Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 7: Positive name

The night market has not yet entered the peak. Qin Fei’s snack bar has already sat for seven or eight adults, and more active sources are coming to the early adopters.

Chu Youzhen is responsible for serving and greeting guests. This quiet girl, this is a beautiful meal, and the crawfish that she has come up seems to be more delicious. The guests are very addicted.

Not long after, a 40-year-old show-like guest came forward and looked a little embarrassed: "Qin boss, Xiaosheng wants to trouble you for a little help."

"Oh? Please." Qin Fei was puzzled.

"My mother's age is already high, but I have never had a good time for my mother to live a good life. Recently, my mother gave birth to a child. I heard people say that lobsters are delicious. Why are they shy in the bottom of the bag? I really can't afford the price of seafood on that day."

After a pause, Xiu Cai respectfully gave a gift: "The crawfish cooked by Qin boss is delicious, not worse than the lobster. Can you help me to lie down and say that this is a lobster?"

Qin Fei thought for a moment and directly refused: "Although I can understand your filial piety, but the store operates in good faith, crawfish are not lobsters, I can't lie."

The show knows that it is difficult to be a person, and he is frustrated: "That is abrupt."

"But..." Qin Fei turned and looked at the diners who were present. "The guests, now the crawfish has been on the market for three days. I don't know if the taste is satisfactory?"

The diners have said: "The taste is absolutely!"

"How is the lobster?" Qin Fei asked again.

Yunjiang County belongs to the inland cities. Seafood needs to be transported from the coast. The price is expensive. There are not many people who can afford lobsters. Only a few people replied: "No more."

"In this case, why crawfish can only live in the wilderness of the mountains and cannot be seen by the world like lobsters. But when there are all kinds of things in the world, there are times when the dragons are leaping, so Qin is the name of the crayfish. From now on, this How is the dish called 'Spicy Crayfish'?"

Xuan Xuan mainland does not have the name of crayfish, unified call for crawfish, Qin Fei proposed to be the first.

The guests groaned and thought that the crayfish was more interesting than the crayfish, or there was also a vanity mentality. If you say it in the future, you will not eat cheap crawfish, but crayfish, and it looks like a good face. They have joined together: "Good name!"

"Qin thank you all for your support. Some of the diners who are here later will give each other a new snack." With the reward of Qin Fei, the diners are elated and more recognized the crayfish title, but also curious about what the new snacks are. .

"Secret." In the face of the inquiry, Qin Fei sold a slap in the face and screamed at the diners.

Standing on the side of the poor show, looking at Qin Fei, eyes seem to have tears flashing.

Previously, Qin Fei refused to deceive his mother. He was very frustrated, but did not expect that Qin Fei would directly change the name of this dish to crayfish, and the phrase "but all kinds of things in the world, there are times when the dragon jumps." The scholars who have repeatedly failed to test are encouraged.

"Mr. Qin Da En, unforgettable in the next." Xiu Cai eyes red, once again a ceremonial, this turned and left.

As for the Chu Cub, when I was fine, I watched Qin Fei cooking on the sidelines. I felt that this man with a clear and heavy fireworks atmosphere was purely like a child.

But he is not a bad person, very principled, willing to do something within his power for those who meet.

This man is so handsome...

Thinking about it, Chu’s little face was red.

Not long after, Xiu Cai brought back an old woman who was walking and twitching. The old woman had white hair and her cheekbones were high and her eyes were gray. It seemed to be a blind person.

The scholar helped the mother to sit down and shouted: "The boss, come to twenty spicy crayfish!"

The old woman is a little panicked: "Children, lobsters are so expensive, you order so much, you can't finish it."

The voice of the scholar is a bit embarrassed: "Mother, my son has money, you open it today."

After a short time, Qin Fei fry a pot of crayfish, the aroma is tangy, and Chu Chuanyu is on the table.

The scholar immediately peeled off a grain for the mother, and the old woman chewed a bite. The murky eyes seemed to be bright and praised: "The lobster is really delicious. It can be alive now, son, you. Also eat."

"Good mother." The show was on the mouth, but gave all the chopped crayfish to the old woman.

"Right, I heard that the lobster is very big. Why is this a little finger throwing meat?" The old woman had some doubts.

"So this is crayfish, it's much cheaper." The show hesitated for a moment, so to speak.

When I heard it cheaply, the old woman was satisfied and nodded: "Yes, it’s all a taste, why should you eat that expensive?"

Looking at the mother and son, Qin Fei was quite touched. When he was young, his family was poor. He said that the chocolate was delicious, and he asked his parents to eat chocolate.

Parents can't afford it, they went to buy a big bag of brown sugar. When it was okay, Qin Fei took a sip and continued to eat until the junior high school, and happiness passed through the whole childhood.

This kind of good lie contains the feelings of parents and children. It is not despicable, but it is dazzling.

Qin Fei felt a touch and fired a large pot of crayfish, which was sent to the show.

The show was a little flustered, whispered: "Girl, I don't have so much."

Even if the crayfish is cheap, the show can't afford too much.

Chu’s eyes are like a crescent: “The boss said that these shrimps lack arms and legs, and they are not good enough to sell, so they are used to give away.”

The eyes of the show are red again: "Thank you."


The Lin Kee Seafood House in Beimen Road is more popular than the snack bar in the opposite world. Lin Donghai’s shopkeeper is furious and swears at the little cook: “Don’t you say that you are guaranteed to complete the task?”

The little chef turned his head down and was embarrassed: "I think Qin boss is a good person."

The subtext is that stealing secrets is immoral.

"He is a good person? Fart!" Lin Donghai was so angry that he exploded. "I ask you, is the girl who is applying with you a good look?"

The little chef’s face is a little red: “It’s pretty.”

"This is not the case! What kind of **** is difficult to help people, clearly is to see the girl's beauty, waiting for the hidden rules in the future, so scum, you still think he is a good person?" Lin Donghai said more angry How can such a good thing not turn to yourself?

The little cook was said by this, and there was a bit of a letter. He gnashed his teeth: "It turns out that it is awful!"

Lin Donghai snorted: "You young people, no hair on the mouth, do not work hard, if the business of the restaurant is not good, you have to roll out!"

The little cooks apologized again and again.

Lin Donghai calmed down a little, and indulged for a moment: "Forget it, or the old man personally went out and let you see what it means to be **** or old spicy. Give me the old wine of the eighty-two years."


The third floor of the Seafood Restaurant is a high-rise, overlooking the entire Yunjiang County. The Yanchao head in the county is in a bad mood today, and the face of the table is full of enthusiasm.

It’s not a worm’s trouble. The county’s lord has issued an order to let the hunter’s servant not catch the thief and go to the mountains to catch the locusts. The more locusts are caught, the less they are reprimanded.

Lin Donghai came to toast and gave Yan a head to grab a cup. After drinking, Yan’s head was slightly relieved and praised: “Good wine.”

"If you catch the head, if you like it, there will be two treasures in the wine cellar. The little old man will then be sent to Yanchaotou." Lin Donghai smiled.

Yan’s head is like a refusal to welcome it. “If you can’t take it, if I take the treasure of the town store, how do you do business?”

Lin Donghai’s face was stunned and he sighed.

Yan catches his head and finds out: "Is there anything wrong with Lin's shopkeeper?"

Lin Donghai sighed: "Since the head is asked, the little old man said it."

"This Lin Kee Seafood Restaurant was founded by my grandfather, a hundred-year-old shop, but unfortunately it will be destroyed in my hands."

"Why is this?" Yan Chuantou was suffocated with appetite and quickly urged.

"As everyone knows, I have a lobster in the seafood restaurant. I recently opened a new snack bar in Beimen Road. It is called a snack bar in the same world. It also started selling shrimps. The price is low and it has taken away a large number of customers."

"If the skill is not as good as people, then in fact, he shoddy, grabbed the dirty crawfish from the field, posing as a lobster, and also known as crayfish, deceiving consumers."

Having said that, Lin’s treasurer looks sad and sad: “Please ask Yan to catch the head and be the younger one!”

Yan catches his head and is deeply stunned. How can he not know that Lin’s treasurer has the ingredients to add oil and vinegar and wants to use him as a gun.

However, catching the head from the seafood restaurant to get the card, get a lot of benefits, should be a helpless and innocent little busy: "In the broad daylight, there are such pits and abductions, this head is naturally not sitting idly by!"

In addition, Yan catching his head in the heart of the stagnation, is not venting, the outside snack bar is considered to be on the gun, and immediately with a group of brothers to go.


At the snack bar here, Qin Fei really fulfilled the promise of giving away a free snack. There is not much weight, and each table has a small dish.

You can see the appearance of this snack The strong man is scared to play the pendulum.

"Qin boss, if my eyes are not flawed, is this a locust?"

"What a joke, can you eat this stuff? Will it be dead?"

"take it and take it away."

Everyone felt that the lungs were tumbling, and they almost spit, and they protested.

The emergence of any new things must have a process of acceptance. Qin Fei took the lead and picked up a fried oyster. He said: "You are not poisonous, but there are many other effects. Occasionally eating is good for your health. ”

Everyone was indifferent, did not try, the expression was more and more disgusted, and the boss of Qin even ate the worms, not at all.

Qin Fei’s face is bitter, and it seems that he wants the public to accept the fried glutinous rice. He has a long way to go. Today, this is a try, since it’s not enough.

Just after the death of Chu, the fried oysters will be recovered, and a fat man will come over with sweat: "Dry, why?"

The coming person is the prince section, Qin Fei pointed out the retraction: "All here."

The prince paragraph said a word thank you for cognac, you are not welcome, grab it and go to the mouth of the sea.

The diners were scared: "This... isn't this the son of Wang's business?"

"In the middle of evil, I will eat this disgusting thing!"

When the prince was eating well, he was said to be irresponsible, and he was not happy. He said: "You know a hammer. Xiaoye just ate this, and cried Xiaocui, and he will go later. And little red flowers and small green tricks!"

The fat man swept the clouds, ate half a pot, and the wind rushed to the broth, and for a moment, he faintly heard the screams from afar.

The diners are watching the dog, are there such gods?

Someone couldn’t help but licked his lips: "Boss Qin, give me a try?"

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