Chapter 1307 Meng Po (43)

   "Is it Emperor Jiang?" Yan Jun still wanted to ask.

   Qianyan: "It's him, now you should believe it, I prefer smart people."

   Yan Jun: Don't say this at this time, are you showing off her vision?

  Cui Juing suddenly realized that his feeling was not wrong. Emperor Jiang was so rushing in his work and devoted himself to the development of the Jiang Dynasty. It turned out that he was thinking about their first beauty in the underworld.

go with! That kid has ulterior motives, his ambition is so big.

   "Let's turn over the book of merits and demerits." Yan Jun said.

  Book of merits and demerits is a huge book of the Tao of Heaven. Yan Jun walked up to it and stood up, immediately showing all his past.

   Before meeting Wen Wen, Yan Jun was indeed an unselfish existence.

  Since meeting Wen Wen, what he does has become more and more biased.

   Especially the above shows that Yan Jun was quietly hiding aside, listening to the plots of several parties, stunned everyone.

  Chen Judgment, Xu Judgment, Zhang Judgment, looking at those pictures were completely bad, and they were all dripping with cold sweat. They finally understood what Yan Jun meant when he looked back at them before.

   Seeing that Chen Juing and the three wanted to sneak away, three more soul hooks flew out of Qianyan's sleeves, instantly binding them tightly.

   She had long expected this to happen, since Yan Jun knew the plans of several parties, as long as he stood on the merits and demerits book, he would definitely reveal some secrets to the public.

   The soul hook is not a gift from heaven, but she took the time to refine it.

   The people in this world are not very good at refining equipment, but she is very good at it. After figuring out the rules, she specially refined a batch of soul hooking ropes and immortal binding ropes.

   Don't ask why, ask is for everyone, be prepared.

   The blink of an eye on this side of the underworld is countless years, and she has to find something to do, so she can't waste her time.

  Cui Juong asked in a low voice, "Meng Po, why do you have so many soul hooks, which are much easier to use than those held by the messenger."

   "I made it myself." Qianyan didn't hide it, "I'm bored in my spare time."

  I was bored in my spare time, so I got a group of hooks that could bind Yan Jun and judges. It wasn't against them that they didn't believe it.

   Now there is only one sentence in the minds of all the members, Po Meng is really the overseer of the Heavenly Dao in the Underworld.

  The rest who did not commit any crimes could not help but feel awe.

   Especially Lu Ju, who looked at Qianyan with a lot of respect, he was usually an upright man.

   He and Cui Juing are two extreme beings. Cui Juing is an offending ghost by his words, and he can’t speak to offend a ghost.

   Just as everyone was thinking about it, the book of merits and demerits revealed someone they could never have imagined—the Emperor of Heaven!

  Yan Jun watched all this silently. The power bestowed on him by Heaven is very special, and his way of hiding is quite powerful.

  The Heavenly Emperor is a Heavenly Emperor cultivated by human beings.

   It can be said that there is no difference between the celestial world and the human world, but one is the human world where mortals live, and the other is the celestial world where immortals live. The biggest difference is the disparity of power.

   The Heavenly Emperor's calculations on this matter, on the surface, have little impact, the underworld can't control that side, at most it makes the Heavenly Emperor very embarrassed.

   However, Tiandao will definitely remember this, and Tiandi will have trouble in the future.

   Seeing the Demon King again, the members of the underworld became calm.

  The Heavenly Emperor has appeared, what is the appearance of a demon king? It's no big deal, besides, the demon king's plan was strangled by Meng Po from the very beginning.

   They looked at Qianyan in unison, their expressions became more and more serious, and they couldn't help but stand up straight, for fear that the supervisor would give them a blow.

   They carefully recalled in their minds whether they had done something stupid, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they found out.

   (end of this chapter)

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