All Affirmative Slave Girls: Ten Minutes a Time 1000 Lynn
Murina's Confession
A room deep within the shrine of the Western Church headquarters.
A room that exists as if it were isolated from the outside world is a room in which not only the lay faithful, but also the serving priests and most of them are not informed of their existence.
There was an old man there.
An old man so dry that he is about to decay and collapse. There are no eyeballs in his orbit with open eyelids. While exposing her empty holes, she murmured at each one of them.
"Ah... ahh... the world is changing again... the poison child of the East has pulled the trigger..." I wonder if the Blood Sword will... slit the east and divide it into eight pieces... ah... what an innocent pupil. I wonder why I can cut through people and stay clean all the way here..... "
The Pope's "Unseen Eyes of God (Lex Talionis)".
A nun next to him wrote down his own words, which seemed like he was losing his sanity due to aging.
The old man's words, which can see others' sight from this world through every mysterious realm, are some information that is not here. Above all, this old man never misses the turn of events in the world. His words were important, even if they were fragmentary.
"Hah, you noticed the mud, too... yes, yes... this is the only place you can return it... oh, but..." There is another option. Damn, I'm flattered... I'm blessed... why would he have that opportunity... "
Moving my dead wooden fingers, I keep muttering that it doesn't make sense.
His objectivity, peeking from the faint orbits, envisioned all of the conceptual realm. It is not just the mysterious realm built on the teachings of the Western Church. The eyes of this old man are connected to the consciousness of almost everyone who is connected in chains from those who know the teachings of the Western Church.
Because he is the closest to all knowledge in the world, he seldom utters a word that makes sense to anyone.
In the world the Pope is looking at, the most intense transformation is in the East.
An enormous mysterious realm that has been empty since the immortal returned. There, the prayers of the people living in the Herbalia nation flow in.
The crystals of people's prayers of purity. Guided consciousness. The wishes of people similar to the lake surface rise, gather, and soar.
Looking at it, the old man laughs like a monkey.
”Hihi... did you make it?”
Losing his subjectivity, he looks at the changes in the world.
It's not in anyone's eyes yet, but it can't be mistaken.
”Crushing the jade sound, the Holy Sword... now there's another... world at peace... ahh, but...”
There are places he can't look.
The most isolated mysterious realm, "Herbaria Empire".
Born from the most venerable bloodline in the world, it is higher than a saint.
"The purple one alone will never see."
Only the end of the [Emperor], the master of the jade sounds that governed people, could not be reflected in his eyes.
Something unusual happened that day.
Ren, Mullina and Linley. The three of us were going to explore the dungeon. Meet at the temple chapel and enter through the altar that serves as the entrance to the dungeon.
Linley and her friends were at the reception of Tata, who had become completely familiar with her.
A nun with a box full of theology books on her back appeared.
"Y-Yes An-san...?"
The sudden appearance of no sign of Tata was taken by surprise. Linley hid behind Ren long ago, and Mullina was slightly alert.
Only Ren asked suddenly.
What is it?
"Let me lead the way."
It was an unanswered reply, but, of course, it could not answer the question.
Ren's response was stupid, and without any reaction, Ease Ann begins to walk to the altar.
Regardless, Ren and Murina let their gaze pass. Linley was the only one who refused to accompany me by shaking his head to the side.
But their will was worthless.
Don't stop, boy.
The Wall of Faith.
The walls of light surrounding Ease-Ann in all directions trap them. Len bitterly said that she was going to have to follow her, Murina shrugged her shoulders, and Linley despaired.
However, the following words also made room for Ren's face.
Unlike before, that sword is waiting for someone to pull it out.
To keep what is right and what is right.
Ease Ann took Ren and the others into the dungeon.
Ease-Ann accompanies you as you explore the dungeon.
Of course, Linley was the most frightened by the mysterious event that unexpectedly happened.
She is the one who most realizes the power of Ease Ann. She has a sixth sense, and as a sensation, she can know her identity.
And, of course, there are a few reasons why Linley could be attacked by her for no reason. My name is different, my country is different, so my view of religion is fundamentally different, and I made things up a little bit before. The more these overlap, the more likely it is to be destroyed by the light of Eze Ann's purge.
To an ordinary clergyman, it would be trivial, or to use an extremist mystery like Ease Ann could be a target for cleansing.
In other words, the current situation for Linley was no different from walking with someone who didn't know when to shake the blade down on herself.
"Why... why is he here...?"
At the risk of her own life, Linley grabs Ren's clothes by the back and moistens her eyes. Or rather, I'm crying a little. I spilled tears and rubbed my eyes.
Ren strokes Linley's head to calm her down, unable to stop crying.
"Linley, let's just calm down for a second." It's okay. Somehow, it's scary people... It's not like I'm scared, but it's okay! Somehow, I'm still alive! "
”Uri... I'm so scared... why is Ren-chan living with him...?”
"... why?"
"There you go! There you go...!"
After thinking about it, Ren could not say anything more because the reason he was alive was that [luck] was only a word away.
Although I am a child in the first place, I am more young than the actual age of eleven years old due to an excessive stress source called Ease Ann. The figure that can't get away from Len's back by grabbing it by the tiger is the child fox itself, who is locked in the nest and trembles. Even the narrow-minded Murina is full of small animals who are reluctant to pay attention to Ren's attitude.
"So, what do you say to both of you... in front of yourself...?"
This is Murina, who has no particular reason to be attacked. In her honest opinion, Linley snugly shut her mouth like a shell.
Woe to the mouth! When I thought about it calmly, it was a rude conversation, but I didn't seem to care about it. The Ease-Ann was well on its way.
While I was in the dungeon, the monster didn't appear in the first place. Perhaps Ren was purified before Mulina or Linley could sense it. Or maybe even the monsters in this area were destroyed before they knew it.
After all, she is a stronger person than Irritable.
I didn't know where I was going, and I was walking.
Suddenly Ease Ann stops her leg. Naturally, the three people who were walking as they arrived at her stopped. The three of them followed Ease-Ann's gaze as if they had reached their destination.
There, there was a space with an open sight.
"..... ah"
Who was that leaking voice?
There was a sword in front of everyone who stopped.
There is no divinity. In a small puddle is a slender, beautiful sword.
It looks beautiful, but it doesn't seem so sharp as to be suspicious if it has a blade, and it seems to be poorly used. It is a sword that can only be built for viewing.
Even though it didn't seem practical, at a glance it turned out to be the Holy Sword.
Ease Ann looks at Ren and points at the sword that's sticking straight into the center of the puddle.
Pull it out.
Ren stamped his foot at the words of the saint. The puddle touched my toes, and it was a rough wave.
"W-Well, that's..."
That was the sword Ren was piercing to pull out.
After learning about the past of the slave girl, Ren spread the rumor.
Ren used his network to spread rumors about the girl who was the Emperor. Only then, he made up a story with information that stayed in "Maybe", and spread the rumor of the last emperor "Maybe" to the people of this country.
It was all to make this.
I arbitrarily crafted a sword that people could think of by informing them of the existence of the [Emperor] who might have been there.
Ren walks up to the sword. I was looking for this. Always, long before you came to this city, long before that revolution began, since Ren, a child who could do nothing, heard rumors of a brave man and made his eyes shine.
Ren wanted to be the hero holding the Holy Sword.
"...... at last, I..."
Proceed through a puddle of water wetting the soles of your shoes with a wobbly footstep. Ease-Ann watches quietly. I reached for the handle of the Holy Sword. Linley gazes at her with a sticky spit. My fingertips were almost there.
There was a shock from the back.
The softness of the warm girl stopped Ren, who was in a state of forgetfulness.
"Stop it."
It was Murina.
She was hugging Ren with a bump on her back. Even though she was about to cry, she still clung to her waist with a desperate voice and held on to Ren as she tried to pull out her sword.
"Shall we get married?"
Murina said to the idiot.
The sudden confession, which did not distract people, calmed the scene down. Ren was exaggerating, Linley's eyes were wide open, and even Ease Ann's head was peppered.
Murina couldn't help but notice the reaction around her.
"Let's marry me, Ren." I can definitely make Ren happy. No matter where I am, I am happy to be with Ren, and I am confident that Ren will be happy to be with me. Being a lover, being blessed by everyone, getting married, having two kids and raising them together, makes me and Ren very happy. "
A happy future is told.
I didn't need a holy sword for the future that Murina would tell me as she embraced Ren.
With Ren and Murina around, I'm sure everyone will be happy.
"So don't pull out the Holy Sword."
Murina raised her face and complained.
Because of the Holy Sword, the girl who lost her mother and separated from her brother pleads with the person she loved the most in her life.
If you pull it out, Len will become a brave man.
The voice that was trembling with tears was never strong or loud. It was an adventurer girl's desire to become an adventurer just to appeal to the world that she did not need a hero.
"... Murina"
The two-sided blonde's hair is twitching and shaking.
I got a response just because I was called by my name. No, I knew the answer from the beginning.
"I came to this town yearning for a brave man."
"...... I see."
And now we have a chance to be brave.
"... idiot"
"I'm sorry."
Listening to the confessions of such a lovable girl, and being scolded for her idiocy, Ren came to this town, longing to be a hero.
I wanted to be a hero.
In front of the boy who wanted to be a hero, there is a sword that can be a hero.
That's why I'm pulling it out.
Shiranui, a cool sound rang.
It is inevitable that a holy sword was pulled out by the hand of a boy.
"That's why, Murina."
"... what is it?"
When the upcoming battle is over, please hang out with me.
The words suddenly returned, and Murina took a breath.
I tried to say something in a reflexive manner, but I turned to face it as if I had become infidelity in a reconsidered reaction.
"How about a slave girl do it properly?" Ren, you like her more than I do, don't you? Y-Yeah, even that Holy Sword... it's for her, isn't it? "
"I was shaken." It didn't work. "
"... you mean to me because I was swayed by my own orders?" What do you think of that? "
"No, that's not it. Um... I don't know what to say. Anyway, no."
Ren denies, looking for words to convey his heart.
If she were to confess to Murina because she was shaken by a slave girl, it would definitely not be the case.
Ren liked the slave girl. There is no mistake about that.
That's why Ren confessed to her the other day to set a line between his feelings.
Rather, she confessed to the slave girl in order to confess her feelings to Murina as she grew bigger and bigger and ruled her heart.
"It's me. I haven't thought about Murina since she confessed to me." I like slave girls. But... I think it's stronger to have respect as a person. "
Because she was of the opposite sex, the type of "like" was mixed up.
I don't necessarily think you're wrong about what it was like to be a slave girl. There are even dates between men and women that begin in that way. Rather, it may be that the relationship between a man and a woman who respect and honor as a person is often the beginning rather than the beginning of a fervent love affair.
It's impossible to fall in love with someone purely.
Even though she couldn't, Murina was purely in love with Ren.
When she touched Murina's feelings, Ren felt the same as Murina, so she understood.
Murina's the one I fell in love with as a girl.
The feeling of liking a slave girl was close to longing, and it was different from the feeling of liking Murina.
Beginning with a mistake, he showed favor to Ren so much that he knew that he was a girl, and even though he did that, he didn't like it at all.
It was a natural consequence that a 17-year-old boy could not but ask for such a lovely girl.
"With Murina just nearby, my feelings were shaken all the time. Every time she thinks she likes me, I feel like I'm going crazy. Murina filled my head, not once or twice. So it's not just for her that I'm going to be a hero. I pulled out this holy sword to scrape it all up and join Murina."
For Ren, she was the closest girl to the year when she came to this city. Although she was a tough seniors, she was the same generation who could not help but have a rival consciousness. However, there was an unwary younger appearance, and she became aware of the opposite sex irrespective of how cute she was. She didn't want to give herself to anyone else, and it seemed natural that she would not regret leaving her life.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long. I already like all of Murina. So when you fulfill the role of this Holy Sword, please go out with me."
Tears spilled from Murina's eyes. The wet eyes were glittering with joy.
I can't help it.
Murina suddenly wiped away the tears on her cheeks.
I wiped away my tears and made my elegant eyes glitter with joy, blossoming with a smile of all my senses in my victory.
I jumped into Ren's chest and said, raising my face as he staggered back with his hands.
"Fine, I'll spend the rest of your life with you."
Murina received the happiness she had grabbed for herself, in the same line that she thought she would say one day.
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