Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 169: The Croods

The sacred sage saw the destruction of Dan, angered and attacked the heart, vomiting blood and dying, but the innate fire of his life left the land and burned the land into scorched earth.

The twelve disciples felt that they had lived up to the expectations of the saints, and they died in the sea of ​​fire and followed the saints.

The fire of the gods was thus calmed down, and it was hidden in the ground. However, it was not allowed to re-drill the ground in a period of time. The people of the twelve disciples also shed the blood of sinners. At this time, they need to make large-scale sacrifices. The sacrifice can only calm the anger of the fire.

In this way, after thousands of years, the descendants of the twelve disciples can only live forever and live forever.

The giant bear family is one of them.

After listening to this story, Qin Fei has mixed feelings: "What can I do for you?"

The old man said so much, he must have asked for Qin Fei. She replied quickly: "You are a saint in the world. If you can get your forgiveness, the curse of my family for thousands of years can be dissolved, and the saints are merciful!"

Even if their ancestors were guilty of negligence, but after so many years have passed, the punishment has been enough, Qin Fei beheaded, prestige said: "Well, I forgive your sins."

The voice just fell, I wonder if it is a coincidence, the giant bears in the crater inside the wind, the ancient stone altar suddenly raised the fire, the whole space shine bright, hot.

"What is this again?" Qin Fei asked.

The old man looked dignified and said after a half-sound: "Shenzhen is fighting against your will!"

Immediately after the old man said a few words, the giant bears of the giant bears burst into a crowd, forming a wall in front of Qin Fei, blocking the heat.

However, the flame in the altar burned more and more, and suddenly exploded, and everyone was shaken by the waves.

Qin Fei was fainted because of injury.

Qin Fei had a dream. The strange thing is that he knows that this is a dream. When thinking is clear, it is generally clear.

There is no ups and downs in this dream, it is a void space.

Gradually, this virtual space began to shine, with objects, Qin Fei seems to be in the original jungle.

This feeling is very real, can smell the smell of rotten leaves, can hear the rustling insects.

An old man wearing a animal skin stepped from a distance. His body was not tall, and the facial features were very general. However, the imposing manner made Qin Fei have the urge to worship.

"You are a saint of the fire?" Qin Fei’s head ran fast and said such a sentence.

The old man squinted: "I am a fire."

Qin Fei’s heart was amazed. The mythical story is really true. But if the myth is true, then the identity of the saint is also true, so don’t be afraid, let’s calm down: “You call this seat, why? thing?"

Well, Qin Fei used the word "this seat", and the momentum is still there.

The old man said with no expression: "You are the saint of the future, want to forgive those people's sins, I can give you this face. But you need to make a bet with me, if you win, if you want, if you lose It is necessary to take back the previous words."

The other party said a word - "the future saint", that is to say, now is not, Qin Fei's heart is awkward, no wonder the other party can resist themselves.

But the other party seems to be unable to help himself. Qin Fei’s mind estimated the chip and immediately asked: “How to gamble?”

"The grass and trees here are all plants of the ancient world. Some can eat, some are poisonous. There is a small tribe just moved here, a total of 30 people. They are starving to death. If you can find a way Let them survive for three days, then you will win." The old man paused. "But if you die one day in three days, you will lose."

Qin Fei did not agree, the rules of the game set by the other party will definitely benefit the other party, so Qin Fei said: "It doesn't sound interesting. I think it's a lot more fun. So, let's dance with the keyboard. The difficulty is your choice. Let's win or lose!"

The old man’s mouth was pumping, and the ghost knew what Qin Fei was saying. He was cold-faced: “No, I can only gamble according to my rules.”

Qin Fei smiled: "Why do you have to listen to your villain when you go to the bet?"

The old man snorted: "I have the life of the twelve tribes in the desert."

Qin Fei thought about it, it seems to be Ha.

However, Qin Fei was reluctant to accept this and added a condition: "You must not have more than human power to intervene here."

If a sudden natural disaster or a wild beast strikes, even if the old man directly kills, Qin Fei will lose.

"Good." The old man thought a little and promised, "Can you accept this bet?"

"No problem, I will let the 30 people live for three days." Qin Fei is full of confidence.

"The gambling contract begins." The old man's coffin face finally had some smiles and disappeared.

Listen carefully, there is noise in the distance in the jungle, it is estimated that the location of the tribe, Qin Fei shuttled away.

Incidentally, in this dream, he is free to move his hands and feet, but it is not affected by the injury, but it can't be used for repairing. It is estimated that it is limited by the fire.

Qin Fei tested the system, but the system can be used. Qin Fei touches those plants that are strange and strange, and can analyze toxic and non-toxic, can be eaten by humans.

I am afraid that Shenhuo did not expect Qin Fei to have such a plug-in.

Qin Fei took some wild fruits and was bright and juicy. Those primitive people were not hungry. Let them fill their stomachs first.

In the end, Qin Fei passed through a bush and came to an open space and saw thirty primitive people.

Qin Fei thought that they looked like monkeys, but the group of giant bears, the Venavini priests and mothers, were among them.

"How could it be you?" This saves the trouble of contact. Everyone knows, Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

But this group of primitive people only have the appearance of giant bears, but they have no memory at all, and the language is not good. Instead, because of the sudden appearance of Qin Fei, they are scared to jump up and down.

Forget it, just raise a wild fruit in Qin Fei’s hand has lost a past.

This group of primitive people was scared to go straight to the banyan tree, and seemed to be terrified of this bright fruit.

After all, the more vivid the natural laws, the more dangerous.

"You can eat!" Qin Fei helpless, holding the fruit and smashing it up for demonstration.

The primitive people saw this scene, swallowed and swallowed, climbed down from the tree, and slowly approached Qin Fei, making an excited voice.

Qin Fei gave the fruit to them: "Stop the team, don't squeeze, don't grab, everyone has a share."

The original people got the fruit, and they danced with excitement. Then they joined forces to raise Qin Fei.

"Don't just have a few fruits, see you happy." Qin Fei did not expect that he could be so popular, and very happy.

Then Qin Fei was tied to the barbecue.

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