Chapter 1304 Meng Po (40)

  Cui Ju was unbearable, and immediately passed the news to all judges, of course, did not forget Yan Jun.

   This is a matter of merit. If it is not discovered now, Emperor Jiang will be discovered in the future when he goes to the underworld and goes through the book of merits and demerits.

   However, Jiang Wenwen did indeed do those things. If he didn't find out today, Emperor Jiang would really have a mouthful of old blood in his mouth and couldn't spit it out.

  Cui Ju was so angry that his soul was trembling, Yan Jun really disappointed him this time.

   After a while, all the judges appeared in Jiang Wenwen's house.

  What Cui Juan wanted to say, Qian Yan was very direct, and placed a magic mirror next to it, showing Jiang Wenwen's various plans before, as well as the scene she and Cui Juan analyzed.

  The expressions of the judges were colorful and even a little surprised.

  Some people want to calculate the merits of Emperor Jiang, they are not surprised, after all, it is too tempting.

   But it turned out to be Yan Jun, they just thought it was incredible. Can a mere Jiang Wenwen really make Yan Jun make such a big change?

   Before they could think about it, Yan Jun appeared.

   When he received Cui Judgment asking him where to go, he expected that the matter of planning merit would be known.

   Seeing Qianyan here, Yan Jun was not so surprised.

   Lu sentence couldn't hold back his anger: "Jun Yan, Jiang Wenwen, why do you have to give an explanation, calculate Emperor Jiang's merit, and Jun Yan will not be afraid of Emperor Jiang's hatred in the future?"

   Yan Jun was a little silent, he had considered all these.

   Emperor Jiang will definitely be the Emperor of Merit in the future, but if he really cares about it, the opponent is not his opponent. When Emperor Jiang was furious, he could compensate with other things.

  Wenwen needs this merit very much, otherwise he will not be able to fulfill his identity in the underworld.

   But now it is revealed that all his explanations are useless.

  Cui Juan reminded: "Take care of Jiang Wenwen first." He glanced at Yan Jun's cold eyes a few degrees, and then began to get angry again, "This matter was done by Yan Jun, and the solution is still up to Yan Jun."

   Yan Jun didn't talk nonsense either, he directly stripped Jiang Wenwen's memory of "rebirth".

   To prevent him from doing anything, Qian Yan carefully checked Jiang Wenwen's soul.

  The other judges also checked it and saw that there was no problem, so Jiang Wenwen was spared.

   "Let's talk about things later." Yan Jundao.

   Qianyan said, "Jun Yan forgot about Jiang Shan."

   Yan Jun's eyes turned cold. Today, he didn't believe that Madam Meng was on a whim. He knew it so clearly, which showed that she had discovered it long ago and deliberately calculated today.


The    judges looked even worse, especially after finding out that Yan Jun had arranged a little ghost beside Jiang Shan.

  The little ghost was raised in Mrs. Jiang Shan's room, hidden in a clay doll, and never moved.

   As soon as he returned to the underworld, Qianyan started.

   Yan Jun resisted subconsciously and fought with her.

  Qianyan: "Jun Yan, let's go through the book of merits and demerits. You committed such a big thing, do you want to escape?"

  The judges did not expect Qianyan to be so direct, saying that if he takes Yan Jun, he will take it.

   "The small calamity of heaven and earth has passed." Qian Yan reminded, "Jun Yan should not need to suppress the ghosts."

   In a short period of time, Yan Jun thought a lot.

  Once he was arrested and went to the book of merits and demerits, he basically couldn't see Wenwen again.

  Therefore, he chose to escape.

   Yan Jun's actions completely shocked the judges.

   But Qianyan had noticed it long ago, and waited for her return before starting. Isn't she afraid that her power in Po Meng's domain would weaken outside, making it difficult to arrest Yan Jun?

   Right now near Naihe Bridge, it is easy for her to catch Yan Jun.

   She chased after the other party as soon as she fled, and Po Meng's domain strength was at its greatest, causing Yan Jun to stagger.

   Taking advantage of this time, Qianyan slapped Yan Jun in the air, and a chain floated out of his sleeve, directly binding Yan Jun firmly.

   She was really afraid that Yan Jun would not make mistakes, but she didn't expect that the other party would help Jiang Wenwen to steal merits. Her soul-sucking cable really came in handy.

  Lu Juing was shocked: "Meng Po actually has a soul hook?"

  Cui Ju: "I thought I didn't need it before, so I didn't take it out."

  Lu Ju: "I don't feel the same way about her soul-sucking cable."

   "Of course it's different, Yan Jun can tie it up." Cui Juong rolled his eyes, and Lao Lu Jin was talking nonsense and making a fuss.

   I don't know.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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