After confirming the rewards for Lars and the others, Jiang Tian invited them to sit down.

Lars just told the whole story.

However, his description was too exaggerated and had a high artistic content.

Jiang Tian needs to have a more accurate understanding of the whole matter.

He asked Zhang Mou to describe clearly everything that happened from beginning to end.

Later, let the Jin Kong clan in Lars' team add details from the side.

After everything was fully described, everyone had a definite understanding of the incident.

First of all, Jiang Tian and the others received additional information.

This small world is called the Molten Small World.

It is a small world that suddenly borders the human world and opens the door to time and space.

The dilemma they face now is that the time and space gate of this small world has suddenly closed.

The closing of the space-time gate is inseparable from the alien race. It was them who tampered with it.

We can know this from the information obtained by Zhang Mou.

The alien race that uses such spatial secrets to seal the door of time and space is called the Purple Demon Clan.

There is an advantage to establishing such an intelligence.

This means that the closing of the space-time door is not an unknown and uncontrollable situation.

As long as the Jinkong clan can access the time and space gate, they might be able to crack it.

After all, when they rescued Zhang Mou and the others, the Jinkong Clan had successfully cracked the secret method from the Purple Demon Clan.

This time.

The Jin Kong clan in Lars’ team also expressed their opinions.

This purple demon clan should not be underestimated.

Their space secrets are very powerful.

If it weren't for their Jin Kong clan getting help from Jiang Tian.

Successfully evolve and can make up for the consumed space power.

Otherwise, it would not be that simple to solve the secret method of this purple demon clan.

But there is one thing that the Jinkong Clan can be sure of: "The secret method of space itself is very defiant."

"The price required is also very high."

"Just like when our family didn't have the help of our master, using space secrets meant sacrificing our lifespan."

"Obviously, the cost of using the space secret method by the Purple Demon Tribe is also very different."

The reason for mentioning this point of view is very simple.

When this Jin Kong clan member deciphered the secret method, he felt the breath of life from above.

I thought it was such a magical space secret method.

If there is nothing thick enough, how can it be used successfully?

Life is heavy enough!

Although it is not simple, it is probably not a problem for the Jin Kong Clan that has evolved so far.

In addition, Jiang Tian and the others also obtained other information.

For example, they have always felt what the special stone aliens are called.

According to the information shared by Zhang Mou.

The alien race composed of these stones belongs to the native race of the Molten Small World and is also a subsidiary race of the Red Realm.

It's called the Molten Stone Clan.

In short, the name of this alien race is very suitable for the occasion.

Moreover, among the molten stone tribe, there are different forms and different functions.

For example, among the Molten Stone Clan, there are those responsible for attacking, those responsible for defending, those responsible for monitoring the situation, etc.

The current engagement is too short.

The other party also has certain reservations, and the overall situation of the Molten Stone Clan is still a bit unclear.


Now the situation in the outpost of Molten Small World is not optimistic.

The closing of the space-time door prevents the transportation of logistical resources.

Although everyone's defense is still very good now.

No matter how the Molten Stones attack, there is no way to break through the defense of their outpost.

But such a beautiful situation is just superficial prosperity.

The fate of the outpost was doomed the moment the space-time gate closed.

But how could they, the human race, give up so easily.

Now, we are still looking for ways out and methods.

A team like Zhang Mou's team came out to search for information and find a way out.

After all, the strength of these students is relatively low-key and not easily noticeable.

But in their realm, they have terrifying combat power, and their safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

Even when encountering the Molten Stone Clan of the same realm, they can escape unscathed.

Even Zhang Mou and the others did not expect to seek a way out this time, and they found it.

But what they found was not a way out, but their own Boss Jiang.

"How about it? Just go back right now?" Lars on the side heard this place and said.

Jiang Tian took out new dishes cooked with the Golden Tribe and Hanyu Tribe from his space ring.

These new dishes are still steaming hot when taken out of the space ring. When the lid is opened, they still bloom with colorful light.

"Don't worry about rescue." Jiang Tian said while looking at Xue Ruyan, "We'll talk about it when my aunt comes back."

At this point, Jiang Tian looked at Zhang Mou, Huang Xing and others: "Eat first, and then talk about the rest after you're full."

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Zhang Mou, Huang Xing and other Hongwu University students didn't say much.

When Jiang Tian gave an order and made a decision, as long as there were no problems, they would just do it.

When they picked up their chopsticks and tasted the new dishes again, Zhang Mou, Huang Xing and other students were moved to tears.

They couldn't remember how long it had been since they had eaten dishes cooked by Jiang Tian himself.

Although the dishes Jiang Tian originally cooked are still preserved in the space ring.

But after all, it was cooking in the past, not like it is now.

And this new dish that has never been eaten before must have amazing effects and will surprise people.

As expected, after eating it, they only felt that their blood seemed to be burning.

And the blood power contained in these dishes is like adding fuel to the fire.

Let the blood burning in their bodies become more vigorous.

They have been in a high-pressure state in the Molten Fire World for this period of time.

Now they completely relax and release the pressure, swallowing such dishes, and their breath surges.

Just when they entered the state of cultivation, Xue Shengxin and others also returned.

As the main force now.

Naturally, they are responsible for the most important task, exploring the farther direction.

However, everyone did not expect that there would be such a big surprise after returning.

When they returned to the temporary camp, they saw students sitting cross-legged and entering the state of cultivation.

The expressions on their faces were stunned.

"This is..." Xue Shengxin came to his daughter and pointed at Zhang Mou and others in surprise.

At this time, Xue Ruyan also briefly introduced their identities.

After the identities were introduced, Xue Shengxin, Peng Qiuyu and others were all ecstatic.

Knowing their identities, they naturally knew what this meant?

The door of the house was right in front of them.


At this moment, the sound of blood burst suddenly sounded.

Zhang Mou suddenly opened his eyes.

He also stood up and let out a long breath.

He successfully advanced to the 5th level after breaking through the realm.

His breakthrough in realm really shocked Xue Shengxin, Peng Qiuyu and others beside him.

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