Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 952 “Safe House”

"How long will it take for them to reach our current location? We have not completely cleared the surrounding area, and we are not sure whether there are enemies. Moreover, there is no suitable terrain for building defensive positions. Without ensuring safety, we dare not Stay where you are,” Simon said.

He did not tell the other party the specific coordinates of his location, because if the other party was really a big shot with extremely high authority, their location could be determined through the coding of the public communication terminal without Simon having to waste any time. In addition, he also has another idea - if the person who calls himself "Zeus" is actually an enemy who has invaded the Ark communication network, then the specific coordinates of this public communication terminal may not be found with the other party's authority. The other party tried to ask about the location of the team, and Simon could basically determine that the person on the other end of the communication was definitely not the "big man" the general wanted them to contact.

"I know, in the residential area of ​​West 12th District nearest to you, at the intersection of the fourth cross street and the main road, there is a three-story building. This is a safe house set up by DAS in West 12th District. , the walls, floors and ceilings have been reinforced, and there are emergency supplies and weapons in the basement. You can go there first... As for my people, they will be there soon."

"Okay..." Simon quickly wrote down this place. The other party knew the safe house of DAS very well. It seemed that the authority level was indeed not low. This sentence alone dispelled most of Simon's doubts, "Those monsters... "

Simon originally wanted to ask how humans turned into such monsters, but the other party interrupted him directly: "As long as you stay in the safe house, you are safe. This method of communication is not absolutely safe. , the call may be eavesdropped, and the enemy may trace back to your current coordinates through the communication network... The longer the communication time, the greater the risk, do you understand?"

"I...I understand." As soon as Simon finished speaking, the lights in the cubicle turned on, and the screen and operation panel were restored to their original state. He was slightly startled, and then he realized that the other party had cut off the communication.

"It might be bugged... wouldn't the location of the safe house also be exposed?" Simon felt a little uneasy in his heart, but vaguely, he felt that this uneasiness did not come from the risk that the safe house might be exposed.

But no matter what, it is better to have a safe house left by DAS to stay than to stand on the street with a gun.

Simon turned off the communication equipment. In order to cut off the possibility of being tracked, he even pried open the access cover under the console and unplugged all the cables he could reach. After doing all this, he exited. This compartment.

The other two scouts had already come out and were standing guard next to the communication terminal in a crouching position with guns drawn.

"Simon, you were the first to go in, how come you were the last to come out? Did the 'big man' reveal some additional information to you?" A scout saw Simon coming out, stood up and leaned next to Simon, and asked in a low voice .

"No, that person just asked us to stay where we are and wait for him to send troops to join us." Simon replied, "What about you?"

"Same." The scout nodded, "Let's go back and report to the captain first."

The three scouts ran back to the roadblock and repeated the contents of the communication to the team leader in detail - the other two scouts connected to the person named "Zeus", but Zeus just asked them to stay where they were before hanging up. Communication was cut off, and not a word was mentioned about the safe house.

"That Zeus... was communicating with the three of you at the same time?" The team leader fell into thinking, "Isn't he a real person, but an AI, or a response program?"

“I don’t think the person I communicated with is like an AI, but the other two I can’t tell,” Simon said. “Whether it’s the logic of the conversation or the tone, I feel like it’s a real person.”

"You were the first one to get through. I guess the person you were talking to was a real person. The other two people were a step slower. The Zeus was too busy, so they responded directly using the answering program." Soap said, "Anyway That’s what I think.”

"But don't you find one thing strange?" the transport plane pilot suddenly said, "The Ark was attacked by unknown creatures, all communications with the outside world were interrupted, and the garrison was forced to abandon the outer area and shrink its troops... Logically speaking, I Fang should be completely suppressed by the enemy... but the other party seemed to be very relaxed when he said that he would send a force to join us. Since his troops can travel freely inside the Ark, why don't they regain what they lost? What about those blocks? There is no room for counterattack, so how can the Zeus troops break through the enemy's siege and come to us?"

"I think you may be overthinking." Soap said. "It's possible that the enemy's encirclement is not complete and there are many loopholes to exploit. It's also possible that the battlefield between the enemy and survivors only exists in a local area and has no impact on the Ark." The core area is surrounded... Don't look at the disgusting fleshy carpet that wraps up the entire Ark. We entered the Ark and found that the interior is actually quite clean... If other blocks are like this If the West 12th District is like this, it shouldn’t be difficult to travel freely.”

The team leader was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head: "We have no other better choice. Let's go to the safe house first and wait for them to come and meet us before we make a decision."

"By the way," the transport pilot suddenly looked at Simon and asked, "Did Zeus say how long it will take for his people to get here?"

"No." Simon shook his head. "I asked, and he only said it would be soon. I originally wanted to ask more questions, but he cut off the communication on the grounds that the communication terminal might be monitored."

"I always feel a little weird... but I can't tell what is wrong." The transport plane pilot frowned. "If the communication terminal might be monitored by the enemy, wouldn't it be weird if he directly told the location of the safe house? Danger?"

"But I always feel that it would be more dangerous to stay where you are." Zao Yao looked around and said, "There is no danger in this place at all. I think the top priority is to find a place where I can be invisible... The 'quickly' that the big man said, ghost Do you know whether it means hours or days?"

"My suggestion is to abandon the safe house," the transport pilot still insisted. "We can go to the power plant. There are also a lot of weapons and equipment in the security force's barracks there, as well as a set of modular movable barricades. . As for the safe house, just leave a team nearby to guard it, wait until friendly forces arrive, and then come over to notify others. "

"No." The transport plane pilot's opinion was rejected by the team leader. "In this case, splitting up the troops is a taboo. The safe house is several kilometers away from the security force station in the power plant. A round trip is the fastest. It also takes more than ten minutes. It is difficult for people in the two positions to support each other, and communication is not convenient. Once something happens to one party, the other party may not know about it."

After the team entered the Ark, the scout team obtained several sets of walkie-talkies powered by lithium batteries from the power plant to replace the potentially dangerous military communication devices powered by energy crystals. However, they soon It was found that the radio interference inside the Ark was very serious. The power of this civilian walkie-talkie was incomparable to the military version. When it was more than ten meters away, everything was filled with current noise, and it was impossible to hear what the person on the other end was saying.

"The DAS safe house is very reliable. It looks like the same concrete and polymer structure as other nearby buildings. In fact, the walls are all embedded with explosion-proof armor and can directly withstand the fire of a 160 mm caliber cannon. Direct attack. And there is a secret passage underground leading to a secret exit... Even if we are attacked by the enemy in the safe house, we can hold on for a long time. If that doesn't work, we can also transfer through the secret passage." said the team leader.

"Why do you know so much about DAS's safe houses?" Soap glanced at him and complained, "Are you a secret stake planted by the Security Bureau in the army?"

"No, I just participated in the siege of a DAS safe house." The squad leader explained, "All members of an agent team rebelled and joined the heretical sect. Our Spear Squad was still serving in the garrison at that time, and we were ordered to fight with Three other teams of agents went to clear out these traitors. We lost several brothers trying to break into that safe house... Others in the team have also experienced this, and you will know as soon as you ask."

Including Simon, the other members of the Spear Team nodded.

“The safe house was just like a bunker.” A soldier recalled. “At that time, due to the restrictions of the security treaty, we could not use those high-power weapons, small-caliber mortars and explosives for fortification to connect the door of the safe house. None of them could be blown open, so in the end I parachuted down from the roof and blew open the ventilation ducts, and then I was able to enter the safe house."

"Then doesn't this safe house still have a weakness, the ventilation duct?" Giraffe said.

"No, other Security Bureau agents who participated in that operation wrote a report after they returned. In addition to the content of the operation, the report also included a detailed assessment of the safe house's defense capabilities. After that, the Security Bureau compiled all the strongholds on the Ark and The safe houses have been renovated, and this weakness has completely disappeared," the soldier said.

"It seems like this safe house is really safe..." The giraffe nodded.

"Without further ado, let Group A and Group B return to the team. Everyone, move towards the safe house." the team leader ordered.

Twenty minutes later, everyone arrived at the location of the safe house told by "Zeus" - the intersection of the fourth side street and the main road. In addition to the three-story building that served as the safe house, there were three other The directions are all two-story buildings or bungalows. With the safe house as the center, there is no building much taller than it within a radius of 300 meters... Although this design will make this three-story building stand out among the bungalows. It's a little eye-catching, but at least there's no risk of being spied on or even sniped from a high place.

The other three places on this crossroad are all street-facing shops. Two sell food and one is a grocery store that specializes in selling various second-hand items. Only the street-facing pavement of this safe house is sealed with a brick wall and painted in white. A big word "Demolish" was painted on the paint.

"Good guy, is this still an illegal building?" Looking at the word "split", Soap couldn't help but said.

"When this kind of safe house is not in use, no one lives there permanently. If the shop fronting the street is left idle for a long time, it will easily arouse people's suspicion. It would be better to just count it as an illegal building to save trouble." Simon said, "As for when it will be 'demolished' , just say hello to the local management department, there are countless reasons for delay, find one every month, enough to cope with several years."

"Then how are we going to get in?" Soap turned around and asked, "A safe house like this usually has a mechanism, right? If you just break in, you probably don't even know how you died, right?"

"When it is not activated, there will be no fatal mechanisms in the safe house, otherwise the corpses of a few thieves who died inexplicably will be enough to cause a headache for the local management department." Simon said, "The anti-theft performance of the safe house itself is enough to prevent ordinary thieves from being killed." The thieves are kept out, and those who force their way in through violent means will trigger a hidden alarm device to notify a nearby special agent team to come and deal with it."

"Well, I understand. Anyway, there's no one else around now. Let's just break in and be done, right?" Soap said.

"That's the truth." Simon walked to the rusty side door, picked up the gun, and shot at the door lock, smashing the door lock into pieces, and then stretched out his hand to push the door open.

Suddenly, a smell unique to an empty room that has been vacant for a long time mixed with flying dust and hit the face.

"That's it? Is this the door that even mortars and attack explosives can't open?" Zao Zao looked at the broken door lock with some surprise. Compared with other houses in this residential area, it was indeed special. It's a good lock, but it's still a civilian product that can be bought on the market, and it doesn't even have bulletproof function.

"That is the safe house after the defense mode is activated. In addition to this door, a palm-thick armored door will be lowered from the back. At the same time, all the windows will be sealed, turning the entire house into an airtight Iron bucket." Simon said as he walked inside.

There are a lot of old furniture in the house. There is a thick layer of dust on the furniture. There is a lot of garbage piled in the corner. Several tattered cardboard boxes are scattered in the living room. Inside are some cans that have expired for a long time. Food and daily chemical products.

If a thief or curious person did break in, he would think it was an abandoned house, not a safe house for secret agents.

Simon groped on the wall for a while, and soon discovered the location of the mechanism - he stopped in front of the photo frame that had no photos inside, the plastic shell was severely aged, and the glass cover fell into pieces on the ground, and picked up the glass fragments on the ground. , pieced together piece by piece like a puzzle.

When the last fragment was put into the picture frame, a grinding sound came from the corner, and a hidden secret door leading underground appeared in front of everyone.

"Underneath this should be the control center and weapons depot of the safe house." Simon turned around and said, "As long as the defense mode is activated, this safe house will immediately become a fortress."

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