Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 155: unprecedented

When the auction price soared to 40,000 gold, only two of them were still competing, one of which was Chen, one of the four major northern banks.

Chen Jiaben started his business as a wine business. At least half of the top ten wines in Tianlong are brewed by Chenjiaxia.

Since Chen’s family knew this Feixian liquid, the elders in the family had decided to buy the formula even if they sold the iron.

Not only do you think that the market of Feixian liquid is huge, but they have a deeper understanding than others. It is found that Feixian Liquid contains an unprecedented winemaking technology, and as long as it is mastered, it can be applied to other liquors.

At that time, Chen Jia can copy countless Feixian liquid-class wines, and easily earn back today's money.

Therefore, Chen’s determination is more determined than other businesses.

"Four thousand and two thousand gold!" Now, Chen’s young master, on behalf of Chen’s business, shouted a price that would make everyone breathe.

Even in the auction history of Tianlongguo, it has never reached such a height.

Forty-five thousand gold, so that only one of the remaining competitors was daunting and gave up the competition.

The staff at the venue all praised: "The young master Chen Da is good at it."

"It’s not a Chen family, but a rich enemy!"

The young master Chen Jiada has a cloud-like look and enjoys the glory of the moment.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhao Jiashang, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly said: "Zhao's business, 50,000 gold!"

When I heard this, the venue suddenly exploded.

"I got it wrong? Five thousand two gold!"

"There is no buzz in front, and I think that Zhao’s business has withdrawn. It turned out to be a big move!"

"Speaking back, can Zhao's firm be able to come up with so much real money?"

The young master Chen Jiada looked at the VIP room where Zhao’s firm was located. It looked as usual, as if the price of the five thousand two gold was not in the mind: “Chen’s firm, 55,000 gold.”

"Zhao's business, six thousand two gold!"

"Chen's business, 65,000 gold!"


These two firms, you come to me, each time you increase the price by five thousand two, your eyes are not awkward.

This is not copper or silver, but gold.

Everyone in the meeting seemed to be watching the gods fighting and shivering.

Gradually, the young master Chen Da, who is light and windy, is also somewhat difficult to parry. Although their Chen family has the determination to break the boat, the 820,000 gold is the limit of Chen.

When Zhao’s business bank shouted 85,000 two gold, Master Chen Da grinned and said to the venue: “I asked the auction to suspend a musk.”

This is a privilege that can only be used by VIP seats. The auction process is suspended and is generally used to think about or prepare new funds.

The meeting agreed to the request, and Chen Dashao sent a hand to raise funds. On the other hand, he came to the VIP room where Zhao’s business was located and asked to meet with Zhao Ru.

Zhao Ruben did not want to see it, but he agreed to it because of a kind of jealousy.

When Chen Dashao entered the VIP room, he said to Zhao Ru: "Women, you are playing with fire and self-immolation."

Zhao Ru was originally apologetic. He could hear this and said in a wrong way: "How do I play with fire?"

Master Chen Da said with no expression: "First of all, you should not have so much money to mobilize. If you open such a price, you will inevitably be opposed by the family."

"Secondly, you are the woman I recognized by Chen Dashao. One day, you and I will become husband and wife. The two companies can also be combined into one. There is no need to fight for the current bloodshed and cause my resentment."

"Finally, I don't really like you being too close to other men."

Speaking of this, Chen Dashao looked straight at Qin Fei.

Zhao Ru is a slang, and Chen Dashao is too arrogant.

She didn't want to talk to someone like this: "Please go out!"

Chen Da’s young master did not move, and said to Qin Fei: “Are you jealous, Miss Zhao called you out!”

Qin Fei didn't contain the squirting tea. This buddy overbears the president's text and sees more?

Zhao Ru angrily said: "I told you to go out, don't force me to do it."

Zhao Ru’s attendants began to be on the go, and Master Chen Da was unbelievable, but he didn’t want to make things big at the auction. He snorted: “Remember what you said today, I hope you will ask me in the future. It can be so hard at the time."

Qin Fei was not very concerned about it, but Master Chen Da suddenly said such a sentence, and there is the potential of the big villain. It is played on TV, so he asked Zhao Ru: "Do you want to use this Chen business? Is it gone?"

If it is a weekday, Zhao Ru will be a joke when Qin Fei, but now Qin Fei does have a way to let Chen's business bank fall apart.

Let them take the high price to take the formula of Feixian liquid, and then turn back the formula to open the formula, close to 100,000 gold to float, Chen family can not afford.

"Fu Jun is a person who does big things, Chen family I will deal with it." Zhao Ru looked at Qin Fei with affection, and whispered in his ear.

Qin Fei thought about it and believed that Zhao Ru’s strength did not say much.

Soon, the time for the suspension of a musk will expire and the auction will resume.

Chen Dashao directly reported the price of 100,000 gold, and did not increase the price according to the gradient of 5,000. The atmosphere of the venue was once again pushed to the climax.

In order to end this meaningless auction as soon as possible, Zhao Ru began to step up and shouted the price of 120,000 gold.

Just when everyone expected Chen Jia to report what price code, Chen Dashao did not say anything.

"Twelve thousand gold for the first time!"

"Twelve thousand gold for the second time!"


The auctioneer knocked down the auction and ended the auction.

The venue gave a warm applause: "It seems that the Chen family is still a poor one, and the Zhao family is the head of the four major trade names in the North."

Of course, some people sing badly: "Chen Jia will bid for Feixian liquid at a high price, because they started from the beginning of winemaking, and the industrial strength is strong. Zhao Jia spent a lot of money to buy Feixian liquid, which may not earn back 120,000 in the short term. The profit of gold There are people who ask Chen Dashao if he misses the flying fairy. Is it regrettable that Chen Dashao reveals an inscrutable look: "Sayon lost his horse, knowing that he is not blessed. ”

In fact, when Chen Da reported less than 100,000 gold, he had already exceeded his ability. He was purely deliberately pushing up the price and digging the pit to let Zhao Ru jump.

Sure enough, Zhao Ru also increased the price by 20,000 and spent 120,000 yuan to buy gold.

Her situation in the family is not optimistic, and certainly can't produce so much money, and Chen Dashao also sent people to contact the Zhao family's several elders, which will inevitably block the funds within the family.

Once Zhao Ru has no money to pay, he can only come and buy himself. At that time, the wine party is his own, and the person is his own.

Chen Dashao was very excited about his wise decision, so even if the auction was over, he still couldn’t leave, waiting for Zhao Ru to come to the door.

The result has been sitting in the middle of the night, and even the root hairs have not waited.

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