Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 135: Alien

Qin Boss, why do you think about opening a store in Houpu County? "Drink a little beer, Rong Shaoye feels not so hot." With your craft, even if you go to the capital, you can have a place. ”

“I am traveling, learning new ingredients by the way.” Qin Fei simply said.

But Hopu County doesn't say that it's delicious, even if it can't be eaten, Qin Fei came here to help the victims.

Rong Shaoye understands this and feels very much: "I am a family of Houpu County. I reasonably said that I should assume this responsibility, but it is far less than an outsider of Qin Boss. I am really ashamed."

"I also advised me to open a warehouse to release food, but it was like asking for his life. I couldn't make it anyway. I watched many people starve to death."

Rong Shaoye thought of the starving victims, and remembered the stubborn father, so angry that tears rushed.

Qin Fei thinks that this young master, although always a cold and clear, but the heart is better than anyone else.

"You have done a good job, you don't have to blame yourself." Qin Fei patted him on the shoulder.

"You don't have to comfort me." Rong Shaoye covered his face.

"It is not comfort, it is a fact." Qin Fei continued. "You secretly take out the things at home to help the victims. Many people can live because of you. The horse thief will enter the county seat and you will repel it. Including the mountain tonight, It is also that you have been mediating with it."

"If there is no you, Houpu County has long been a dead city."

Master Rong heard this and thought a little bit about it, but he felt that he was so embarrassed and always could not lift his head, so he often denied himself.

Qin Fei guessed his psychology, and the words turned: "In fact, have you ever thought that Rong may know that you are stealing things from home to help the victims."

Rong’s young master stunned and said: “I’m going to go high, I’m agile, how can he know!”

"There are fewer things on the books, should you know?" Qin Fei smiled.

Rong Shaoye wants to refute, but he can't refute it. He said with amazement: "What do you mean, my aunt always knows that I am doing this, but I have not broken it?"

Qin Fei nodded.

“Why can you?” Rong’s young master stood up excitedly.

"That would ask you to ask him personally." Qin Fei replied.

Rong Shaoye took two steps and went out of the window. He urgently needed to know the truth!


In the middle of the night, the guards of Rongfu began to sleep and sleep, but Rong is very spirited and did not sleep.

"Is the young master coming back?" Rong said, worried.

"It shouldn't be there yet," the steward replied.

After a moment of silence, the butler asked: "There has been something that I don't understand. Why didn't the master showdown with the young master?"

Rong Rong sighed: "He has been a hero since he was a child. To help the victims, he has to spend money?"

"I am embarrassed, not very capable, can only support him in this way."

"But lord..." What the steward still wants to say, Rong Rong yelled: "Don't say anything, do what you do!"


The dialogue in the house, the glory of the outside of the house, heard clearly, can not help but burst into tears.

In order to achieve his son's name, when he is willing to bear the notoriety.

"Auntie!" Rong's young master couldn't help himself anymore. He pushed open the door and ran out of his face in a blink of an eye.

Rong Rong, while holding his trousers, chased and shouted: "Children, not what you think, my uncle and your housekeeper are innocent!"

"Just my pants are slippery, he helped me bite the thread."


Early the next morning, another group of victims set foot on the south, and Houpu County became more and more deserted.

Qin Fei has some comfort in his heart. When he has no victims, he can continue to travel. When he is idle, he plans his next destination.

At noon, a voice broke the tranquility of Houpu County.

"Wow, here is Houpu County, the house looks good!"

"This house is so lavish!"

A young man dressed in a ragged, obviously fleeing, but as if traveling in Houpu County, is incompatible with the existing atmosphere.

Immediately, he saw Qin Fei’s signboard, as if he had screamed like a chicken blood: “When you hold it, Guanyin can change it for free, so good?”

Qin Feixin said that this person must have certain spiritual problems, but there is no discrimination. He said politely: "Please redeem the maran sugar."

"Good boss!" The young man took a nap and immediately ran to the end of the team.

"It’s good, there are only five people in front of me.” Young people counted and counted.

After a while, the young man laughed: "There are only four people!"

One of the victims in front of the disaster could not bear it, and reprimanded: "What is the price to be happy?"

The young man replied: "Can you change the Guanyin soil to eat? Isn't it worth the pleasure?"

The victims groaned and bitterly said: "You can't eat for a lifetime."

"Oh, your idea is wrong. People are destined to die from the moment of birth. Do we live every day to worry about how to die in the future? I think it should be like this, wow, live another day. ,so happy!"

Young people's tone and expression are particularly tense, and people want to laugh when they look at it.

The big bitterness shook his head and didn't want to pay attention.

But young people can't keep up, continue to instill their own theories, and later say: "Look at your bitterness and hatred, so let me tell you a joke."

Regardless of whether others are willing to listen, the young man just said: "There is a wizard who cursed a man and can only say one word a year. The man has a beloved girl. In order to confess to her, she has not closed for three years. After three years, the man rushed to the door and wanted to find a girl to confess. As a result, he did not pay attention to the squatting on the threshold. The man said, "I am jealous."

After the joke was over, the young man laughed and became a neuropathy. The victims did not laugh, and they looked like a fool.

"Hey, why don't you laugh at such a funny joke? Don't you understand?" The young man wanted to explain the explanation carefully.

There is a middle-aged man who is overwhelmed: "Enough, take away your stupid jokes."

"Everyone has experienced a great disaster. Some people have lost their wives and children. Some people have lost their parents. How do you let them laugh?"

The young man put away his smile on his face, but he didn't smile, and the scene returned to silence.

Perhaps this is the atmosphere that should be there during the disaster.

But the young man suddenly spoke again: "When I was a child, my family came to the gangsters and killed my mother. I wrestled with the gangsters and was killed. I was hiding under the bed."

"Later, I was sold by a trafficker to a big family to do a small I ate water every day, and I would beat it if I didn't pay attention. My arm broke three times."


The young man said a lot of tragic things, and the big man in front did not hold back his tears.

"It’s an unfortunate child." Someone said with sympathy.

"No, no, actually I am very lucky." The young man's look regained his smile. "Because I survived, compared to the most bitter time, now every day is getting better, shouldn't I be happy?"

Several victims have been stunned for a long time, perhaps infected by the smiles of young people, or they may feel that this makes sense. They smiled and shook their heads.

Qin Fei has seen many victims in the past two days. Everyone is frowning. This young man is really a stranger.

But somehow, the mood is getting better.

I wish every stranger and wish me happiness.

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