encounter such spikes, I’m afraid that if you shoot them down in one round, not many people will be alive.”

"Don't worry about them for now, just mind yourselves." Soap waved his hand, raised his head and looked at the Ark - at this time, they were still 1.5 kilometers away from the Ark, and the outline of the Ark was also in their field of vision. It became clearer.

"Hey, look, there seems to be something on the edge of the Ark... It didn't seem to be there when I looked at it on the plane!" Soap suddenly exclaimed.

[P.S. Note 1: A small explanation needs to be made here. The armor thickness in military terms generally does not refer to the actual armor thickness. For example, if the front armor thickness of a tank is 500 millimeters, it does not mean that its armor is really half a meter thick. , this thickness is actually an abbreviation, and when expanded, it should be called "equivalent thickness", which is "homogeneous steel armor with a protective capability equivalent to a thickness of 500 millimeters."

In fact, the thickness of the composite armor used on tanks is not that exaggerated. As for the addition of the fictional Nino alloy in this book, the thickness and weight of the armor have been further reduced.

In addition, the "penetration depth in millimeters" of an armor-piercing projectile also refers to the "equivalent penetration depth." 】

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