Chapter 1075 Improperly licking the dog (7)

   No matter how old you are, if you are not at the Golden Core Stage, unless you are specially valued, you are still an outer disciple. After reaching the Golden Core Stage, you can update your cultivation progress and enter the inner door.

   Just such a hurdle, many people cannot cross domains.

   Those who can really go far on this road are still very few in the entire cultivation world.

   Many people are just outside disciples all their lives, and they are willing to stay in the sect to make contributions, nothing more than to seek stability, and to have the protection of the sect, it is better than being outside. This is the world of cultivation, killing people and stealing treasures is a common occurrence.

  Three days later, Qianyan reached the beginning of the Jindan period.

   She didn't stop. She was very familiar with cultivation. After comprehending the essentials of the exercises, she practiced very quickly. The talent is good, and there are many resources in hand, and cultivation is like opening and hanging.

   After half a month, she reached the middle stage of Jindan.

   One month later, she cultivated to the late stage of Jindan.

   Another two months passed, and she reached the Golden Core Consummation, ready to hit the Nascent Soul stage. To avoid unstable cultivation, she consolidated for a month and continued to practice.

   The person who destroyed the Yin family was in the late Yuan Ying stage, so she had to practice at least to the Yuan Ying stage to help the Yin family tide over the difficulties.

   For the sake of safety, it is best to go beyond the Nascent Soul period. There are still about two years before that event, so don't worry for the time being, two years are enough to surpass the Nascent Soul Stage.

   Qianyan was cultivating earnestly in the house, but the outer disciples who wanted to trouble her were shut out.

   They wanted to break into the house to see what she was doing, but the disciples in the sect did not dare to touch the formation uniformly set up by the sect.

Once the    formation is attacked, it will attract the attention of the law enforcement team. If the law enforcement team is caught, it is not a simple matter, and it will definitely lose a layer of skin.

   "It's better if she doesn't pester Senior Brother Fang," said a disciple from the outer sect standing in front of Qianyan Gate.

   The other person nodded: "Yeah, I'm all complaining for Senior Brother Fang, how can there be such a fiancée, the two are obviously not compatible."

   "It's really cheap for her."

   "Speaking of which, she retreated this time when she came back, and didn't go to the medicine field to serve those spirit medicines. Did she get some good things from the secret realm this time?"

"Probably not. Brother Fang got very few things. This time it is an ancient secret realm. Because of this, the monks who went there are very powerful. It is said that there are monks in the tribulation period. She should see Brother Fang's cultivation. The speed is fast, and I am in a hurry to get something good."

   "What are you talking about?" Fang Tang heard the discussion from a distance, and saw Qianyan's door was closed and the formation was activated, her brows were wrinkled.

   actually closed.

   "Sister Fang."

   "Sister Fang."

   When many outer disciples saw Fang Tang, they hurriedly greeted him with respect.

  Fang Tang looked a little arrogant: "She closed?"

   "Should be in retreat, she will be locked in the room when she comes back. We are discussing whether she has learned something in the secret realm."

  Fang Tang was silent, probably not.

  Yin Qianyan got separated twice on the way, but still found nothing. She was not surprised at all. In the past two years, Yin Qianyan's luck has gotten worse and worse.

   Maybe every time the secret realm is opened, too many strong people enter. Yin Qianyan is only in the stage of foundation building, so it is not surprising that he can't get the first chance.

   If the other party really wants to get something good, then he has to be close to her eldest brother?

   and then give her some points, anyway, the big head belongs to the eldest brother.

   This time, she didn't receive anything, and her eldest brother probably didn't receive it either. When she went to retreat, she felt that eldest brother was not in a good mood.

   I just did some business with a certain treasure, and I came back with a heartache.

   The remaining three chapters are still being written.



   (end of this chapter)

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