Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 139: Gourmet weight

Late at night, Qin Fei alone packed up the shop, the body had to arrange a few people to help him, but Qin Fei declined, both because of the lack of living, but also not used to strangers to intervene.

The layout of this shop is very similar to that of Qin Fei's snack bar. The building is upstairs and downstairs. Downstairs is a large room. Qin Fei has a kitchen stove table and chairs. Upstairs is a small attic that can live.

After the things were placed, Qin Fei began to lick the soup head needed for the bridge noodle and decided to start selling breakfast tomorrow morning.

Adding the broth of authentic cloud legs, it is a finishing touch, and the taste has improved at least one grade, which is delicious.

Qin Fei is also stewed with stewed chicken, chicken and pig blood. This is the side dish of the whole family's tank line. After being cooked, it will be simmered for a night. When it is eaten tomorrow, it will not be sticky.

After doing this, Qin Fei thinks of something again, runs the door to hang the signboard of the outside snack bar.


The bustling Tianlong City is quite deserted in the middle of the night, especially in the west of the city. There are almost no figures on the street.

However, a young man appeared on the street, and the autumn night in the north was still very cold. The young man ran and squatted.

His name is Li Cai and he works in the dentistry. The dental era in the feudal era refers to the intermediary industry, not the dentist.

It is a matter of enthusiasm for the teeth to get up early and get off work late at night.

Li Cai turned a corner and rushed: "Fouber, come bowl of dumplings."

Li Cai has a habit. On the way home from work, he will eat a bowl of dumplings before the booth of Fobo. It is both a hunger and an affirmation of today's efforts.

But the corner of the street tonight is empty, Li Caicai remembers, Fu Bo, who always sells dumplings in the middle of the night, went back to the countryside to get sick.

In the past, Li Cai did not think how delicious the bowl of dumplings was, but now it can't be eaten.

After all, the mellow dumplings accompanied Li Cai’s countless nights, like a full stop, has become a habit.

Although the stomach is very hungry, he does not want to eat other things, not wanting to try new things, but also a belief.

Only the dumplings are a perfect nightingale, the rest are heretics!

Therefore, Li Cai ignored the recruitment of several other food stalls, and walked down his head, preparing to go home and make his own dumplings.

But walking and walking, there was a tempting taste of braised pork, which was different from other fascinating goods. It was like a slender hand, and opened the night, constantly licking his mites.

Looking up, a new snack bar does not know when it will open, and the store is hanging a signboard - "outside snack bar".

Li Cai went to the snack bar two steps, suddenly alert, and jumped back one step further, it was dangerous, almost confused, and hateful heresy!

However, it smells really good.

After all, Li Cai couldn't hold back. He came over and asked: "Boss, what is your family selling?"

Qin Fei looked at the people below on the ladder and replied: "Rice."

Li Cai did not hear it at all. He was curious: "Oh is the rice noodle."

“It’s just grinding the rice into powder, making it like a noodle. After boiling, it’s white and tender. ☆ After pouring a steamed meat on it, it’s delicious, oh...”

Qin Fei simply described it, along with the scent in the air, Li Cai can imagine what the scene is, not to be coveted.

"Can you do it now?" Li Cai couldn't help it anymore. He had to taste the white and tender rice noodles in the end, and the braised pork with the red and bright fragrance.

After saying this, Li Cai comforted himself in his heart. This is not to betray Tang Yuanjun, but to explore the enemy.

Qin Feiyuan was only doing business tomorrow, but when the customer came to the door, he did not have anything to do, he promised: "Yes, give you a bowl to taste."

Qin Fei went back to the kitchen, took out a bowl of rice noodles in boiling water, broke into the braised pork, and asked: "Do you eat spicy?"

Li Cai repeatedly waved his hand: "I don't eat spicy."


"Can't eat too."

Qin Fei did not force, everyone's tastes are different. He remembers reading a report saying that some people can't eat parsley, it is not a taste, but a genetic decision. About 10% of people will I think the parsley has a soapy taste.

Putting the whole family cylinder line to the table, Li Cai looked at it. As the Qin Fei described earlier, the rich braised soup was soaked with white tender and smooth rice noodles, like noodles but not noodles, and there was also full of meat. Block, aroma.

Li Cai picked up the chopsticks. Unexpectedly, the rice noodles were too slippery. They couldn't pick them up. They tried it a few times. They had to follow the bowl and cut a bite.

This kind of eating method will make the rice noodle meat and the soup juice all over the net, and bloom in the mouth together, you can experience the tenderness of the rice noodles, the crispness of the meat pieces, and the richness of the braised soup.

Li Cai’s blink of an eye has never been so big: “God, how could it be so delicious!”

After saying that this kid is not afraid of hot, almost buried his head in the bowl, eating the non-spoon.

They are teethers, and the diet is not regular. Li Cai ran for one day today, and he didn’t have time to eat lunch. He was naturally hungry.

Even with the soup with water, Li Cai eats the rice noodles cleanly, because the weight is enough, a bowl is full, he sat full of satisfaction, and a tiredness dissipated.

Li Cai gasps a few mouthfuls: "Boss, this is the best night snack I have ever eaten, no one, right, how much is a bowl?"

The diners are like this, as long as they can make a meal that impresses them, they will not praise.

"Five fifteen money." Qin Fei said.

Li Cai nodded, although it was a lot more expensive than eating glutinous rice balls, but the meat was much more, and it was worth the price. Li Cai immediately counted the money: "Boss, when are you open in the morning?"

"I haven't decided yet. When do you usually go to work?" Qin Fei didn't know the rules and regulations of Tianlong City. Let's take a look at it and do a morning market.

"Ordinary people, probably at the time of Chen, but we are the early teether, it should be at the beginning of the moment." Li Cai face is bitter, since doing this, he has not slept, and time is too Early, it is estimated that you can't eat Qin Fei's rice noodles for breakfast.

At the beginning of the time, about 5 o'clock in the morning, Qin Feisi said: "Then I will start business at the beginning of the day."

When I heard this, Li Cai stunned and suddenly his eyes were red.

They are toothy, running on the streets and alleys of the city every day, they can be seen everywhere, but no one has ever cared about them.

Of course, Qin Fei’s decision is not all for Li Cai’s thoughts, but Li Cai feels that he has received attention.

“Thank you for your hospitality!” Li Caicheng happily hugged Qin Fei and turned to the Looking at the back of the young man, Qin Fei inexplicably remembered one thing he had just graduated from college.

At that time, the place to rent was far from the company. Every day, I went to catch the bus very early. There was a pair of buns sold by the old couple near the station. But because Qin Fei was too early, the first cage steamed buns did not steam out, and I often had to wait. for a while.

If the bus is coming, Qin Fei will not buy a steamed buns and go to work hungry.

After two or three such experiences, this situation has never happened. Every time I arrive at the station, there is a hot steamed buns that have just been steamed out.

Later, I learned that it was the old couple who got up for an hour to get up the buns in order to get these young people to have breakfast.

Sometimes when you buy a steamed buns, the owner will say something to you in a special way: "Young people, come on today!"

At that time, because of the youngness, I felt that a stranger said that these things were uncomfortable to myself, but now I recalled that I especially missed the buns at that time. The latest chapter of the novel outside the snack bar, Chapter 139, the weight of the food 1: https://

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