Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 105: Nianyue Master

Qin Fei arrived at Wuliang Temple in the evening.

This temple has no magnificent decoration, a black tile, white lime wall, in this deep forest, but also complement each other.

There are not many pilgrims, it may be too late, only two people along the way, one or two monks clean the leaves of the steps, quiet, beautiful.

Qin Fei entered the ceremony hall of the Buddha, the stone statue of the Buddha, the treasure is solemn, not sad or happy, watching the heart is very calm.

Qin Fei went to Muxiang, and immediately came to the merit box, and asked Xiao San, who was on the side: "How much is the small master, how much is the incense money donated?"

"Everything goes with it." Xiaosha bridges the eleventh ceremony.

It’s good, no minimum spending is set.

Qin Fei cast a penny, and Xiao Sai’s mouth was obviously pumped, but he still kept the etiquette: “Thank you for the donor, do you need to use fast?”

"There is work." Qin Fei nodded.

Xiao Shami led the way, passed through the brothel, and went to the house, but saw an old monk locked in the door.

Xiao Sha may have been unhappy with Qin Fei’s glutinous rice, and immediately smiled: “I’m so embarrassed that the donor, the squatting room is snoring, it’s better to stay in the room for one night, and eat some morning tea tomorrow?”

Since it’s a fight, Qin Fei didn’t say anything. Unexpectedly, the old monk who locked the door heard the conversation and quickly said: “The donor has not used Zhai? The poor is for you.”

Xiao Shami quickly said: "Looking at the Master of the Moon, is this not a rule?"

“Let the pilgrim starve, it’s more irregular.” The old monk seemed stubborn and reopened the house.

Qin Fei is really embarrassed, and my heart decided to donate more incense money tomorrow.

Entering the house, the inside is very clean, the table and chairs are not stained, Qin Fei wanted to help the Master of the Moon to get started, but the old monk said that Qin Fei is a guest, there is no reason for the guests to do it.

After waiting for a while, Nianyue Master gave out two dishes and one soup, which were a seasonal vegetarian dish, a fried meat, and a bowl of green bean curd soup.

The vegetarian dishes are refreshing and delicious, and the tofu soup is light and delicious. As for the fried meat, it is absolutely perfect. It can hardly be eaten with tofu. It can be fake.

Qin Fei had a few bowls of rice, and he only admired: "The vegetarian dishes of Wuliang Temple are really worthy of the name."

"The donor has a good reputation." Nianyue Master packed up the kitchen utensils and smiled lightly.

"How long did the reading of the master of the moon?" Qin Fei was somewhat curious.

Nianyue Master thought for a moment: "When I was 12 years old, I was assigned to the house, and I had to do it for fifty years."

Qin Feiyuan thought that the Master of the Moon was a half-way monk. He did not expect to stay in the middle of the age. No wonder he could make the vegetarian food into a god.

No, this old qualification, how can I be a supervisor, how can I still mix in the house?

Qin Fei did not hold back and asked this question.

Nianyue Master smiled embarrassedly: "The qualifications are not good. In the same door brothers, the number of my Dharma is the worst. Even the complete verses can't be read. If you don't cook, you will be driven out of Wuliang Temple. It is."

Originally, Qin Fei talked with Master Nianyue for a while. His life experience, without one thousandth of the cooking skills, Qin Fei was a little lacking. He left and went to the room of Wuliang Temple for a night.

There was no dream overnight, and the next morning, Qin Fei was awakened by a burst of snoring.

At the first glance, it was the Superintendent’s reprimanded that the Master of the Moon had spoiled the ingredients. It is estimated that yesterday’s Shami had a small report.

The master of Nianyue was a lot older, but he was like a grandson by a 30-year-old monk. Qin Fei was unhappy, and in the face of the superintendent, he took out ten or two silver donations.

The Superintendent has not seen such a large amount of incense money for a long time. He laughed out a chrysanthemum on his face and did not refer to the mulberry. He said: "Look at the moon, what are you doing, and quickly make breakfast for the donor. The donor wants What to eat, despite the instructions."

The Supervisory Hospital and Xiao Sha Mi Xing went away with great enthusiasm. The Master of the Moon read the 11th ceremony of Qin Fei: "Let the donors spend the money."

"No problem." Qin Fei originally intended to thank the Master of the Moon.

At breakfast, the master of the moon gave Qin Fei a plate of vegetarian meat, a dish of peanuts.

Qin Fei was very enjoyable, so he borrowed the kitchen and made a bowl of vegetarian rice noodles for the Nianyue Master.

After the Nianyue Master had eaten it, he was ecstatic when he changed his previous appearance. "How can it be so delicious?"

"I teach you to make rice noodles, you teach me to make meat, how?" Qin Fei proposed.

Master Nian Yue agreed to come down with almost no hesitation.

In fact, the production of vegetarian meat, Qin Fei will be half.

The previous process is similar to the production of stinky tofu. The soy bean is beaten and beaten. After adding the special point of halogen, the surface of the soy milk will condense a film.

Pick it up with a bamboo stick, stack it on a bamboo pole, don't pile it too thick, and then press it down slightly with a wooden board. This will make the taste of the meat more tight, and finally put the bamboo pole in the sun. Exposure.

The dried meat after drying is very hard. When you need to eat it, put the meat in the water and slightly soak it, then slice and fry, the taste is the same as the meat.

After a daytime, Qin Fei made a vegetarian meat, and the Master of the Moon learned to make rice noodles. Both of them were very fulfilling.

Halfway through, the Superintendent made a special trip to ask Qin Fei not to listen to the Buddhist scriptures. Qin Fei directly refused. It is not only interesting to hear that the Buddhist scriptures have not been eaten, but also because Qin Fei and Nianyue Master have been in contact for a long time, and they have found that the other side is talking and doing things. The feeling of being too wise and ignorant makes people benefit a lot.

For example, Qin Fei asked when he was bored. You always read Amitabha when you study Buddha. What would Amitabha read when he encountered difficulties?

Nianyue Master thinks for a moment: "It should still be Amitabha."

Qin Fei smiled: "Where do you have your own name?"

Master Nian Yue scratched his bald head and said: "It may be better to ask someone than to ask for yourself."

Qin Fei was stunned for a long time. He only felt that a person who could not understand the Buddhist scriptures was more like a Buddha than those who were familiar with the scriptures.

In this way, Qin Fei cultivated himself for two days in Wuliang Temple. This morning, he was ready to leave.

However, I heard that the Superintendent was mourning the Master of the Month. Qin Fei wanted to help the Master of the Moon to say a few words, but found that things were not as simple as imagined.

In addition to the Wuliang Temple, there is also a nunnery, the incense of the nunnery is not good, the disciples of the doorman are very bitter, and sometimes they will borrow salt from the Wuliang Temple.

This morning, a small nun came to the hospital. The court was generous and promised to go down, but the master of the moon could not give it to the salt can.

Qin Fei feels that the Master of the Moon is not such a stingy person, just want to ask the situation.

At this time, the nun, an older teacher, came to the Wuliang Temple. Although the years have erased the face, it can be seen that the teacher is very beautiful when he is too young.

"Is it necessary to borrow money from the poor?" The teacher is too faint.

The Master of the Moon is like a mouse when he sees a cat. He immediately climbs from the Give a can of salt to the teacher's hand with a smile: "Give it to you."


Fifty years ago, the abbot of Wuliang Temple came back from a foreigner to a ten-year-old nephew, saying that he was a reincarnation of Luo Han and was accepted as a disciple.

The deaf children did not live up to the abbot's hopes, the savvy is extremely high, the savvy is extremely sturdy, and the sacred Buddhist scriptures will be seen at a glance, and they can sit on the argument with the old man at a young age and have no chance of defeat.

However, one day, a little nun named Qiuyue borrowed salt. The Wuliang Temple at that time was also very poor. He refused to borrow it. The little monk happened to see it and took the salt of the house to the little nun: "As long as you come As long as I am, I want as much salt as I want."

After that, the little monk was punishable by the Lord of the Buddha. His qualifications were dull and he could no longer learn the Dharma.

This story is an old pilgrim telling Qin Fei.

In the fasting house, eating vegetarian rice without salt, Qin Fei relished.

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