Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 110: Secret of the sea

Qin Fei took the kitchen case and pulled out a kitchen knife from his waist. He was ready to start cutting fish.

"Little brother, you wait!" Zou boss was shocked and quickly stopped Qin Fei.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fei asked.

Zou boss swallowed his throat: "Inside, you still have no other knives. If you don't have one, use me."

It is a matter of life to make fish, and different parts should be treated with different tools. It is best to cut the small willow knife. Qin Fei takes out a big knife that kills pigs. It is against common sense.

"Of course there is." Qin Fei thoughtfully, do not return the kitchen knife to the waist.

Zou boss is relieved, this occasion, don't be kidding.

As a result, Qin Fei pulled out a larger kitchen knife from the other side and immediately began to squid meat.

Zou Boss is stunned, so big a kitchen knife, why do you kill elephants?

I saw this scene in the middle of Meichuan, and couldn't help but laugh.

Zou boss hesitated or changed himself. Although the left hand knife was a little worse, it was better than Qin Fei’s kitchen knife. I wanted to change it back.

As a result, Qin Fei got a good sound and took the knife. He gently put the fish on the case into a bowl of clear water.

The previous fish was piled up together, but the effect was not seen. Now the water is scattered, and the silk is a trace. The fish is like a silk thread. It is not slender, it is not bad, the length is the same, and it is neat. .

Zou boss has a big mouth, even if he is in the peak state, he can't cut the fish to such a degree. Moreover, Qin Fei also uses the most mad kitchen knife!

What kind of superb knife is this?

The reason why Qin Fei has such a knife is because the system instills the snack making process also contains a certain knife method. Under the fusion, Qin Fei's knife method is pure and green, and has reached the level of freewheeling, but the fish is not a piece of cake.

In fact, in China, there are many chefs with such a knife, and the top Chinese chef, a kitchen knife is enough to hit the world.

Look at the pirate chef, but also slowly complete the shot, put the fish in the clear water, although it is very thin, but a lot thicker than the hair, and many are broken.

High judgment.

"Good!" The passengers on the cruise have applauded.

Zou boss admired Qin Fei for a while, and immediately yelled at the Meichuan inside: "Jumping the clown, not fast!"

In Meichuan, the face was blue and white for a while. I thought that Zou’s boss was injured and he won the prize. Unexpectedly, a young man jumped out and could be so powerful.

Meichuan Nene understands that the craftsmanship of his own chef is not a small young opponent at all, no matter how many times.

Tianlongguo is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

But he did not want to return empty-handed, and he argued: "You change people in the middle, do not talk about the rules first, so you lose, and you will hand over the money, don't force me to kill!"

If you are not allowed to change people in the middle, say it early, and now you can't afford to lose it.

Now the boat sailor's morale is great, and some male passengers also pick up the tables and chairs, and the odds are much more.

Qin Fei feels that it is now hands-on, passengers will not have much loss, there will be no nonsense, the first to launch an attack, pounced on the inside of Meichuan.

Shooting people first shoot the horse, and the thief first smashes the king.

As for whether there will be masters in the pirates, Qin Fei has previously observed that they are a little martial arts, but absolutely not in the air, Qin Fei can cope.

Mei Chuan inside felt that Qin Fei had broken his good deeds and saw him rushing to himself with his bare hands. He was in the middle of his arms and pulled out his sword: "No self-reliance!"

"The little brother is coming back!" Zou boss was shocked and gnawed his teeth and told the sailors to attack.

However, at this time, a strange scene happened. Although Qin Fei did not take weapons, he was swaying at the angle, and he was in the blade of Meichuan. He contained huge force and directly flew his weapon.

Immediately, Qin Fei’s other palm hit the chest in the middle of Meichuan. He slammed, and Meichuan didn’t make a sound, and it was directly blown up.

Qin Fei is now the eighth-order cultivation of the power, there are five hundred pounds of strength, under the breeze of the fire, the moment broke out, at least there is a huge force, Meichuan Nene is still weaker than imagined, so it will be fried It is.

Other pirates screamed, but did not escape. Instead, they showed the fierceness of the desperate. A group of people immediately joined hands to chase Qin Fei, and the other group killed the passengers who looked better bullied.

Qin Fei shouted: "Zou boss, you only protect passengers."

When Zou Boss saw Qin Fei slaughter the dagger, he admired his heart and immediately obeyed the command: "Good!"

The sailors slammed into the entrance of the cabin.

Qin Fei is hard to load once, and it is a pirate who kills, without any psychological burden.

Open and close, like a life-threatening pirate, the pirates die.

Because Qin Fei contained half of the pirates, other pirates wanted to attack the passengers, but they were blocked by Zou Boss and others, and they did not succeed.

Seeing that Qin Fei had already killed the pirates, the desperate people began to fear and immediately fled to escape.

"Where to go!" Qin Fei smashed the pirates on the deck and jumped out of the sea, ready to chase the enemy.

The passengers cheered for Qin Fei: "The strong man is mighty, killing the pirate film without leaving!"

Qin Fei didn't swim a few feet away, and suddenly his look changed and he sank.

Then he struggled to float and sank again.

Others saw this scene, and they didn’t understand what happened.

There is an elder who looks pale: "Bad, this little strong man must have touched the ghost!"

People living on the beach should have heard a lot of legends about the sea, because many people have drowned in the sea and turned into devils.

Otherwise, such a powerful person can't be so embarrassed?

The passengers were scared and pale, and Zou boss was courageous. He tied the rope around his waist first, and a fierce plunged into the water and took Qin Fei to the deck.

"Little brother, what happened to you?" Zou boss asked.

Qin Fei took off the wet shoes and rubbed his toes. His face was painful: "I just had a cramp in my feet."

The passengers stunned face twisted, want to laugh and dare not laugh.

You are so special to say that it is also a master, the prestige has killed so many pirates unscathed, the result of the sea swim a few feet less, the foot cramps almost drowned?

I thought it was a water ghost.

It’s a pity that several pirates have escaped, saying that the pirates are good enough, and a few fierce players have disappeared.

Qin Fei looks regretful, Zou boss can see it open, persuaded the poor to chase, and ordered people to bring clothes to Qin Fei.

The boat returned to calm, the passengers helped to clean up the blood of the corpse, and it was elated. In the future, Laozi was also a pirate, and he had a face.

Under the dimly lit sea, the pirates who had escaped from the previous drowning were sinking quickly. They looked terrified and struggled with all their strength. They couldn’t make it as if they had been caught by something.

In the end, all the pirates died in the deep sea.

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